ABM Book Club: September Selection

6U8A3094I am extra excited to announce next month's book club selection! Many of you mentioned that you'd like for the book club to read a few older or more classic selections. We love this idea! Plus I always feel so bummed to hear if one of you went to get the ABM book club selection at your local library but were met with a LONG queue so you could not read it the same month we were. I think splicing in a few older or more classic selections every now and again is a great remedy to this. So, in September we will be reading Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. I was very excited about this selection because I read Middlesex probably about six years ago now, so I'm excited to refresh my memory.

ABM book club!The second reason I'm so excited about next month is because Danielle of Sometimes Sweet will be moderating for the month. She chose the book and will be leading the discussion. I've gotten many a book recommendation from reading her blog, so I'm excited for her to join us. It was really fun having Elsie choose and moderate last month when we read #GIRLBOSS, so we're excited to have a couple different voices join in this autumn/winter season.

And don't forget, we'll be discussing Flight Behavior on August 29. I am a massive Barbara Kingsolver fan, and this book has not been a disappointment. I cannot wait to hear what you thought, so please join us to discuss. xo. Emma

Credits // Author: Emma Chapman. Photography: Sarah Rhodes. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.

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