Pom Pom Magnets DIY

I’m a big fan of having pictures out around the house—on walls, tabletops, mantels, and all over my fridge too! I’ve realized that I’ve gotten kind of short on magnets lately and I have a bunch of baby pics that I wanted to put up where I could see more often. I partnered with Canon USA to create a quick and easy magnet DIY that was just what I needed to remedy the situation! And what’s one of the cutest things you can find in almost any crafter’s supply room? Pom poms, of course!Supplies:
-Canon PIXMA TS8120
-yarn and pom pom maker (or you can buy your own already made)
round magnets
hot glue gun

Print your photos onto photo paper. I used my PIXMA TS8120 to print the images. It does a great job capturing the colors in the photos, and I love how crisp the blacks are! Use scissors or X-Acto knife and ruler to cut out your photos.Take your yarn and use your pom pom maker to make as many poms as you want magnets.Use your hot glue gun to attach your poms to your magnets and allow the glue to fully set. Now your magnets are ready to use to hold your photo memories! So fun! These magnets look so cute on my metal lockers in my craft room and on my refrigerator too. You can always make or buy a much larger pom pom and magnet and that would make a bigger “statement piece” magnet too. I love having these sweet family pics at eye level in places that I go to throughout the day (that’s Lola’s first time at the beach above!), and I hope this is a good way for you to keep some fun memories in plain view as well! xo. Laura

Credits // Author and Photography: Laura Gummerman. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.

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