10 Things I Love Sunday

Our March weather is being very “Marchy” lately—in other words, it’s been almost 70 degrees one day and snowed the next day 2-3 times in the past few weeks. It’s so hard to get that taste of warm weather only to plummet back to winter, but as long as my precious peony buds are withstanding it, then I can deal and hang in there. We had our grass cut for the first time this year (our yard really needed a haircut!) and I went out to double check with the mowers that they knew not to mow over the small peony bushes that have already popped their heads out. I planted a bunch more last year and I can’t wait for them to bloom!

1. I’ve been getting tired of regular oatmeal every morning, so I made a batch of this easy granola for the first time in a while and I forgot how much I love it! I make enough for the week in one batch and then it’s an easy breakfast topped with banana and almond milk.

2. Need this to help celebrate my favorite time of day!

3. If I was having an Easter brunch with friends this year, I would love to make this! SO CUTE! We used to do a friend’s Easter brunch every year back in Springfield and it was a fun substitute for the big breakfast we would usually have growing up with my extended family after church. My Grandma’s house on Easter morning is still the only place I’ve ever been served kielbasa (a sausage that originated in the Poland/Ukraine area, but my family is German, so some of the Polish items crept into our meals as well).

4. Since Lola is in Daddy-Daycare, we thought it would be fun to get her something like this that she could play with in our den! We are trying to not have too many toys that light up and play music for our own sanity, but also so that she gets used to using her imagination and amusing herself with more simple things. She saw an activity table at a friend’s house recently though and loved it, so something like that table could be a hit! I’m tempted to get this one because it’s so cute, but I think she would like to stand at the other one better since she’s obsessed with standing right now …

5. I can’t tell if these are amazing or hideous but I’m leaning towards amazing …

6. I have a few spots in my house where I can’t seem to keep large plants alive, but I found this faux plant at Target (it’s the one in the above photo) and it looks so good that I bought two of them (their picture doesn’t do it justice, I promise). They use real dried leaves for the base of the stems and I think that really helps give the plants an authentic look.

7. Have you guys tried the Beyond Meat burgers yet? It is by far the best vegetarian burger I’ve ever had—it’s pretty amazing. It has 20 grams of plant-based protein and tastes delicious. We load ours with all the usual burger toppings and I honestly feel you wouldn’t know the difference if you didn’t tell someone it was vegetarian!

8. Love Oh Joy’s suggestions for “girl power” books for kids! I saw this one a few weeks ago in a store and thought it was such a good book to have available for girls today.

9. This adorable luggage set makes me want to go on a trip to anywhere just to have an excuse to use it!

10. I’m practicing finding a good drying method/brush/product combination to get my hair smooth from just drying it so I don’t have to straighten it as well (hoping to save time and have less heat on my hair). Usually if I just dry my hair my usual way it is frizzy and giant (and not in a good way), but for the first time ever this week I did a blowout on my own that I would actually wear out as is! I’ll let you know the full process once I feel more confident in it, but that’s a huge deal for me to accomplish on my own!

I think I am going to fill some Easter eggs for Lola this year, but instead of candy I’m just going to put blueberries in. She hasn’t had any refined sugar yet and blueberries are her favorite, so she’ll be very happy to open them and won’t feel like she’s missing out at all. We would always have to find our Easter baskets somewhere in the house growing up and we’d play “hot/cold” until we found it. Did anyone else do that or was that just us?? xo. Laura


  • Try marakesh oil for your hair! First off it smells AMAZING, but it leaves my unruly sometimes wavy-sometimes curly hair softer and with no frizz to concur.

  • Growing up my dad would hide easter “nests” around the house and the three of us kids would run around collecting them in the morning. We each had our own color, so it ended up being very fair.

    Gotta say, my mom didn’t love the nest messes, but it’s one of my fav holiday traditions we had growing up.


  • I absolutely adore your blog posts! They’re so inspirational! I love what you do, and the things you post is exactly the kind of things I’m interested in. Crafts, bakes favourites.. etc, I love them all! I’ve recently just started a blog of my own, which is linked in the box above. It hasn’t got much yet, but I’m hoping I can post continuously with good quality pieces that will help my blog grow.

  • Loooooove the Oh Joy luggage. I have had it sitting in my cart for a few weeks now debating on purchasing or not. I definitely don’t need new luggage but I want it so bad! My mom still does “Easter Egg Hunts” for us (and we are all over 25), last year we all got an empty 6 pack and they hid beers all over the yard- sooo fun.

  • And as you can expect, I’ve been researching a lot of things that are useful for blogger newbies like me. One of the things I came across was blogging ‘tribes’, and I thought they looked like a really useful and handy idea. I know you don’t have a lot of time on your hands, and it’s perfectly fine if you don’t- but I would really appreciate it if you could answer a few of my questions that I have. Please get back to me and I’ll send them through.

  • Always love these posts! I am with you on celebrating bedtime with that gorgeous blue sweatshirt – it look so cosy! That telephone mural is so awesome, love the colours!

    Holly from The Art of Being Holly xo

  • #4 We have the cube toy and all three of my boys loved it. My youngest is Lola’s age and just started playing with it.

  • We had to look for our Easter baskets (playing hot or cold), too! We also had kielbasa all the time. My family is also from Western Pennsylvania, though I grew up in Virginia, so I wonder if it’s a regional thing?

  • Man I wish I had an excuse to buy that luggage! Also re: frizzy hair–mine was always super poofy and frizzy until I switched to sulfate-free shampoos and only shampoo every other day. Letting the natural oils rebalance has massively cut down on the frizz. I’m also lazy and never blow dry ????

  • Hay there, About the Girl Power Books… Rebel Girls is just about the best book ever… EVER!!!! We have been reading it around the breakfast table as a family for weeks and weeks now… and every morning somebody asks, “So who is our Rebel Girl this morning?” The stories are short and sweet and the art work inspirational… just wanted to shout and say… Great choice!!!

  • If you are looking for a tool and not a product to straighten the hair while drying it, styling/forming airbrush could be one way to go! I have been using Philips AirStyler for a while now instead of a “normal” hairdryer and I absolutely love it. It is a rather cheap tool, can do much more than just straighten your hair and they boast that they do not damage the hair that much.

  • I absolutely adore your blog posts! They’re so inspirational! I love what you do, and the things you post is exactly the kind of things I’m interested in. ????

  • My parents hid our Easter baskets the same way. Our Easter egg hunts consisted of candy and quarters except one lucky winner would find the egg with a $10 bill in it. It was like winning the jackpot! The first time I had a Beyond Meat Burger I was freaked out that I couldn’t really tell the difference. I kept rechecking the ingredients to make sure it was in fact vegetarian!

    Love your Sunday posts, Laura!

  • I LOVE kielbasa! My town has a huge Polish population so it’s a big thing around here. And we always had to find our Easter baskets. I was apparently too good at it though so they wouldn’t give me any hints until I got really desperate.

  • i joke that it’s my life goal to find a way to air dry my hair — i’ve ALMOST perfected the blowout. PLEASE share 🙂 And I’d be happy to as well !

  • In regards to #10, I would highly recommend the Revlon Salon One Step Hair Dryer & Volumizer. It’s life changing! What you said was me in a nutshell…hate to have to dry and flat iron my hair to smooth it out and this thing gives you a salon blowout every time. I’ve never been able to round brush my hair while drying it and this thing is so easy to use. Its about $55 but so worth it. Good luck!

  • my hair has always been very frizzy and “large”! until my hairstylist friend gave me a kerotin treatment. now i can get the same hair at home that i do at the salon without anything more than some heat product for my hair and a blow dryer. i simply curl the ends a bit and that’s it. i don’t know if you’ve ever had one, i just know how much it’s helped me with my naturally curly hair. i live in south florida with 100% humidity most of the time and the frizz hasn’t reared it’s ugly head yet.

  • Plants displayed really make a change. Now I’ve learned that plants can be an asset to room. Thanks Beautiful Mess. You just gave me another idea to beautify a room.

  • I love Beyond Burgers! I recently tried the Impossible Burger, but I prefer Beyond. I really want to try their new brats and sausages!

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