10 Reasons To Give Scrapbooking a Chance

Reasons To Give Scrapbooking A Chance  This past year I've realized that a lot of my friends are just NOT interested in scrapbooking. When I ask them if they would ever try it, their response is, "Nope. Not for me!"

Their reasons are often that they don't have time, don't like the traditional scrapbook supplies in stores, or the commitment to buy a bunch of "stuff." Sometimes they simply don't like the idea of scrapbooking, saying it feels fussy or old-fashioned. 

I get it. I do. I've struggled with all these things myself. I took a nice six-year break from making any scrapbooks at all, but in the end I did really miss it and decided to reinvent it for myself, my own way.

As I've become more and more open to the idea of calling myself a "scrapbooker," I've been seeing that it is what you make it, that it doesn't HAVE to be cheesy or expensive or incredibly time-consuming. A scrapbook can simply be a prettier photo album, OR it can be really artsy. It can also be both, depending on your mood (I love both, and I'm moody—great!). It is what you make it. 

Today I'm here to convince the inconvincible. Raise your hand if you're like, "No way!" This post is for you. I want to share something that's become a really special part of my life.

Open your heart and grab a cup of coffee… it's time for my sales pitch! (spoiler—I'm gonna convert you!) 

10 Reasons To Give Scrapbooking A Chance   So naturally, we collaborated with our friends at Canon USA on this post because printing at home is kind of a lifesaver for scrapbooking. I need my pictures in way too many shapes and sizes to try to have them printed somewhere. That printer in the picture is the Canon PIXMA iP8720, which as of recently probably gets the most use for my scrapbooking because the wide format lets me print amaaazing quality up to 13×19 inches. 

Now, onto the list:

1. Your photos deserve a real life home (and your phone doesn't count!) 

I have an old cell phone sitting next to my bed. It has a ton of photos on it that aren't backed up. For more than a year now I've been meaning to back them up and print them, and then probably donate the phone to one of the many kiddos in my family that love playing kid games on it. But to be totally honest… I'm lazy. 

That cell phone is just one of MANY places where I have really special memories that haven't been printed yet. 

Scrapbooking makes a home for these memories. It motivates me to get organized. And as soon as I begin, I am SO thankful when I see dozens of wonderful memories that would have been forgotten. 

Your photos deserve an album. One that sits on your shelf for your kiddos and your grandkids to look at. An album that you can flip through one day and remember all these great times that are happening way too fast. 

2. You can scrapbook with your own style, in your own taste. 

I meet many people who think scrapbooking is cheesy. And you know what, they're not wrong. Scrapbooks can be cheesy. 

But you know what, it's your scrapbook, you can make it look however you want

When I made my first family album last year, I realized that I wasn't loving a lot of the scrapbook supplies available in stores. So I focused on lots of big photos. That was how I made it feel like my style, and I loved the resulting look. 

I've seen beautiful scrapbooks that were incredibly minimal, just photos and a few stories included. I've also seen beautiful scrapbooks that were super artsy, pretty much an art journal with photos. Both are great options. It's up to you to decide what fits your style. 

Be encouraged that no matter what your style is, you can make a book that feels like you! 

3. Scrapbook to record stories, because memories lie. 

Memories lie. Jeremy and I remember our first dates differently. Emma and I have lots of childhood stories that are a little blurry on the details, so we tell them differently. Memories change over time. 

But you know what doesn't lie? I journal entry that you wrote at that time. You can look back and read exactly what you thought or felt or experienced at that time. It might be nostalgic or it might make you cringe, but either way it will take you back. 

4. Scrapbooking will make you a better photographer. 

True story. 

When I'm planning to scrapbook, I take more photos. Specifically I take more detail photos. If I'm in the instagram mindset, I might be OK with 3-4 cute photos from a vacation, but if I'm in scrapbook mindset, I'll come home with ten times that many! 

Scrapbooking will motivate you to take more photos of the important stuff (like your family!) and the little things (like your everyday routines). It's a great reminder to tell stories through photos. 

5. Making scrapbooks will help you feel thankful and reflect.  

When I made our first year of marriage book, I had the best time remembering our honeymoon, our first Christmas, our new puppy, and our one year anniversary trip to Hawaii. What a special year! 

Taking the time to make the scrapbook helped me reflect on these happy memories and be really really thankful for them. Since then, each time I pull the album down from our bookshelf, I experience those emotions all over again.

Living with a thankful heart is really important to me, and scrapbooking does a weirdly good job of putting me in that mindset. 

6. Scrapbook to zen out, decompress and relax (glass of wine, optional!) 

It's good to have a hobby you can do at home when you want to relax. When combined with guilty pleasure television and a glass of wine… well, even better I say! 

I like projects I can do with my hands while I hang out with Jeremy, or by myself, at night. It's a good way to unwind, forget about the day, and get ready for sleep. 

7. Scrapbook to be creative.

When I was growing up, art class was always my favorite. I loved the process of getting a new medium (clay, paint, tissue, glue…) and making something creative with it. I still love that ritual today. 

The scrapbooking aisles are filled with new things to try and play with. There is no shortage of new techniques and mediums to experiment with. A lot of my favorite ideas come from taking something that's not necessarily a scrapbook supply (like yarn, contact paper, or watercolor paints) and trying to find a new creative way to use it on my pages. Scrapbooking can be a creative outlet, no doubt. In a way, it's multitasking because you get to be creative while doing something useful (making family albums). 

8. Scrapbook as a gift to your family. 

I love looking at my grandmother's family albums. She consistently created albums throughout her life beginning with the photos that were passed down to her, throughout every stage and season of life (I can look at my dad's first year, or my own first year!), up to the present day. 

If you love and appreciate the albums in your family, use them as an inspiration to get motivated to start your own! They are one of the most precious gifts you can ever make for your loved ones. 

9. Scrapbooking helps you to mark years, seasons, changes and milestones. 

Most of us have a pretty fast-paced life. It's easy for me to look back at my twenties and be like, "WHOA! That went by fast!" But when I look at all the photos throughout those years, it reminds me how full and wonderful those years were. 

Weddings, babies, moving to new homes, new jobs, graduations—these are all seasons in your life that you can document. The process of making these books is good for you to help you process each season, appreciate it, and remember the details while also creating something to look back on in the future. 

10. Scrapbooking is really really fun. 

If you've never tried it, it might be hard to believe. My advice is to just try it! Make one album. Don't worry about whether or not you are going to scrapbook your whole entire life… just try it. 

I love making scrapbooks. It's one of the most fun projects in the world to me. The key is to find your way to do it! You need to love both the process and the end result. So make it as simple and organized or as artistic as you want. I have a feeling that if you find what works for you, you'll become as obsessed as I am! 

10 Reasons To Give Scrapbooking A ChanceI'm here to answer your questions in the comments! So chat with me if you have any questions. xo. Elsie 

Credits// Author: Elsie Larson. Photos: Sarah Rhodes. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.



  • I took a 3 year break from scrapbooking and missed it and am diving back into it again. I get it. Cool scrapbooking, yes, totally a thing.

  • Ok, I’m converted! Great job! But I don’t even know where to start…..it’s totally overwhelming that I want to give up even before I start. Any suggestions?

  • I’ve toyed with the idea of doing a 25 before 25 scrapbook (I have a list of 25 things i want to accomplish before I’m 25 – only 5 more months left). I have mementos from some of the things I’ve accomplished (such as my first photoshoot!) and doing a handstand for the first time. But I can’t think of how to display the mementos with photos or with the small vignettes I wrote to go along with them.

    • I did a 50 things in the year I turned 50. The project life scrapbooking was great for it! Mix of photos and quotes and journaling all went really well (pocket scrapbooking).

  • Scrapbooks are so much fun, and it doesn’t even matter whether or not they’re aesthetically pleasing! I made one for my best friend and I in middle school (I gave her the original scrapbook and made a photocopy for myself). When I was packing to leave for college, I found it and I was hit with a huge wave of nostalgia as I flipped through it. It was actually a horrible scrapbook, but it was so much fun (and funny) to look at 🙂 -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

  • I’ve tried numerous times to dive into the world of scrapbooking but every time I just can’t seem to push myself to stick with it. I definitely agree with the first reason though, my pictures do deserve a little place of they’re own where I can show them off and where I can reflect back on my life without swiping through my phone. Maybe I’ll give it another try!

    Paige | http://indianaheart.typepad.com/

  • I’ve never done any scrap booking, today I took a scarp booking class so I can make some albums as Christmas gifts. So this post has come at the prefect time for me 🙂

  • I absolutely agree with all of the reasons you listed!! I’m still so glad that I discovered the world of scrapbooking about three years ago.
    Scrapbooking for me is so much more than pretty paper and memory keeping. It’s a way to calm down, relax and forget everything around me – and I can do it in my way, with my style. I think that’s the important bit. Noone should feel the pressure of conformity, doing what everyone else is doing – just do it the way you like it!
    Oh, and another perk of scrapbooking: meeting so many kind, awesome, and incredibly talented people from all over the world!


  • It is intimidating trying to figure out how to even begin…it does seem fun but it seems like such a huge undertaking when all that beautiful end product is considered…I’ve always loved the idea though.

  • This is an amazing post, as usual!. I’m getting involved into scrapbooking because I’m making a folder full of pictures, song lyrics, memories (etc) I have with my boyfriend. Hard thing is: I write down “everything” we do. Of course not everything, but as much as I can.
    Living in Argentina doens’t help at all. We don’t have great supplies; just the basic, boring ones. Also, the fact that printing isn’t really my first option because of economic reasons. Otherwise, I’d print all the pictures I could!
    I got really inspired with the scapbooking I’ve found here, and I totally agree with every single thing you mentioned here. It makes you appreaciate way a lot more memories.
    The only question I have: how can I keep myself inspired? I mean, even though the 70% of scrapbooking is about pictures, when it comes to calligraphy and decorations…I’m practically going blank-minded!.

    Lots of love and all my admiration to the whole ABM team!

  • I LOVE this post!! I am so one of those girls who just doesn’t scrapbook. I love photos..I love stories…I love paper! But I don’t have the space to dedicate to it or the time to spend. Or that’s what I thought. These are all excellent reasons to make it a new hobby. Especially #6 🙂 If your team created a scrapbook course I would be there in a snap. As it were.

  • Maybe you could do a blogpost about the printing progress. Including making the collages and the best ways to print in photoshop 🙂 I’m having struggles with that haha!

  • What do you suggest using as your scrapbook? Traditional scrapbook from a craft store or something more off the wall…?

  • I’ve tried to get into scrapbooking before. I have a box full of things from our wedding that I wanted to put into a book. It’s been two years and I haven’t even started 🙁 this post is really inspiring me to get on it! I think the first thing I need to do is buy a printer. I would love the canon one that you use but it’s a little out of my price range at the moment. Do you have any suggestions on another printer that does quality prints for less money? Or is that the only one worth buying?

  • The biggest thing that is keeping me from scrapbooking is the printing process! If you could walk through how you crop the photos, and print them out that would be helpful. ALSO- if you could talk us through the cost of printing I would really appreciate it. You all have such great ideas that you print with your home printer, but its hard to calculate the cost of printing, without having a photo printer of my own. I am too scared to buy a photo printer because I am worried that printing from home is super costly. I know in the past you all said it is hard to calculate because you use the printer so much, but maybe you could like keep track of how much ink you buy versus how much you print? That would be incredibly helpful… and might encourage me to purchase a photo printer, depending on what you find.

  • Totally unrelated question- are all those papers on the wall photoshop brushes that you will be selling? I hope so!!

  • ELSIE! You are convincing me. Seriously, Ezra doesn’t even have a photo book yet! Its awful. I think I got discouraged when my hard drive crashed and I lost his entire first year. Thankfully I blogged a ton of photos….but I think the whole thing made me so sad….that it just paralyzed me. I REALLY need to get on this. Thank you….& love you.

  • This feels like a silly question, BUT! In your experience does printing pictures at home on a printer like this cost less in the long run than getting pictures printed from a lab?

  • Where did you find your shirt? I have a best friend who would loooooove one. 🙂

  • Yes! I wrote a big post about it last year! http://abeautifulmess.com/2014/01/scrapbooking-for-beginners-our-family-volume-1-.html

    A great first project is a mini scrapbook, like this! http://abeautifulmess.com/2014/09/print-your-instagram-photos-with-us.html

    I’m working on a new collection of scrapbooking products (they’ll be out soon after the new year) so I can’t wait to share WAY more then. I pretty much developed products that I would want to use, but I feel like they really fill a need in the marketplace too.

    Let me know if you have any other questions!!
    xx- Elsie

  • Don’t forget about digital scrapbooking! It’s great is your terrible with glue and scissors, or like the idea of having an undo button!

  • Hey Paige,
    I’m right there with you! It’s taken me a long time to warm back up to it. I think it’s worth it to just keep trying different things until you see what sticks.
    xx- Elsie

  • Hi Elsie! I also took a 6 year break from scrapbook in but realized how much I missed it after seeing some of yours.

    thanks for the continuous inspiration.

    Also, where is your shirt from? I need it.

  • Hi Andrea! I’m working on a big e-course about scrapbooking! It’ll be out around February… so coming soon! Glad to know you’re interested. 🙂

    Hope you get into it. It’s so fun!
    xx- Elsie

  • I was going to post a comment just like Renee’s… I just bought some stuff from project life and ordered my prints from Shutterfly because I don’t have a photo printer and likely won’t any time soon. I’ve been procrastinating on starting because I’m afraid I’m going to get frustrated with the fact that I couldn’t/didn’t print my own photos in the exact sizes I wanted to. I’m looking at cropping 4x6s–the cheapest way to go on Shutterfly. (In the past I’ve done Shutterfly books, but I’m not always satisfied with them and I like the idea of being able to lift photos from a scrapbook if necessary.)

    I too would love to know the cost breakdown of using a printer, paying for ink, etc., for the above reasons…

    (And I love your blog…)

  • I’m definitely biased because I just designed my own scrapbooks (coming after the new year!) but before that I was using regular scrapbook albums that I bought from Amazon. 🙂 I do love making mini albums too!
    xx- Elsie

  • Honestly? Take an online class maybe? (I’ll be teaching one after the new year!) Or an in-person workshop? I think doing something interactive like that will help you get into the spirit and try it out without spending tons of money buyings supplies! Good to get your feet wet first. 🙂

    xx- Elsie

  • Hi Renee!
    I am working on a post about my personal printing tips and I will take these requests into consideration. Calculating cost is hard! I’ll do my best, though! :))

    Thanks for your awesome questions! I’ll be back with more info soon.
    xx- Elsie

  • Hi Justina,
    They’re all designs for our new product line! I haven’t started any digital products yet (aside from our actions!) but now you have me in the mood to do it! :))

    Thanks for asking!
    xx- Elsie

  • Hi Kelli,
    WHAT?? Noooooo! That’s terrible.
    I’m so glad you have the ones on the blog at least! I would LOVE to see your scrapbook. I’m sure it will be gorgeous!

  • Hi Eliza,
    Here’s my honest answer!
    For me- yes, it does cost less because I only print the photos I want to use, when I need them. It’s also a million times more convenient.

    When I send off for printing the cost per print is definitely less, BUT I end up with a lot of photos I never use… or don’t get around to using.

    I feel like printing at home is for the purpose of convenience. You always have what you need. But sending off is for the purpose of printing in bulk. Like if I wanted to print ALL my instagram photos of all time in one day, it would be much easier to send them off.

    In short, both are good! I love and use both. Hope that helps!

  • I used to scrapbook and now it just seems impossible with my almost 2 year old around. I don’t even sew anymore!

  • I started this year to scrapbook realising that I had no idea what I’ve done in 2013 … I wanted to remember 2014. I started with a cute gold mini album from we are memory keepers since I have a new phone that works with instagram. I discoverd studio calico, ( my first order is on his way yah !) and the scrapbooking world that can be cheesy but as you said doesn’t have to be. I’m desperatly looking for a square punch 2×2 inch to fill these littles pockets, do you have a suggestion ? I already had 2 disapointment with wrong sizes. I know know that 2inch is 5.08 cm without a converter, i guess I’m hooked !

  • So exited for this post and have been following this blog for 4 years. I really felt inspired by the chipboard album that you had made for your sister and felt that could be something i’d like to work on and give to my sister with all our memories. I searched around online for chip board scraps but am wondering where you found your supplies? Also, determining the sizes for photos can also be a challenge especially for the smaller pockets in the project life kits. Any suggestions on how you go about printing with a particular size in mind?

    thanks so much

  • love this post & love scrap booking…hate having to order pictures online. I’m looking for a good/not too expensive printer. Apparently y’all really like the Canon printers. How often does it need new ink?

  • I can absolutely relate to this! I scoffed at scrapbooking for the longest, thinking it was cheesy and gaudy. BUT I have figured out a way to “scrapbook” in a way that I truly love. Basically, they’re just photo albums with a bit of journaling. I’ll tell you what though….if my house were burning down they’d be the very first thing I’d grab! This is my 3rd year making them with no plans of stopping. 🙂

    Here are my albums if you’d like to see…


  • Hi Elsie! Great post, thanks for all your ideas and insights about scrapbooking. I have always appreciated the photo book projects that you guys create and post. They always show new ways of using photos to make books that are not typical scrapbooks. I have a question about printing at home/printing at shops. Do you convert your edited photos from RGB to CMYK before getting them printed? If so, how? I find my color photos print darker than they looked on my photoshop screen and am disappointed with this. I’m not sure how to fix it. How do you ensure true colors on your prints that match your computer monitor? Thanks so much, love your blog and all your hard and creative work for us 🙂

  • Elsie! Great post. I have never really been a “scrapbooker” – main reason being I live in Jamaica, and it hard to find cool supplies (okay I guess I can order them online) – but this past Summer when I was back and forth to Palm Beach, helping my dad after eye surgery, I decided to go to Michael’s – and WOW, can I say it’s a whole new world, the world of scrapbooking! I got a bit hooked then, and it sure helped me pass some time. I love it now, and my only regret is that I now love it so much but do not have enough time in the day to do it. My goal for 2015, is to do more, and more and more!

  • I quit doing traditional scrapbooks 4 years ago. My little sister, my life long best friend passed away unexpectedly in 2010. She loved, loved my scrapbooks so much. I just couldn’t make myself make a page that she wasn’t going to see and go crazy over. It made me so sad. I was thinking about it one day and I thought if she knew I quit doing this, something I loved so much she would be so sad, so about 2 years ago I started making smash books. I have had so much fun with them. If anyone is thinking about it but still not sure, smash books are a great way to get started. And BTW I still have a few love, Elsie items left. 🙂

  • I love scrapbooking! I took a 2 year break when we lived in Korea (no fun supply stores for that sort of thing there, but TONS of cute paper products!!) but now I am enjoying it all over again. I’d add a #11: Scrapbooking helps you reconnect with old memories and you enjoy looking a faces again! It makes me THANKFUL! My husband is currently deployed, and I’ve been working my way through our past couple years of memories through scrapbooking. I feel like I get a little extra face time with him every day when he’s far away, even if it is just his photograph and a memory;)

  • Sorry to see you took down my post 🙁 I’ve been a long-time reader and admirer. Looking forward to seeing how you put your future scrap books together! I will try and find a cost review elsewhere.



  • I also wanted to say if you don’t want to spend a lot of money some cardstock/paper and washi tape looks great with nothing else on the page. I bought a Meade sketchbook at Office Max last week (around $9) with super white pages and I am loving the clean, minimalist look. I’m using it as a scrapbook/art journal. I think you should design some washi tape Elsie!!! 🙂

  • Very inspiring post! I’d still say I’m too busy, but…you make me want to start purposefully keeping memories sometime in the future!

    On another note, I’ve been reading this blog for 3 years and this is the first time I’ve noticed a (very small) typo in a post… definitely says something about the standard of excellence you all have in this blog. 🙂 Love all that you guys do!

  • Hey! Great post! I’ve been wanting to try scrapbooking for a long time and I have a million photos that I need to print and do something with. But where do I start?? And another thing. I have terrible handwriting and I dont want my scrapbook to look like a five year old make it lol any tips on that?

  • I agree with this post!!

    By the way Elsie, how could you get those spirit to make something?? If it were me, if I didn’t find the material needed to make something, my spirit went down and I became lazy.. Please share some of your stories!!

  • I have been toying with the idea of scrapbooking for such a while now. Ever since I stopped taking art, I’ve craved that time where I can sit down and make something visually appealing (to me, at least!). After reading your pointers I think I might give it a go, even if it doesn’t take off too quickly at first. I’ve just been looking through your pinterest to see if there were any examples of your scrapbook pages, and now I’m hooked on all your other boards.

    Thank you for the interesting read!

    Rebekah x

  • I used to love scrapbooking too, but I also found the supplies at craft stores too fussy and whenever I looks at anything online for inspiration, or for those paper downloads, every page would be covered in buttons and frills. I made my mum a scrapbook once for her birthday filled with photos of my sister and I since we were babies, she still treasures it now and I really enjoyed making it. It’s an idea I’ve been toying with for a while now, but if I get back into it I’d definitely need to do it in a more simplistic way.

    And on a side note, I’ve found that blogging makes me take more photos of ‘things’, but it would be nice to have all those photos printed for once! 🙂

    Jenna || Jennafifi.co.uk

  • I haven’t done scrapbooking in years…since high school. I’m 30 now – to put that into perspective. I’ll have to start again. It’s easy to come up with excuses to not make the time…and I forget how much fun it was.

    Also – random question – your top is absolutely awesome! Where did you get it? Love it!

    Thanks for an amazing blog!

  • I hear you Jenna! I relate with every single thing you’re saying. 🙂 We should start together! (I already started, but barely- lots to do!)
    xx- Elsie

  • Scrapbooking isn’t really for me – I am a big memory keeper but I like to keep all my photos in 12×12 albums using the We R Memory Keepers page protectors – it keeps all the photos in great condition and I just like the way it looks.

    I’m not great at combining elements in a scrapbooking way and get really frustrated so I’m more of an art journal/vision board/inspiration book person. 🙂

  • Hi Durra,
    I understand. I do get VERY motivated by shopping for cute supplies. As far as ways to get inspired, I think getting prepared (supplies, ideas, printed photos etc) and setting aside TIME to work are the best things that help me to get inspired to create!
    xx- Elsie

  • Hi Elsie,
    I have been considering scrapbooking for awhile now and I think you’ve finally convinced me! Next month, I am moving half away across the country and I think this would be the perfect time to capture that new adventure. Although, I am not really sure where to start, but I would love to check out that e-course. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Hi Patricia,
    Your story is so fun! Glad you’re excited about scrapbooking too.
    I’m not sure which punch to recommend, I’ve never tried one in that size (I cut mine out with scissors).
    xx- Elsie

  • Love this! Totally love the idea of scrapbooking but just don’t have the time or money. I really just want to print my photos out and stick them in photo albums and not necessarily get crafty with it. I just can’t stand the thought of having all digital photos. I plan on printing out all of our photos from our Europe vacation last year, putting them in an album and giving it to my mom for Christmas. I really cannot wait to do this 🙂

  • Hi Jessica,
    So I print all my photos the exact size I want them. I crop & resize them in photoshop and then I put them on a new file the size of my printed paper (usually 13×19 inches) and then I cut them out either with scissors or a paper trimmer! 🙂

    For supplies, I like to shop at Studio Calico and AliEdwards.com. Our own ABM products will be launching veryyyyy soon- so stay tuned for those too (many are scrapbook-y).

    Thanks for reading!

    xx- Elsie

  • Hi Callie,

    I mostly use the one linked in this post. It’s hard to say how much I need ink because only one color runs out at a time, but I change an ink cartridge out maybe a couple times a month. So I only buy maybe 4 packs of ink the whole year… plus lots of paper. I don’t use it every day, but I use it several times a week.

    Hope that helps!

  • My scrapbooks are basically free form photo albums. I stick the pictures, maaaaaaybe write a caption or two and use cardstock, paint chips, fabric (whatever I have lying around) to fill in and balance space that feels too “blank” to me. I’d love to have the time, attention span and commitment to create more elaborate scrapbooks, but I’ve found that the more elaborate I make a project, the more likely I am to NOT finish it. I love that scrapbooking allows me to choose whatever level of commitment that I want.

    Sometimes, I’m super lazy and just have a photo book printed using a Groupon or Living Social deal. Those definitely aren’t as nostalgic or personal, but it’s better than falling behind and feeling TOO overwhelmed to get back into it. Better to get the collection of photos printed somewhere, somehow then to feel overwhelmed and “behind.”

    I have a friend who does all of her scrapbooking digitally! She creates layouts, has backgrounds, writes captions – they look amazing! It’s not my thing, I like working with tangible materials, but if you don’t have the space or don’t want scrapbooks around, I think it’s a pretty neat idea. That being said, it’s not for me.

    Then there’s a select few tech-savvy guys in my life who organize and edit all their photos into slideshows, complete with music and various effects/descriptions. Sometimes with live video mixed in there, too.

    It just goes to show that scrapbooking is what you make it. You are right, Elsie! Team Scrapbook 4-ever.

  • Hi Jess,
    I don’t convert my photos before printing. There are lots of ways to get more out of your printer- choosing the highest quality settings, test printing to compensate for differences from your computer screen and (a biggie) buying good paper to print on.
    I have had lots of printers through the years and they’re not all amazing, especially for printing color photos. The one I use the most (linked above) is what I recommend. If I were buying one for my home tomorrow, that’s what I would buy. 🙂

    Hope some of that is helpful! xx- Elsie

  • I’m so sorry to hear your story Pam.
    Sending love! I can’t even imagine life without my sister.

    I haven’t tried a Smash Book, but thanks for your recommendation.
    HUGS- elsie

  • Hi Renee!
    We actually did not take it down. I wrote you a response above. 🙂

    We publish every single constructive comment (so almost every single comment we receive).
    Thanks so much for reading ABM!

  • I have more recently gotten very into documenting the remainder of my time as a college student in New Orleans. That being said I’ve been using disposable cameras very frequently and putting them in little albums I’ve bought at Target for like a dollar because scrapbooking can be very expensive. It’s also important that I don’t take up too much space since I live in the dorms! Do you have any tips as far as less expensive ways to brighten up a plain old photo book? I guess a more obvious one is creating your own scrapbook pages for backgrounds, but do you have any other unique ideas, as far as decor and size are concerned?

    Also: What are some apps/ sites you recommend for printing pictures from instagram/ your phone in general?

  • i don’t even know how to get the pictures off my phone onto a page. what’s a good program or tutorial you could recommend? and what kind of fun programs and editing software do you use to make your pages?

  • This is crazy–I recently started scrapbooking again as well, and it’s everything you’ve just said here (and more)!
    Elsie, your scrapbook supplies have literally inspired me for years (and I didn’t even have any idea that said products were designed by you until someone posted a picture of an old magazine), and I’m so happy that you’re getting back into the craft again! If you can do, I most definitely can! :):):)

  • Loved this!
    I have the most beautiful pictures from my wedding. We didn´t make an album since we moved to Boston from Chile a few months after the wedding. My goal was to make a beautiful scrapbook, but a year later I never started. Now I am super motivated and inspired: with 5 more friends we made a Scrapbook Club. We gather once a week to share ideas, scrapbook together and have tea 🙂

  • Great post, Elsie! I started scrapbooking about 14 years ago, after the birth of my first son. Art class was my favorite class, too, and I fell head over heels in love with scrapbooking! It definitely has made me a better photographer, and I now own several awesome lenses for my camera. My style has changed over the years, but I love looking back at all my books, from the earliest to the most recent, and YES! they do fill my heart to overflowing. My father always had the latest camera, so I am fortunate to have hundreds and hundreds of images…black and white, color prints and color slides…of my childhood as well as old, old pictures of my Italian immigrant grandparents that were given to me by relatives because they know I scrapbook and would do something with them. Yes, we take tons of photos, way more than our patents and grandparents used to. Scrabooking allows me to remember and record the stories of my life and the life of my family, the words that go along with the pictures. I do get away from scrapbooking from time to time, but I return. It’s my quite time, my slowing down, the depths I dive into and my pure, pure bliss. Even when I seem to be unmotivated, uninspired or just too tired to create, I open the books I already made and I am reminded that there is no other possession I own that is more valuable or holds more meaning than the books that hold the stories of my full, rich, crazy, beautiful, moving-too-fast life.

  • I’m totally in! And I am maybe starting to want a photo printer . . .

    Also, could you guys please do a post on photo organization? I have probably thousands of photos split between my phone, DLSR, and laptop and I want to make sure they’re all backed up if something goes amiss, and I want to know where things are so I can actually use them! Plus, my phone keeps getting mad at me and saying my storage is full. HALP!

  • Alright, i’m converted!:)
    Can’t wait to get all my photos printed out and get the creative juice flowing.

  • Thanks! I’m definitely going to get it! Can’t wait for the e-course to come out now!

  • Great post! I’ve been scrapbooking for 17 years. My style, method, materials, sizes, amount of photos/ journaling changes with my mood and time I have available. It can be whatever you want it to be. I am teaching it to junior high kids in an after school club too. I call it “arts and photography club” but it’s essentially scrapbooking and mixed media projects. I teach both paper and hybrid options so they have choices. My advice is start simple: photos and a few words or sentences about them put on a page. You can always add more “stuff” later. Any photo in an album (digital or physical ) is better than sitting in box or drive of photos gathering dust.

  • I’m curious to know where you keep all your scrapbooks, do you ever run out of storage?.Does it gets overwhelming at times owning 100 scrapbooks. Any tips on how to keep them organized and still have enough space?:>


  • The first “scrapbook” I ever did was one of those pre made ones where you just insert the picture and I don’t even think that counts. Your post for the Mini memory keepers one got me to do my first real mini scrapbook and I love it! I made a scrapbook of my son and sent it to my grandpa because that is his only great! Such a great thing to give as a gift 🙂

  • ELSIE! YOU ARE NOT LAZY! There’s no way you are lazy. You aren’t fooling me. You’re one of the most productive people I know (can I say I know you? Is that weird? Well, I’m here everyday so I feel like I do lol…okay maybe that is a little weird).

    xo Syd

  • i’m just getting into it, yay! especially because i wanted to find a way to get some creative juices flowing. 🙂
    xo, cheyenne

  • Could you do a post please about how to print photos different sizes for scrap booking please as this is pretty much what is flumixing me. Thank you x

  • My mom has always been a scrapbooker and I used to make artistic journals, but haven’t in a while. This totally makes me want to get off my butt and start again!

    Pretty in Python

  • Two questions!

    Can you tell me how many full page photos you can typically print with that Canon printer before you need a new set of ink cartridges?

    Also – where is that shirt from that you’re wearing? Oo wait I see you answered that already. To anthro I go!

    Okay so just the one question haha 🙂


  • In high school I was obsessed with scrapbooking, but I took a 5 year break because I was tired of always needing to buy more supplies (and also running out of money). But in the past year I took 2 international trips with my family and reading your posts about scrapbooking and taking a more minimalistic approach has inspired me! And will be nice on the wallet too 🙂 I can’t wait to get those travel photos out of the computer and onto the page!

  • Because I don’t have a printer at home I always found it hard to decide what size I wanted my scrapbooking photos to be printed at the store. Because I’m not much of a stick-to-the-plan person when it comes to crafting, I like to be able to change my mind halfway through the process. So for me, having the photos printed first just didn’t work. I felt like it limited my creativity to the given size of my photos, but sometimes I would have wanted this photo to be bigger, that other one smaller and then they didn’t fit the page anymore and so on. So I found for myself a new way of scrapbooking: Digital Photobooks! I know, digital photobooks can be really boring if you do them the way the software tells you. But I use them as a scrapbooking base. I create a photobook online with all the photos I like, arranging them on the pages just how I like it. But: I leave empty spaces that I’m going to fill in by hand once the printed book arrives in the mail. For handwritten notes, tickets, pressed flowers, paper scraps, drawings, stamps, stickers… I still have all the scrapbooking options open 🙂

  • Oh man–I haven’t scrapbooked in years! This inspired me to start again. You’re so right–it doesn’t have to be corny. I can tailor it to my liking. You’re also so right about taking more/better pictures when you’re in a mode where you know it will be placed somewhere to see. I’m the same way when I know I’ll be putting pictures on my blog.

    Thanks for the awesome post!

  • I’ve never gotten into scrapbooking as I just don’t have patience. Love looking at them though. And, btw, your photos are gorgeous.

  • You inspired me a couple years ago to start scrapbooking. In 2012, we did a lot of travelling, and I documented it month by month. Since then, I’ve made another book for our trip to San Francisco and Las Vegas, and another with my favourite cocktail recipes. I’m looking forward to the day I can show my children 🙂

  • Loved your post as usual! 🙂 I am a graphic designer and also a scrapbooker and I simply love what I do! Live all the way down in Brazil, São Paulo but my hometown is Rio de Janeiro. Your Idea for scrapbooking is wonderful and I would love to translato and share your post on my blog gaivina of course the credits to you. Would that be possível? Have a beautiful day! Xoxo 🙂

  • I feel like I could have just read my own list of reasons why one should scrapbook!!! Your reasoning is PERFECT! I think the term “scrapbook” might turn some people off to the whole idea behind it, because I totally agree with you, the traditional scrapbook materials are way too constricting and overwhelming. But whatever you call it, (scrapbook, journal, photo collection, memory keeper, life stories…etc), it is such a great way to relive old memories.

    I have found that if I have pretty supplies that I like, great pictures, and LOTS of free time then I am all set to dive right in!!! And when I finish a page or event you cant help but smile and want to share it with the people who helped make up your memories 🙂

    p.s…Your Project Life Sunshine Edition core kit is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE thing EVER!!!! I use those beautiful prints for so so sooo many projects beyond scrapbooking. I love love them…thank you <3

  • I might not call it “scrapbooking” per se, because I don’t buy all of the little bits & pieces to decorate pages, but I’ve gotten really into keeping albums lately. I can write little descriptions, or dates, and it’s so charming to keep real, physical photographs instead of letting them sit on my computer. Nobody sits around the table with family and browses through photos on a computer, am I right?

    I’d love to get a new printer for at home, so that I could print more specifically, instead of just having them printed on standard film sizes.

    <3 dani

  • Can you share how did you compile and edit the photos into different size. I always wondering how you arrange it. Photoshop? Or any software?

  • I’ve been meaning to start scrapbooking, but I’ve never got round to it yet! This post has motivated me to though 🙂

    Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  • I love scrapbooking and I have for years. I am a visual person, and organizing my photographs in an album helps me to remember all of those special moments in my life that we tend to forget about. From time to time I will pull out my albums and it always reminds me of something I did that I loved at the time, but didn’t always stay at the top of my memory.

  • “Living with a thankful heart is really important to me, and scrapbooking does a weirdly good job of putting me in that mindset.” – I love this! I took a break from scrapbooking and took up jewelry making. I’m back at scrapping though AND jewelry making because I can totally do both! Great post.

  • Thank you….Thank you so much for this post! I know I really have to get scrapbooking asap. I have been married for a year and a half and we take little to no pictures of our everyday lives. I used to use my DSLR all.the.time but I don’t use it as much as I used to. I don’t even know why 🙁 I really enjoy looking through other people’s photo albums and I really want that for myself and my family as well because it is so much more special than just flipping through photos on your phone or computer.

    My husband even suggested a while ago that it would be nice to have some sort of album documenting our lives as a new family. That just gave me the last push to actually jump in and do it.

  • This is so dumb, but what do you do as far as holding your book together? I don’t really like the look of the typical, bulky scrapbooks you can buy at a craft store. As a college student, I really want to scrapbook and keep my memories in one (or a few) place(s). I just can’t get over the external part of the scrapbook! Any help?


  • The best part of scrapbooking is when you look at them years later. What seems cheesy now is precious in a decade.

  • Hi Elsie,

    Firstly, as a fellow “scrapbooker”… I LOVED this post! My (secret) favorite evening activity is watching Scandal and scrapbooking with a glass of wine or bowl of ice cream.

    And you started it all! I began following your personal blog WAY back when you had your “love, elsie” line. You inspired me to start scrapbooking so many years ago, and I have never looked back since!

    Of course, my style has changed (from a LOT of glue, glitter & pure cheese) to more minimalistic. I use Project Life now (which I know you love too!) and it has quite honestly refreshed my love of scrapbooking. I know you guys will be releasing your product line soon, and I’m secretly hoping for some kind of scrapbooking kit! And based on what I just read (above), I am SO excited for your e-course! xo


  • I loved this article so much! I have been postponing to start doing scrapbooks for months! And now you just gave me the sign! I’m finally starting to print out my photos! Yay! Thanks for sharing your tips!

    xx OXANAMUA: New hair, Coffee talk OOTD
    Big Selection of Inexpensive Clothing in High Street Fashion Store

  • True, the awful supplies are the one thing that always threw me off the scrapbooking bandwagon. BUT, I’m starting Project Life next year. (That’s still scrapbooking, right?)

    I’m gathering cards and page protectors and I’m actually really excited to begin. I decided to start buying things early because supplies are not for sale in Chile so I have to order everything from the US and Australia.

  • Love your post. I’m the only scrapbooker in the family and some members just don’t get it. I do it for different reasons at different times, but basically it just makes me happy. I have grown as a scrapbooker artist, learning a ton about design along the way from very talented ladies. I recently took all of my Mom photos of our family growing up. I have to start sorting the photos, so I can create four specific albums. One for my parents, one for my Sister, one for my Brother and one for me. I would GREATLY appreciate any advise/suggestions on how to tackle this BIG project.

    PS… I just picked up the Canon PIXMA iP8720 after my old Camon PIXMA died a few months back and I’m loving it.

  • You pretty much nailed it. These are all the reasons I scrapbook. I started out with just photos on cardstock 15 years ago and now am a full blown “scrapbooker”. It took me at least 5 years to admit to being a scrapbooker.

  • I have been a scrapbooker for almost 15 years, and I love it. Of course, there are ebbs and flows in my “productivity” but I always, always love it. One piece of advice that I would give to a person looking into getting started is to start simple! There is SO much product out there, so many great ideas, it is easy to get overwhelmed. But I love the look of clean and simple pages. I have accumulated so much product over the years that I am overwhelmed by my own stash! A great post, thank you!

  • Thanks, Elsie. I have been taking a break. Just couldn’t find the time. But realized recently that I need to. I am the girl who grew up drawing and painting and writing stories in her room. Scrapbooking involves everything I love. Also got inspired when I pulled some older scrapbooks out of the closet the other day. The memories were so cool. My kids are getting bigger. I need to tell the new stories!

  • I love scrapbooking and I hope this post means you will be posting more scrapbooking stuff in the future!

  • I so understand! I used to scrapbook and the reactions i got were defiantly mixed – until they saw the albums, then they started to change their minds. I haven’t scrapped a single thing since 2010 and i must say i miss having updated albums and most of all my kids miss it. So with the birth of our third there was the perfect excuse to jump right back in!! This time without all the STUFF and the feeling of needing all the stuff. I just want to document my family!

  • Kristin, I would go on youtube and search for videos of smashbook techniques. Basically, when you smashbook, you glue everything in and write your journaling and don’t stress too much about it. I think a lot of youtubers are still capable of overthinking their smashbooks and making them all scrappy, but hey, it’s their smashbook. Anyhow, it might give you a starting point and give you some ideas of how to put the pages together.

  • I love scrapbooking so I need no convincing BUT I do want to throw my hat in the ring vis-a-vis your top.

    I believe those are llamas, yes? I also have a llama-printed top and EVERY. TIME. I wear it someone says to me “Are those llamas on your shirt?”

    Legit, every time.
    Does this happen to you?

  • I have been scrapbooking for 15 years and it changes every year but I couldn’t imagine not doing it in some form. You have always been an inspiration for me (I still have some of your scrapbook collection in my stash) and now you will be an inspiration for the next generation of scrapbookers. Such am amazing post 🙂

  • This makes me miss scrapbooking! I have taken a break for the last few years, but I want to get back into it. My friends would always side eye me when I told them about my “scrapbooking,” but I honestly think most people who don’t like it haven’t really given it a fair shot. It doesn’t have to be complicated with fancy paper and stickers. At worst, you just need some paper, markers, and scissors. It’s such a stress-reliever!

  • I am a scrapbooking addict. I have friends who have told me that it is their idea of hell and I just give them a blank look. I have a whole room in the house devoted to scrapbooking and it is packed. It is my mental health, my peace and I love it. We are looking to relocate and my only criteria is our new house has to have a scrapbook room.

  • I call what I do “life booking” because I initially didn’t want to be judged for how lame “scrap booking” sounds. I’m definitely bookmarking this post for the next time I try to suggest a few of my girlfriends join me in documenting life together. 🙂

  • I’ve recently started my first scrapbook. It’s going to be for my son’s 2nd year. For his first year I just made him a photo book from shutter fly. It turned out ok, but I love the idea of making one myself. So, I’m diving in! I have loved your posts about scrapbooking. I don’t really like the commercial-looking scrapbooks and supplies so it’s refreshing seeing how you do it.

    One thing that I’ve noticed is I feel so confined by the page protectors. I like the idea of mixing it up and making it look kind of like an art journal, perhaps without the page protectors. Would it be weird to just make pages and put them in a book without the plastic cover?

  • I am a 31 year old scrapbooker. My friends an I sometimes joke about our old lady hobby but it totally is not. Our scrapbooks are fresh and fun with lots of modern patterns and bright colors. Thanks for sharing this fun hobby with your masses!

  • Elsie, I can’t wait to see your new scrapbook products coming out!!! I miss seeing your pages and I actually just used some of your old products in my Hilton Head album I worked on earlier in the year. (Yes, I hoard all my products and hardly ever get rid of anything!!) Give us a peek when you can!!!

  • That is why I went digital! I love it. I do this family yearbook every year with Heritage Makers. LOVE LOVE LOVE all their template options and how easy it is to make it my own. Here’s what my yearbook looked like last year. http://www.heritagemakers.com/projectBrowserStandAlone.cfm?projectId=2522437&productId=11&projectSponsor=225144

    I’d be happy to help anyone out that wants to give it a try! It’s so worth the investment in your family!Check it out! http://heritagemakers.com/amyc

  • Awesome post!! I am so excited to delve back into scrapbooking once I get my desk set up & room unpacked!! Will you be doing a December daily again this year?!

  • Hi! Sorry if somebody already asked, but do you use archival paper? Or do you just not worry about it? I know that archival paper usually costs more, but i’m thinking maybe it’s worth it. I haven’t done a ton of research about archival ink or paper yet, just wondering if you have looked into it and if so, what your thoughts are. thanks!

  • I scrap with Clubscrap.com kits, they are modern, economical, coordinated, & come with complete instructions! It saves time & gives a sense of accomplishment.

  • These facts are so important and so true! I love scrapbooking, but I’ve always done is by my own rules which is the reason WHY I love it.

  • I’m amassing some things I want to scrapbook. I’ve been collecting items fir a couple weeks now but haven’t jumped into the process yet. Well timed post. Thanks for the reminder I need to just do it.

  • Love this post Elsie! and love how scrapping combines an artsy creative outlet to preserve memories. Keep it going Elsiecakes…whoop whoop! xox

  • project life really intimidated me for a long time. and i hadn’t kept a scrapbook for years. but i jumped in this year and now it is my favorite thing to work on at night. i look at it as just filling one pocket at a time rather than the overall pages. and sometimes my entire month fits on 2 pages rather a week like most people. but i love that it is making me write down more stories and things my kids said or did rather than just pictures. i love looking through your scrapbook posts for inspiration!

  • I started scrapbooking about 8 years ago. It started out traditional and now I’m a pocket scrapper. I used to be a stay at home mom so had lots of creative free time. Now I work full time so my time is limited. Preserving memories and documenting our lives is the only hobby I really keep up with now. I love it!

  • Elsie, that was wonderful to read.
    I actually find your blog in first place, while searching scrapbook inspiration on Google, back in 2007! I don’t do scrapbook now, but I’m feeling into making photo albums for my family at Christmas. After reading this, I am more then ready to do it again!

    Bdw, I come to ABM blog almost everyday since 2007. Feels so home here.. Thanks for that!


  • I started with digital when my grand kids were little. Getting out all of the papers was a big project, plus something I didn’t want the kids to get into. They are now 6 and 7 and last year my grand daughter had a scrapbooking party for her birthday! We took photos of her with her friends and got out all of my papers and things and they had a blast. I just got things out again and have been scrapping papers and drawings the kids made over the past year. I figure I need to use up my paper supplies! I have had the dining room table up and loaded with supplies for 3 weeks. I decided that was just how it was going to be for a bit. I will have to clear it out for Thanksgiving 🙂
    I have a lot of your digital things and I will still use them.

  • I love scrapbooking, it’s such a fun and creative outlet to share memories. I haven’t had a lot of time to do it lately and I really wish I did. Lovely post 🙂

    – lana (lana-sultana.blogspot.com)

  • I say AMEN to all of the above!
    After not scrapbooking for some years (after Scrap In Style TV ended, my mojo seemed to have ended as well), I started with project life about one year ago. I am a much happier person now I have a creative let out and got in contact over FB with so many others and it is SO MUCH FUN!!
    Love to see that you are scrapbooking again too, you were a huge inspiration to me! I even took one of your online classes with the handmade christmas gifts!
    xx Aranka

  • Loved your post as usual! 🙂 I am a graphic designer and also a scrapbooker and I simply love what I do! Live all the way down in Brazil, São Paulo but my hometown is Rio de Janeiro. Your Idea for scrapbooking is wonderful and I would love to translato and share your post on my blog gaivina of course the credits to you. Would that be possível? Have a beautiful day! Xoxo 🙂

  • Thanks for this post, Elsie! I have a ton of scrapbook supplies in my place and haven’t taken the time in ages to scrapbook even though I find it really relaxing and uplifting. Your blog is always inspiring me to make time to be crafty, so thanks again for yet another reminder of why being crafty makes me so happy!

  • Hi,
    I’m a non-scrap-booker. My daughter wants to decorate her own cover of a scrapbook album to be used as a party guest book. Inside, I’d prefer 12 x 12 top load, but smaller is probably okay. She’d prefer studs/posts instead of three ring binder. The photos will be 4 x 6 (from a green screen at the party). She wants to paste one or two on a page and have the guests write comments, decorate the page, etc.
    I need it in about a week.

    Rob in Northern Virginia

  • Hi Rob! You should be able to find most of those supplies at your local craft store, and one of the associates can help you find them or answer any questions that you may have 🙂 -Jacki

  • I would love to scrapbook one day, I have almost all the materials, the book but not the pictures yet. The only reason I’m putting it off is cause it would turn out to be an expensive hobby. As we know no one uses up all their stock before buying more. 😛

  • I’ve been scrapbooking since 1999 (though I created “old school” scrapbooks in college…yes, I’m old). 😀 Anyway, I’ve seen a lot of trends come and go and even come again. For new scrapbookers, pocket scrapbooking would be a great way to start without a huge investment. Just buy some protectors with built-in pockets, add photos, trinkets, and some journal cards….very easy. Another option if you don’t want all the materials is to do digital scrapbooking (Studio J is an option and there are others). You put it together digitally then pay to have them printed and shipped, then you just put into an album. I personally love the physical aspect of scrapbooking….nothing more fun to me than playing with paper, scissors, adhesive. 🙂 Looking forward to seeing what ABM comes out with for scrapbooking!

  • Hi Elsie! I just started working with journaling and Scraps, and I would like to know what pen should I buy?

  • i would totally love to start and have tried many times! i cant print pictures at home so any suggestions for that? because i obviously cant go into town every time i want to print one or two pictures…

  • I completely agree that scrapbook ing can be fun if you add your own personal style to it. I also see paper crafting as a relaxing fun thing to do. Not scrapbooking, but making cards is another great way to dive in and have fun! I make my own cards and it’s’ special to give someone a card you made just for them. Can’t wait to see your new line of products!

  • I love scrapbooking. For me, it’s a creative and visual exercise, totally relaxing at the same time as inspiring me. I know this brilliant post is about photos mainly, and I really need to also sort and print mine and get them into a tangible and real life album, but the scrapbooks I make mostly are compiled from torn bits of magazines. I rearrange them into fun layouts and I put ‘at odds’ headlines with striking images to kind of make a point or pun or something that’s brand new. It’s my art! I wrote a bit about it on my blog (http://www.wayoutwedding.com/2014/07/30/14-things-that-inspire-me/ please feel free to delete the link if that’s way spammo), and spoke about how creatively exciting it is to create new images. Big rambling comment here, but basically yay for the scrapbook!! In all its forms. Make one immediately!!

  • Hi Kristin,

    I agree, it’s hard sometimes when you want to incorporate mementos onto the page — they make designing challenging! My rule though is that when it’s a battle between mementos I really like and the design, mementos always win. Sometimes the pages don’t look as beautiful as photos-only, but the page is very meaningful. Good luck!

  • I look at a mix of scrapbooking and non-scrapbooking for inspiration. I keep a pinboard just to scroll through when I’m having a hard time putting a page together. Often, a lot of great inspiration comes from graphic design. I look at great magazines and other people’s non-scrapbook work.

  • Sing it. I really appreciate this post! You won’t find ribbon or stickers anywhere near my scrapbooks — I like to do things my way and sometimes it’s hard to find an identity when I tell people I’m a scrapbooker, but wait, no, not what you think of when you think of scrapbooking! I write about this a lot but feel like I’m swimming upstream.

    Photos do deserve a home and I think many people don’t realize that electronic storage is actually LESS stable than analog in the long run (putting on my archivist hat for a moment).

  • Great pitch Elsie… if I wasn’t absolutely hooked on scrapbooking I sure would be now 😀 I did feel the same about Project Life but I decided to do it my way and now I absolutely love it as a way of recording day to day life and when I need the urge to just create something beautiful I can still do my single or even double layouts…. I love the versatility of it… In South Africa it is really hard to find lots of nice stuff which forces us to be creative and make a lot of stuff…. 😀 I love your blog and your style and this article was fabulous. x

  • Currently on a 2 year break and I have already decided that when I pick it up again I will be doing of the project life style with minimal decorations. I just need to get the photos organised and in albums

  • I like that you can use whatever material you want. So if you want to start without buying to much stuff, look at what you already got. For example ,I made an album out of paper bags. And used an empty metal peppermintbox to put a tiny album (made from scrap pieces of paper)with pictures of my children to take with me in my purse. Just use your imagination and you don’t have to spend a lot to get started 🙂

  • I have taken a 7 year break and have starting to reinvent what Scrapbooking looks like for me as an empty nester. I miss it too! So glad you posted this! Tena Sprenger

  • When you start a scrabbooking project, how do you commence? Do you think of the style first or just let it to how you feel doing page by page to the moment?

    Also what kind of supplies would you recommend for scapbooking and what kind of paper do you use?

  • Thank you so much Elsie! For months I’ve been inspired by your scrapbooking posts and have toyed with the idea as its so modern and simple. Finally went to spotlight (Australia) today and bought supplies, even got the sunshine paper set. BEYOND excited. Thank you for being so fresh and creative.

  • I LOVE the idea of scrap booking. might add this to my list of crafts to start!

    rae of love from berlin

  • your scrapbooking posts are my absolute favorite! I am always so infinitely inspired by them every single time. please keep them coming! thanks!


  • Love this post! I love the tangible feeling that scrapbooking gives memories. Saving a ticket stub, a foiled napkin, brings back more nostalgia than an Instagram pic. ❤️❤️❤️

  • I only just noticed how cute that shirt is. One of my best friends loves llamas like crazy, so I need to get this for her! 😀
    Also, this post really helped me get motivated so thank you for that!

  • I’ve taken a big long break, but I’ve realized lately that I really miss my paper crafts! I have a paper shop on Etsy, but the really sad thing is that I don’t play with what I sell. I really should. I’ve bought some project life sleeves to use and I think this is going to make things much easier, but I also like that you encourage us to use our own style, so it doesn’t matter how we do it, even if it’s in an old ledger book. I need to get better at printing my photos; you’re right, your phone doesn’t count. Thanks for the encouragement! I’m looking forward to down time with my stuff. 🙂 PS I totally have a picture of you and I from about 5 years ago that I haven’t put in a book yet. LOL! It was on our trip to Springfield to antique and we met in the coffee shop.

  • Since I got married in June 2013 I have been trying to do a better job with taking more photos and documenting. My biggest problem with starting a scrapbook is that I don’t have amazing high quality photos like yours, Elsie. I have my iphone and an alright editing app. I don’t have a fancy camera right now or photoshop programs (or the time to mess with images on photoshop) or a printer/ way to resize my photos. I order prints of my pictures online and then put them in regular albums, but the whole writing down memories and adding pretty papers and washi tape and colors doesn’t really happen (even though I want to). I have a strong desire to scrapbook and document and write and keep that stuff for my family, but I feel like I am in a rut and don’t know where or how to start. I love the way you scrapbook and want to start doing that a lot more, but how do I get started where I am at right now? Please help! lol

  • I can’t wait to try this! Thank you for helping bring fresh inspiration to scrapbooking.

  • wow and its amazing fins so much creative and useful i just bookmarked your page for my future references. Keep it up and share more creative ideas.

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