Warm Brussels Sprout Salad

Best brussels sprout saladI’ve got to get one thing off my chest before we get to what’s in this salad. I more or less stole this idea from Elsie. One day she made this awesome salad for everyone at the ABM office, and I fell in love. I immediately went home to make my own version. So this is a tale of two salads. Elsie’s is very similar to this but a little more heavy on the mayo, plus she adds bacon. Hers is sounding pretty good, no?

Super healthy and delicious brussels sprout saladMine is a little bit lighter, so if you end up eating this often you don’t have to feel guilty. I am pretty addicted to Brussels sprouts so we make them pretty much weekly at our house. I also added big croutons to make this into more of a main course. The addition of the giant croutons also kind of makes this a panzanella (which is a salad made of mostly bread and tomatoes). You can easily leave the croutons out though for more of a side dish item. Do what you will-this salad is made to be customized!

Brussels sprouts saladWarm Brussels Sprout Salad, serves 2-3 as a meal.

1/2 french loaf cut into large cubes (I used a wheat loaf, you could use any bread you like)
1 lb. brussels sprouts
2/3 cup Craisins or golden raisins
1/4 cup mayo
4 garlic cloves
1 lime
1/8 teaspoon cayenne (or more if you like a real kick!)
1/4 cup + 3 tablespoons olive oil
salt + pepper to taste

In a food processor give the Brussels a few pulses, so they are partially shredded and partially rough chopped. I have a smaller food processor, so I had to do this in three batches. Once all the Brussels are chopped, heat a tablespoon or two of olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Cook the Brussels, tossing occasionally, until bright green and cooked through (about 6-8 minutes). During the last few minutes of cooking toss in the Craisins so they’ll be nice and warm along with the Brussels.

Warm brussels sprout saladWhile that cooks, in the food processor (again) combine the mayo, garlic and juice from the lime. Pulse the ingredients together until well combined. With the processor still running, drizzle in 1/4 cup olive oil. Taste and add salt + pepper as needed.

How to make croutonsOnce you have the bread cut into large cubes toss in a few tablespoons olive oil. Spread in one layer on a baking sheet and season with a little salt + pepper. Bake at 375Β°F until brown and crispy (8-10 minutes).

Brussels sprout salad Once the Brussels are cooked toss with the dressing. Add in the croutons and give everything a nice toss. Serve warm. If you like your salad even more creamy you could easily double the amount of dressing the above recipe calls for. Enjoy! xo. Emma

Note: If you are enjoying this as part of the Weekday Weekend Challenge be sure to use 100% whole grain braid, check the dried fruit for hidden sugars (many contain this but not all), and use a compliant mayo.

Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman.

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