10 Things I Love Sunday: Simple Pleasures


happy Sunday! this week I thought it would be fun to share a few random pleasures and things that make life wonderful…. enjoy!


1. Optimism. A hopeful attitude is such an important part of my daily life…. without optimism, i’m a little lost.

Cookies from Aesthetic Outburst via Rachel.

2. Vanilla Lattes. I have one almost every day and they’re even better when combined with good conversation, planning and daily goal making.


3. Even though we own a warehouse full of stock for our shops, Mr. Larson and I really enjoy going thrifting… just for fun. The hunt for buried treasures really never loses it’s appeal for me. It’s so relaxing. (photo credit)

4. sleeping in. SO good.



5. 1970s ads. so fun to look at. we have tons of magazines and catalogs at the shop. (photo credit)

6. bubble baths. the perfect ending to absolutely any day.


7. playing dress up. one of the best things in life. (photo by Sherri)

8. messy studios. i love our studio in full swing and seeing other artists spaces when they are being used! ‘photo staged’ studios are nice, but real work spaces are even more fun.


9. styling. makes me oh-so-happy! (photo credit)

10. creative weekends… speaking of, i’m off to photograph our next Makeover Story right now.

smiles! els

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