10 Things I Love Sunday

Hello and happy Sunday! I am SO motivated and inspired this week!!!! It’s rainy and gross here in Nashville, but a lot of things are going just amazing. Emma and I have been working on some big ABM projects and also looking at properties … really exciting stuff we’ll share full details on soon! Also, I’m currently making cookies for Instagram so it’s hard to be in a bad mood. Haha.

1. I took the leap and am switching to a standing desk. I will be honest, I am pretty nervous, but also really motivated and hopeful that it will improve my long-term health because I sit A LOT. Would love to hear your experiences if you’ve tried it!

2. Currently making this DIY and it’s time consuming, but so much fun to make!

3. This round table is gorgeous.

4. Nova’s favorite basket. She currently asks to have a picnic EVERY weekend.

5. Favorite chapstick.

6. These sandals are so cute!

7. Just told Jeremy that I would watch Susperia with him if he would watch A Star Is Born with me (Our marriage is mostly negotiations like this and I’m not ashamed of it, haha.).

8. Did you know they make white salt lamps?

9. Gonna make some bow scrunchies soon.

10. These knotted rainbows are so incredible.

P.S. Our matching hair scarves are from here.

  • I’ve found that whether it’s standing or sitting desks, the most important part is that you’re making regular breaks to get moving! Standing still for a long period of time is not that much better than sitting still for a long period of time 🙂

  • With regards to a stand-up desk, I think they should be mandatory in EVERY office as sitting for long periods of time, although comfortable, is doing our beautiful bodies no favour!
    Thanks for your fun site- I read it every day 🙂 Take Care!

  • re: the standing desk, which i’m glad to see is a sit-stand desk, don’t beat yourself up if you’re not standing ALL THE TIME. for best results, one wants to have a mix of walking, standing, sitting, and lying down in life. my game is that i have to stand for at least 15 min in the morning, afternoon, and evening, the idea was to increase that amount to 45 min but it’s been years and i haven’t made that jump yet. i have certain go-to tasks that in my mind are my standing tasks, i will stand for them even if i’ve already gotten my 15 min ub. but other tasks are a disaster standing, and being that that’s anything that requires hard thinking (YMMV!) it wouldn’t do to pay any mind to fretting that i’m sitting rather than paying it all to the task at hand.

  • My favorite desk had a button that would raise or lower the desk so it could be used for standing or sitting. Unfortunately Mi is right- standing is slightly better but we need to be actively moving to do our bodies the best. Maybe one day you could upgrade to a treadmill desk? 😉

  • I have a standing desk set-up which I have cobbled together from a vintage cabinet. My one suggestion is to get a rubber mat to stand on. These come in lots of fun colors and they make standing so much easier!

  • Great list! I saw some bow scrunchies at Anthropologie the other day. They were cute but too expensive for my budget. Thank you for providing a tutorial so I can make my own!

  • I am desk jockey too, and had a standing desk for two years. I second what others say: immobility is the danger…and I found unless I was standing on a wobble board, I could stand stock still for an hour or more. And I started to develop varicose veins. Now I am back to a sitting desk that is ergonomically good for me. and what saves me is an app (I use one called Time Out, but lots of similar apps out there) that physically darkens my screen and freezes the keyboard. I have it set to do so every 30 minutes for 2 minutes. I have to get up and walk around: make tea, walk to the mailbox, throw laundry in (I work form home!) . IT has definitely upped my activity level. Just make sure you use an app that is not easy to override…or you will just end up sitting there for hours and not taking your breaks.

  • This picture is sooooo sweet! Love the idea of the desk, too – so nice to be able to adjust it as needed.

  • I am SO HAPPY fun hair accessories are back! When I was a buyer at anthro (hello, own horn, toot toot!) we had so much fun with resin materials, bobby pins, hair ties! All the things! Those turban headbands are so so cute.

  • Loved Suspiria (and I hate horror movies!) just for setting, costumes and dance scenes alone. But I might be biased since I LOVE Luca Guadagnino!

    Have you seen Call me by your name? The soundtrack alone might interest Jeremy a lot!
    The movie itself is a joy!

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