A Bakery + Greenhouse date

Great Dates- A bakery and greenhouse dateHey, friends! Today I'm here to share volume two of our new feature, Great Dates! Each round we will share two places or activities that make fun pairings for a date, like dinner and a movie. You can see our first date post here

Great Dates isn't just for couples. Today it's time for a girls' date with Katie! We're going to a bakery and a greenhouse. Two of our favorite places. Ready, set, go! 

Aviary Creperie in Springfield, MissouriAviary Creperie in Springfield, MissouriAviary Creperie in Springfield, MissouriAviary Creperie in Springfield, Missouri    Aviary Creperie in Springfield, Missouri    Aviary Creperie in Springfield, Missouri    Part 1: Bakery 

We headed over to one of our favorite spots, Aviary Cafe and Creperie. Their new (second) location is at Farmers Park on Republic Road. They opened a patisserie in the new location, and it's the perfect spot to grab a coffee and a pastry. We picked a mini pastry sampler box. Isn't it pretty? Almost too pretty to eat… but not quite. Ha! 

Aviary Creperie in Springfield, Missouri      Aviary Creperie in Springfield, Missouri      On a side note, this shade of blue is my jam right now. It's so pretty! 

Aviary is one of our go-to spots. We highly recommend it for a quick treat or a delicious soup and salad lunch. It's a favorite. If you're local, you have to try it. If you're not, it's OK; you're probably still hungry for pastries now—right? 

Green Gallery in Ozark, Missouri     Part 2: Greenhouse

Our friend Karen recently expanded her vintage shop into a vintage AND greenhouse concept with her husband. It's in Ozark, Missouri, and it's called Funtiques at Green Gallery. It's incredible. 

Green Gallery in Ozark, Missouri      Green Gallery in Ozark, Missouri      Green Gallery in Ozark, Missouri      Green Gallery in Ozark, Missouri      Green Gallery in Ozark, Missouri      It's no secret that we love plant shopping. It's one of our guilty pleasures and oftentimes the cure for a blah day. Karen's new greenhouse is amazing. Katie picked up a new tomato plant, and I bought lemon basil (for homemade basil lemonade!) and a pretty red succulent. 

Green Gallery in Ozark, MissouriGreen Gallery in Ozark, MissouriGreen Gallery in Ozark, Missouri   Green Gallery in Ozark, Missouri   Inside there is a bunch of fun vintage too! 

Do you guys have any fun dates planned this weekend? TGIF. Happy weekend, friends. xx! Elsie 

Credits// Author: Elsie Larson. Photography: Sarah Rhodes. Photos edited with Petal from The Fresh Collection and Hazel from The Signature Collection. 

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