5 Tips to Take Better Pet Photos

How to take better pet photosHi! I’m Lindsey from Live Sweet Photography, and I am so excited to share my favorite tips about photographing all those critters in your life! We have quite the furry family at our home, and I love capturing all their cuteness!
Tips for better pet photos! Tips for better pet photos!Use Natural Light (Whenever Possible!)
I always shoot in natural light when at all possible, and I never use a flash. I do most of my photographing by windows, doorways or outside so I have lots of nice, natural light coming through on my subjects. 
Tips for better pet photos! Tips for better pet photos! Get On Their Level
When photographing your pets, try getting right on their level. I find that my favorite images of my pets are when I lay down on the floor or ground and get right at eye level with them to take the shot. Or you can move them to your level by allowing them up onto a bed or couch (if that’s allowed in your house, of course!).
Tips for better pet photos!
Place Them Somewhere Unexpected
To get some really fun and different kinds of shots, try putting your pet in unique places you normally wouldn’t find them (of course make sure they are always safe and supervised), like in a basket, on the table, in the sink or on a cool chair. Seeing something out of its element often makes for a more unique and interesting image.
How to take better photos of your pets How to take better photos of your petsHow to take better photos of your pets Shoot Lots of Options
One of the main keys to getting great shots of your pets is taking lots of pictures. When I do a little shoot with our Pearl girl (the pig), I probably shoot about 10-20 pictures to get one great one. Animals are always moving around, so every picture won’t turn out. 
Capturing people with animals is always sweet and creates special images, so don’t forget to photograph your kids or family and friends with your pets. Have your loved one hug or lean into your pet to show more of a connection.
How to take better photos of your pets How to take better photos of your pets Try Using Props
I always love to have a little fun with my animal photography every now and then by adding a little hat, crown or other fun prop to make the image a little more interesting or add a pop of color! I had a ball photographing our #chickswithsweets series where I put our baby chicks next to or on top of all kinds of different sweets. When in doubt, always try to think outside the box and just have fun with your images. When I play around and am having lots of fun is always when I get my best pictures!
Above all else—always try to make it fun when photographing your pets. Treats, toys and belly rubs make for happy critters and better pictures! Our Pearl gets lots of belly scratches, cucumbers and carrots (three of her favorite things!) every time I take her picture! I also always try and call it quits while I’m ahead and everyone is still happy and having fun. If your pet just isn’t into being photographed today, take a break and try again later or tomorrow. Remember, you are trying to capture a happy memory of your furry friend!
I hope you enjoyed these fun little tips and have a wonderful time snapping some shots of your furry friends! -Lindsey
You can follow Lindsey and her family’s adventures on their blog or on IG @livesweetphotography. You can also shop some of their critter-themed whimsical gifts for the young and young at heart at the Live Sweet Shop (IG @livesweetshop) where they have designed a whole line of critter plushies, pillows, tote bags, shirts and more!
Credits // Author and Photography: Lindsey Bonnice.

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