these are my thoughtfully chosen 28 goals to accomplish before my 29th birthday. i think i can do them all this year… i really really want to. we'll see how i do in 365 days. 😉 XO! e
*birthday lists inspired by Hula Seventy.
these are my thoughtfully chosen 28 goals to accomplish before my 29th birthday. i think i can do them all this year… i really really want to. we'll see how i do in 365 days. 😉 XO! e
*birthday lists inspired by Hula Seventy.
oh… i’m really excited for the book. write faster, i want to read! 🙂
what a fantastic list! my birthday is coming up soon. this gives me inspiration to write my own list out!
A pug photoshoot? I am super excited to see that! 🙂
that’s quite a list! happy birthday 🙂
Ummm, I want in on the David Bowie photo shoot, plz. ^____^
PS: I have a birthday present for you that I’m putting in the mail tomorrow!
this is great! my birthday is in a couple weeks and i’m working on my list. i can’t wait to see these as you finish them! Bonne Chance!!!!!!!
so honored that you’ve been inspired by my birthday lists, elsie! xo
Great idea– and great goals too!
That’s an impressive list, but I bet you are able to do it all before your next birthday.
I’m excited to see the lookbook & photoshoots..espically the pug one. My parents have a darling pug who I adore and love… they are so affectionate! xo
so inspiring! i love goal lists. its so exciting to start crossing them off and look back on your progress! good luck with yours! i am sure you will reach above and beyond them!
YEAAAH!! We want video blogging!! So much fun!
I like your list! hope you realize all your wish!
You have really inspired me! I just turned 24 and I think I’m going to make a “24 before 25” list. I’ve said it before, but I’m so happy I found your blog. You are really so inspiring!
nice list! i’m excited to see the pug photo shoot 🙂
Can I just say that I *adore* your penmenship?!?!?! so sassy! 🙂
thank you for the list. aaaaaaand… thank you for the upside down picture.
this all sound amazing….i want to learn to sew too!
New Orleans is beautiful. I’m from New Zealand but I would move there in a heart beat. Enjoy!
That is a giant list! There are some huge things on there, you have big goals. Enjoy the journey.
What an awesome list! Good luck! (:
love it. is it your bday? happy birthday.
Happy Birthday! I turned 28 on Tuesday, and you’ve inspired me to write a list of my own 🙂
I like your list. Can’t wait to see the David Bowie shoot. Good luck. 🙂
27, learn to sew?? what?! haha crafty miss elsie doesn’t sew? I’m shocked!
I love your list! I’m really excited to do one next February 🙂
just was going to say the same thing about the sewing, i saw someone beat me to it. surprising because your so crafty, ha shows your talent! wish i could give you the lessons 😉 it would be fun!
This is such a wonderful idea. Good luck on your list, I know you can achieve them!
And this is a really great one 😉
Little much for 365 days, but I always think, when I’m doing lists by myself (I have a book for it), you can never have too much wishes and ideas…so a list could never be too long.
xo, Mel
I live about 2 1/2 hours from New Orleans if you need a place to stay. 😉
When you posted your list last year, I was inspired to make a list of my own as well. I accomplished some of my goals by my birthday(in September) but had to carry some over to my new list.
Thank you for inspiring me all the time. I’ve read your blog for a year and a half now, & its awesome to see how far you’ve come! 🙂
Congrats and Happy belated Birthday!
We are the same age, almost. It is my birthday in a month and I am inspired to do the same. Your list looks fab and I cannot WAIT to see the David Bowie inspired photoshoot.
(Oh, and Hi! Just discovered you recently and I’m a new follower)
Great idea…You are so inspiring!! If you want to discover new bands we have plenty of them here in snowy Sweden 😉 Jenny Wilson, Koop, Tiger Lou, Carl Norén and so on… 🙂
wahoo, pug photoshoot!
great list! i am looking forward to home makeover photos already!
I love lists (: I hope you achieve every goal sweet. I’m sure you will do a pretty good job.
VERY inspiring! i’m making my list now as we speak (er…type)i can’t wait to see that david bowie photoshoot!
This list is so AMAZING and Inspiring! Good luck :).
I may have to do this!!
Let me know if you need any help/suggestions etc. when you make it to NOLA, I’m born and raised in the crescent city!
Can’t wait for your hand bags!
I love this idea! I may have to steal it and do a 29 before 30 starting in February.
you have inspired me to creat a list.
Wow. That’s quite a list. I’m turning 29 in 5 months. . . I should definitely get started on my list.
Oh my goodness, a toy line? I’m so excited to see it!
#27 blew my mind! No way?!
do the pug one as soon as ppossible adn as often as possible…I am in love with puggy pugs
yay video blogging!! that would be so fun! and i’m interested to see your back yard makeover! cool list!
great list! you have inspired me, yet again, to make a list too! i think it is such a great idea!
I know you can do them all, Elsie! Ooh, I love the Davie Bowie inspired photoshoot…so many possibilities to go with that one alone.
find your lists inspiring today. off to work on a few myself.
Very Inspiring Elsie!!! You Rock!
love the pug photoshoot! 🙂 the only thing your blog is missing is more pictures of suki!
i followed your lead last year and made a list, then followed up with how i did here –>
it is challenging to get them all accomplished…well, i didnt and so i have some carry-overs too.
This is such a great idea, you’re so inspiring. I might have to steal this, I could use some practice in setting goals!
I can’t wait to see all of your new designs, your dream closet, and photos of this cocktail party 🙂 And New Orleans is so incredible, it looks like it’s going to be a great year for you!
I was inspired and made my own list as it was my birthday on the weekend as well. Thanks for the idea!
I think ‘pug photoshoot’ and ‘david bowie inspired photoshoot’ should be combined!
I love your list of goals! I can relate to alot of them as well…especially taking off days from “work”. =) I wish you the best of luck achieving all these dreams..I know you will go above and beyond! I am especially excited for your video blogging! =) <3
great idea,I a little bit late read.
I just finished my 25 before 26 on December 20th. My girlfriends and I took your idea and ran. It’s fun because we keep each other accountable and even have some that we cross off together! Thanks and good luck on your year!
wow. it is unbelievable. I love it so much . Thanks for your sharing. cool .great. I sure I’ll come back soon.
Hi Elsie! your blog is fantastic!You are very sweet girl!Your photos are very inspired! I love your shop too. I am a vintage girl too and I also make lot of thinks like you! keep doing nice stuf for us! Love from Greece, Irene <3
I have really enjoyed your blog, I am a Garden Designer and Have occasionally got Ideas fro others
Check it out Whitney
hi i’m a new reader i found this the blog when i was looking up pretty pictures if dresses <3 i love this website so so so so much and it has been my dream to open my own shop called 'THE LITTLE BLUE SHOP' J'adore your list, it has inspired me to make a list of my own and fulfil my dreams:)... x x x
P.S... i adore Siki x so cute 🙂
What a beautiful post – love all the photos!
Thats a long and good list. Inspiring 🙂 Good luck.
Perhaps with my 33rd coming up I need to write a list too…. I love ticking things off!
Your list seems so hopeful, what helps you feel like you can?
What an epic list. The Bowie photoshoot sounds awesome 😀
I loved this idea so much that I’ve made it a tradition in my life too! Check out my list here! I love the idea of playful yet intentional growth!
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