10 Things I Love Sunday

Hey there. I always love to write these posts … it’s so fun and random! I am going through a big tulip phase right now. Flowers are making me SO happy!

1. LOVE these shoes. I will probably get the gingham, but the black is cute too.

2. Did you see that Instax FINALLY made a square camera? I want one SO bad … I think I might sell my other cameras and just switch to the square.

I love Polaroid, but the last few years all the film I have bought has been so poor quality (like wayyyyyy worse than what I consider a “charming imperfection”) that I’ve kind of given up. I think I’m going to use up the film I already have and make the switch.

3. I’ve started looking for a Father’s Day gift for Jeremy and nothing seems right. If anyone has suggestions of really amazing gifts you’ve found for your baby daddy, I would love to hear (he probably won’t read this, but I’ll take the risk … haha).

4. I just ordered this for Nova. SO excited.

5. I just switched my foundation to this primer and this full coverage bb cream and I am LOVING them. It might be the best foundation I’ve ever used—conventional or natural. The primer does a pretty good job of minimizing my pores and then the bb cream is full coverage, but not too shiny and not too cakey. It’s very good. I’ve been using it for about one month now.

6. This record stand from Etsy is so chic.

7. Personalized puzzles. This would be a beautiful gift.

8. These earrings!!!

9. This past week we’ve been adding a lot of newness to our Pinterest! If you aren’t following, go do that. It’s been fun to give it a little more love.

10. I’m currently prepping for a full-house shoot I am doing for Glitter Guide (so fun shooting for another blog since I almost never do that!) So I am refreshing my rooms and changing little details (and things that are bugging me). About to order another one of these diffusers for our entryway (the best!) and buy all the eucalyptus from Trader Joe’s and probably use this as an excuse to go plant shopping. I can turn anything into an excuse to plant shop—it’s a gift.

I hope you are having a lovely weekend! I have, of course, typed this up in advance and am currently (probably) being a human jungle gym for a certain 2-year-old (almost 3 … I’m gonna cry). Happy Sunday! Love, Elsie


  • I always liked having my children “buy” their favorite snack to eat with daddy. For example my daughter and husband both loved string cheese and would often eat it together.

  • Love diffusers and the record stand (who has records anymore?) Wasnt sure of the earrings, but a night out on the town might warrant them. The romper is adorable….everything is great except the makeup – price is way over budget. Does it work? I have found some cheaper makeup items that work great…..and I would rather spend my money on those adorable shoes…just my style…no heels, comfortable…..great blog.

    • It’s a personal preference, but I would rather pay more for clean/green makeup brands and save on other things. 🙂 They are more pricey a lot of the time, but not always. I will say primer and foundation are the MOST important makeup items to, especially this time of year I’m now wearing much.

      But that’s the beauty of being an adult- you can spend your $ however you want! xx

  • When my kids were little, I had them draw a picture of daddy and had it engraved on a silver key chain I ordered from Etsy. I wanted a double sided one, so I had them weld two together, so it was extra thick. My husband loves it to this day. Just search up child artwork keychain on Etsy and you will have lots of options.

  • I saw this artist or website, did pictures of the star maps from Amy the excact moment, for example the moment J became a dad and met Nova in China. Dont know if it is a bit Cheasy, but it still pretty cute.
    In my home we give the mother/father a surprise day with the family, something inexpensive that we all do together. This year (fathers day is on tuesday here in Denmark, and is also a holiday to celebrate our constition) we are going on a picnic and a hunt for gigant wooden trolls, that the artis Thomas Dampo, has placed in secret places in the nature.

  • I’ve been looking for a good primer! Mine from Naked is almost out. Thanks so much for the recommendation. If it’ll help me look like you, it’s gotta be awesome right?! 😉

      • Jane Iredale kills it. Always. The pressed powder is SUCH good coverage and my favorite makeup ever. I also use the setting spray (red bottle) and it smells SO good. Her eye shadow is super pigmented and I love everything I have ever tried from this line!

  • My baby daddy and I always try to get each other things we need but haven’t bought for ourselves bc “the old version works fine.” For example, I bought my husband a new pair of swim trunks for Fathers Day bc the string broke in his old ones and they constantly slip down. He makes it work, but when our babies are old enough to go in the pool I want him to focus on fun with them rather than on pulling up his shorts!

  • For Father’s Day this year I bought my husband a Looney Tunes compilation DVD. He has commented on how much he loved it as a kid and I thought it would be fun for him to share it with our daughter.

  • For father’s day I’m giving a book specifically about dad & child for special story times and putting together a video collage of their time together. My little just turned one so obviously I have a billion pictures! ????

  • I bought my hubby a Miyazaki film he has been wanting and he really wants to take the kids out for their first Korean bbq experience, so we will be doing that as well.

  • For father’s day I asked my baby girl (1.5 years soon) to paint for daddy. I cut out a heart shape of cardboard and gave her all the colors. It was a lots of fun for both of us and the result is surprisingly good green & blue tones she chose by herself. She will give it to her dad and I’m sure he will be surprised and touched ????.

  • Loved this book so much -Amazing Daddy,by Rachel BRight, I’m going to take the text and make a book replaced with photo illustrations of my baby daddy

  • Jane Iredale is really high quality stuff, I have been wanting to try something from the line, and you may have just enabled me to do so! Get Jeremy something to do with Nova and Music. It seems she loves it just as much as he does, and maybe they could have a gift to a childrens music program where he could take her. Great list as usual!

  • OMG those giant disc earrings are phenomenal. I love Moorea Seal!

  • My kid’s a little older, so he picks out things that he thinks Papa will like/they can do together. He’s a practical person so I straight up asked what he wants and he gave me a list. If you can do that, I say go for it!

  • My husband loves music and we listen to his record player all the time. For his first Father’s Day I bought him a bunch of children’s records, some traditional (like Sesame Street platinum hits ????)some kids albums sung by some of our fav artists (Johnny Cash for example). It was a big hit and we have tons of awesome dance parties together.

  • For the first father’s day, I got an etsy wooden keychain with out babe’s birthday date circled and the back engraved with a nickname he had for our little one. After the first one I really pushed for those not to be gift giving occasions. My toddler now picks out “fancy” grocery store ice cream for daddy and can pick 1 flower for mother’s day. Then we all can have a special day without gift stress for the other parent. I really cherish the hand/footprint crafts daycare makes for father’s day & mother’s day too.

  • Can I ask what color of the BB Cream you have used? I’m having a hard time picking from the images online and I have dark hair and fairer skin, like you. Thanks for the recommendation!

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