3 Natural Products I Am Loving Vol. 6

3 natural products i am loving right nowHi, friends. I’ve got three products to share with you today, and they’re all super amazing! I’m having so much fun working on this series. And even if I DO go into a crazy rant below, I hope you know it’s because I really want to share products with you that I believe in and that I am using. :)) It’s a loving rant.

As always – I am loving your suggestions, so if you have anything you think I should try out, please let me know in the comments!

3 natural products i am loving right now Acure Night Cream

First of all, I have to say I am LOVING this brand. They have a lot of good products, super reasonable prices and they are available at places like Target.

Now, if you don’t mind, I need to rant about night creams for a moment. I’ve heard since I was in my early twenties, that I needed to be using night creams and anti-aging products. We’ve all heard this. And the fear of aging is so INSANE in the US that a lot of us (myself included) have spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on these type of products. But the more I have researched it, the more annoyed/upset I have become. A LOT of these products (I don’t want to generalize, but most products you will find in most stores) are full of toxic chemicals. So many of them, even ones branded as super healthy, are rated a 10 out of 10. I find it so SAD that women (again, myself included) are so afraid of looking old that they would spend lots of $$$ on products that are unhealthy and frankly, do not do what they promise anyway! We are all aging, and it’s not the worst thing ever. I’m not saying I don’t want to take the best care of my skin as I possibly can, but I am saying that anti-aging products are often more harmful than helpful.

The best resource I’ve found is the book Skin Cleanse. It’s one of the resources that really helped change how I think about skin, health and aging, and I highly recommend it. It’s a really good book!

Anyway – here’s a night cream that smells awesome and is rated a 0. I almost never find products that I already use or products you can buy at lots of stores with a score this perfect. Awesome!!

3 natural products i am loving right now One Love Brand New Day & Skin Savior

I found these products during my facial at Poppy & Monroe. They smell incredible, are really good for your skin and are affordable. All the boxes – check, check, check.

Skin Savior is a citrus-smelling balm. I use it any time my face feels really dry. It’s like a very thick, rich, amazing smelling face oil. It’s probably the best smelling thing in my whole bathroom.

Brand New Day is a powder you can mix with things to make exfoliating face masks. I had one in my facial that was mixed with local honey. I know it sounds gross, but it’s so good for your skin. You can also mix it with Greek yogurt or just water. I really love face masks, so it’s fun to have a way to make them at home!

(And here’s a kit with small sizes of both for a cheaper price if you just wanna try them out!)

3 natural products i am loving right now 3 natural products i am loving right now Herbivore Coconut Milk Bath Soak

This is a powdery mixture that smells exactly like coconuts. I love the crazy Lush bath bombs too, but more often than not, I just want a really light, fresh, relaxing scent for a bath. This is my new go-to. The scent REALLY appeals to me.

Thanks so much for reading you guys! Hope your week is off to a great start! xx- Elsie

Author and Photography: Elsie Larson.

  • Thank you for sharing these products in such a manageable way! I’m trying to be more conscious of what I’m putting on my skin, and it is totally overwhelming (sounds like you know that! :)). These posts are inspiring, not overwhelming, and I am (slowly) taking your suggestions and have loved everything I’ve tried so far. Thank you so much!

  • I use the Acure night cream too! I really like their products– clean and at Target, like you said! Win win. 🙂 – Sarah

  • yay! loving these posts. You inspired me to change my nail polish, last week.
    Its gonna be a trial and error kinda deal, but I did find one brand that I like, I can’t remember the name though, doh!!

    So excited for the night cream recommendation, thank you!! Its less expensive than the one I was about to open up, so I shall be on my way to target this week 🙂

  • Loving the idea of that bath soak. I 100% agree about anti-aging creams. The best thing we can do for our skin is pay attention to hydration, through drinking water, and keep it out of the sun! I turn 29 this year and am beginning to think about things like crows feet, but I don’t expect to prevent them or stop them so much as maintain my skin in a healthy way. I’m trying to learn to love the little aging things as I go along (hello, cellulite. I still don’t like you yet!)

  • I’ve been using unrefined coconut oil as a moisturizer (GREAT for sunburns), however it stimulates hair growth so I started to notice hair growing on my chin. My waxer did confirm it does help with hair growth so about 1-2x a week I’ve been massaging coconut oil on my scalp and ends for extra hydration, throw in a top not, and let it soak in while I sleep. This has caused a DRAMATIC increase in my hair length and shine, HIGHLY recommend.

  • Elsie,

    I am loving these posts. Earlier this year I stopped using most bath/beauty products with parabens and toxic chemicals. It’s definitely not super easy or cheap, but there is so much out there now and Acure is one of my favorite brands. I love the site beautyliestruth.com and recently took an aromatherapy certification course and like you plan to DIY as much as I can.

    Thanks again for these posts 🙂

  • I love to use natural products on my skin and I’m always looking for new ones to try. It’s unbelievable how companies make us believe that all these chemicals are gonna help us when in reality natural products can do much better for our skin.

  • I get so STOKED when I see another natural products post. These have been so helpful.

    I tried the DIY natural route and frankly got tired and frustrated. I am willing to pick and choose what I DIY because sometimes I don’t have resources to certain ingredients or just want the convenience of it. The brands listed have been researched and now I am slowly replacing old go-tos and feeling great about it.

    Self care is so important and knowing the ingredients in my regimen are wholesome makes me feel ever better. <3

  • Wow that is awesome. I got a pixie cut a few years back and I am still in the process of growing it out, it is taking for-ev-er. Do you apply it when your hair is damp I assume?

  • You gals might delight in checking out Sacred Earth Remedies organic and handmade skincare! The Female balance cream is heaven!! I have been loving the small batch hand-made goodness for about 6 months now!

  • Love this series!

    I used to love Lush until I realized that most of their products have parabens in them (at least all the products I checked). Just thought you should know, since they seem like products that would be clean.

  • I can’t wait to try the coconut bath soak!

    Is there a website you used to check out the toxicity rating of the products? I’d like to find out what some of the products I love are rated!

  • Hi Else, I am loving this series! I just discovered Dr Bronner’s 18-in-1 (!!) soap. I hope you can get it where you are, I’m in the UK! Anyway it’s organic, all the ingredients are recognisable and the list is really short (always a good sign). I bought it as a shower gel but on the label it says it can also be a shampoo, wash for dogs, dish soap, laundry detergent, floor cleaner, removing residue on food, all purpose cleaner when dilited in a spray bottle, and that same bottle can be used to spray plants for bugs! I got it from LoveLula, there are loads of different scents (but no perfume!). Recycled packaging, and fair trade! Taadaah!

  • Thank you for sharing, Question I know you had mentioned that you can purchase the Acure Night Cream at Target can you also ourchase the other their as well or do you have to purchase online.

  • Thank you so much for the positive feedback! It’s really important to me that these posts are helpful and not discouraging or overwhelming.
    xx- Elsie

  • Thank you so much for doing this whole series. I LOVE that you are using your large audience to spread really positive, helpful ideas. I would love it if you guys could also do posts about ethical fashion brands or animal cruelty- free products! I’m trying to make my life more earth friendly without sacrificing style or turning totally-granola. 😉

    Thanks again!

  • I definitely need the skin saviour and the coconut milk!

    Jaynie Shannon * / Morphe & Zoeva Giveaway Running


  • I was convinced for the longest time that stuff from lush and the body shop were all natural…I guess I just assumed. Then I check out their ratings ?

  • Ewg’s database is not backed up by any scientific data AT ALL. in fact, when you go to the ingredient breakdown of most products the website will tell you there is “limited” or “zero” data to back up the scores. If you want to use non toxic products, please refer to cosmetic ingredient review (http://www.cir-safety.org/) and lok up the individual ingredients! There is a lot of scaremongering in Skin deep.

  • Love Acure products! I especially love their cell stimulating mask and their eye cream. I’ve almost complete switched over to their products for skin care.

  • I love this series as I’m very much into natural skin care and makeup. You should give Bsttys Bath products a try. Trust me, they we good!

  • Curious if you’ve tried anything for shaving yet. I was just ordering some razor refills today and then I thought to look it up on the Think Dirty app… Yikes! Now I realize that the shave cream (a “natural” brand I’ve been using) and my razor blades themselves are some of the worst products in my shower. I haven’t really seen this topic tackled before, so I don’t even know where to start for a healthier, natural option.

  • Hi Elsie!

    I’ve been a follower of A Beautiful Mess for years and have both of your books.
    It’s been great reading your beauty posts.

    I would love to send you some samples of some products I make for Thesis Beauty, a vegan and organic body care line based out of Boston, MA.

    Here’s our website: http://www.thesisbeauty.com
    Please email me at info@thesisbeauty.com if you’re interested!

  • I am SO happy I found this series! I have just started switching all of my beauty and skincare products and this is so helpful!!

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