A Beautiful Mess Photo App Video Tour

We put together a fun, little video to show you give you a quick, easy walkthrough of the new features in the update and Android version of the app. Enjoy! We'll be doing a full FAQ later on. xo. Elsie and the ABM team

P.S. One quick Android tip not in the video: If you haven't noticed already, when selecting photos, you can either scroll through the quick view or press the word "GALLERY" and access more of your photos! For all support questions, please reach out to the following e-mails:
Android—abm.android.support@rocketmobile.co (.co, not .com)

  • For some reason, I still can’t find this app in the Google Play store!! Anyone else having this issue, or just me?

  • Loving the new update!!! Just one tiiiiny thing – I appreciate that you’ve added the ability to type multiple lines in one go, but for whatever reason that has made it very difficult to get more than two or three words in a line for the bigger fonts (and just a few more with the smaller fonts). Previously the font shrunk itself to fit into a line – is there a trick for squeezing more words onto a line? Thanks so much!

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  • Whyyyyyy? I’ve waited the Android app since the first day you talked about the Apple one but no for a reason or an other it seems that my Samsung is too old to be allowed to dl the ABM for Android app.
    For the first time i’ve been soooooo sad to be such a nerdy… :'(
    Meh :'(

  • I love ABM app! It’s the first photo editor app that I ever purchased and I never regret it.. I feel I edit all my photos with ABM now! <3

  • I ABSOLUTELY love your app and am tickled pink by all the new fancy things you’ve added to make the app even more fantastic. It’s been my go to app forever, and now I’ll never need the others.

    A small thing to consider: Something happened from the last version to this one, wherein my long-ish shop name no longer will fit on one line in the text, which means it now takes up more space in the photo (and aesthetically just doesn’t look as good on two lines). I’d have to make two entries and shrink and shift both accordingly in order to do something I could so easily do in the last version. I love that we can center/left/right justify text, etc. This is so useful, I just also wish we could have the option to make the font smaller so text could fit all on one line if we needed it to.

    Again, I still really love love love this app and am so excited by all of the awesome new features. They’re amazing and really BOOOOOST the overall awesomeness and value of this app!! You ladies and team have clearly worked really hard on it and should be congratulated!!

  • So I’ve been reading for 2 years and all this time I’ve thought your name was Elise, not Elsie…wow silly me. It’s so fun to actually hear your voice!

  • So excited for all of these fun changes and updates! I love the option for changing the opacity and I always love checking out the new packs/graphics you come up with. Nice work, ABM team! 🙂

  • Wow, after reading you for years, it’s very cool to hear your voice! Oh and thanks for all the new features too! xox

  • Thanks for the video. I’ve been waiting to purchase it for Android, but I think I will check and see if I can buy it for my device now! Hopefully!

  • Can you please make the app for Windows phones as well?! pretty please! I have been following your blog since 4 years and I really want to use this app.. 🙁

  • Love love love the app and the updates are great. One thing, I purchased some of the new “extras” and they aren’t showing up. If I select them and try to use them they prompt me that I need to purchase them. If I hit the purchase button again it prompts me to give my apple password, then I select purchase again and it tells me I’ve already purchased it but haven’t downloaded it yet but allows me access to the new items. It tells me to hit ok to download and allows me temporary access but won’t let me access later on. ??? Not sure if this makes sense, but I’m not sure what to do to get them to show up on the app. I updated and really love the collage feature.

  • Congrats on all your hard work updating the app. I can’t imagine how much head scratching and toil must go into developing something this complex and trying to meet as many users’ preferences as possible. It looks beautiful. Good work team ABM!

  • I have an android phone and just purchased the app yesterday. I’ve been having lots of fun with it; the interface is fairly intuitive and I love the ability to control opacity of borders, doodles, etc. Looking forward to exploring it more – fantastic app!

  • LOVE the app! But when I purchased two things in the in-app purchase, it crashed and now I can’t access the packs and it’s saying I hvr to purchase them again 🙁

  • The android app is finally released but sadly it is not compatible with my device (Xperia mini)
    and the Android support didn’t replied any of my 2 messages. Any idea of what could be wrong? is it really because of my device as written on the play store or should i update something?
    Thank for your help! 🙂

  • Hi!
    the android version is finally released but sadly it doesn’t work with my device (Sony xperia mini). So sad! Any idea of what I can do except buying a new phone? 🙂
    the android support didn’t answered any of my messages…
    Thank you for your help! 🙂

  • Same here 🙁
    but with my Sony Xperia mini. So frustrated ! the android support doesn’t answered my messages. Dunno if it can be fixed, I can’t buy a new phone just to get the app, although that would look like something I could do :-))

  • For some reason, since the last update (which I love!) I seem to have “lost” quite a few things in the app:
    Some of the backgrounds that I had previously bought: The category now called “Sketch”, “Minimalist” and “Dainty”- GONE… I would have to buy them again….
    Also in the Doodles, same thing, It asks me to buy again the category: “Arrows”, “Word Bubbles”-
    And for the fonts, I previously had “Font Pack One” which I would now have to buy again….
    Has anyone had the same problem?

  • I’ve waited the Android app for sooo long and now I find out that my android is so old!!!! damn!!!!!! I am so SAD!!!! I want this app too!!!! :'(

  • I purchased one of the new phrases and my ABM can’t open up now… I even turned my phone off & on… Help!

  • Hmm, strange. Try reaching out to support. Allow them a little extra time to respond because of the holiday, so I’m sure they’re pretty backed up. 🙁

  • Reach out to Android support, tell them your exact phone model, Android version (found in settings), and carrier (Verizon, AT&T, etc.) and let them know you’re not finding it. Give them a little bit to respond, as they’re catching up from the holidays.

  • They were out for the holidays as well, which made our release date a little challenging on users. Sorry! But I know they’re catching up on e-mail now and should be reaching out.

  • Hmm, that’s another weird one. Please try reaching out to support listed in the blog post. Give them a couple days to reply, as they’re a little backed up from the holidays. But they should be able to respond shortly.


  • oh what a surprise for me when i opended my app with my ipad…new, first I was freaking a bit but realised very fast that new version is FANTASTIC…I discovered each thing with pleasure, and now i see your video and i have learn more …thanks a lot…i use so many times my app…you rock…xxx

  • I couldn’t find it either and I think it is because my phone has an old android version. And this app needs version 4.0
    I’m trying to find a way to update the software.

  • This was very helpful. I downloaded the android app the day it came out and have been eager to try it. This helps a ton. Thanks.


  • As an android user, I’ve been dying to have this app, and it’s better than I thought! Thank you for all your hard work!
    xo Jac

  • I have the 5C, updated, and the app SHOULD work – but it crashes every time, I bought all the fonts and borders too – now can’t even use them – please fix! Disappointed :/

  • Hi Blakely,

    Hmm, I’m sorry about that! It sounds like that’s a unique experience, as we’re not seeing that on other 5C devices. Please reach out to support listed up in the blog post, and they can troubleshoot with you. Please give them a day or so to respond, as they’re a little backed up from the holidays.


  • I’m so happy you made this, love it, and so impressed with how much you get from the one purchase, from some of the reviews I wasn’t expecting to be able to do much without making extra purchases. But I love how much there is to the app, for a whole 61p (99c)! Plus you do have a nice voice, you say collage cool (I think its just the American way) I hate saying it I feel stupid, I try to avoid it!

  • Thank you, this worked for me too! Thought I would see if I could find a solution here before annoying the tech support. Thank you Trey.

  • On Androids- Go to Settings, then “about Phone” then click on Software update. If your phone is able to take the update it will run for you. If your phone is too old for the update it will say there isn’t an update available. Hope that helps you get the software you need!!

  • I have NEVER paid for an app! BUT I made one acceptation and I’m so glad it did, I have watched you guys grow over the past 8 years cannot thank you enough for how much work you put into everything you give us!! OMG I cannot wait for you two to have kids!! its going to be so much fun.

  • Hii!!
    I have a lumia (windows phone).. And your app is amazing!!
    Please there is a way that you can develop the app for Windows Phone? It would be so great!!


  • I love the update and purchased one of the phrases but ever since I can not open the APP. It crashes every single time. I have contacted support but haven’t heard back. I bought the phrases to make my christmas cards and now I’m worried it will never work again. I have tried deleting it and adding it back but to no avail. I need help please 🙂

  • Thanks for creating such a great user friendly app. I’m in love with it and haven’t even had it for 24 hours. I have a few requests for new doodles to add to your list: paw prints, dog bones, culinary items like a spoon and fork.

  • I have the same exact problem! I bought a phrase one too! I’m using this in an iPhone 4S. I hope it works out for all of us! xo

  • I love that your app is now on android! The only sad thing is that I downloaded it through google play, made two in app transactions and then a day later my phone broke…. Of course with google play I could redownload the app, but my in app transactions are gone now 🙁 so that was sad…

  • I try to reduce the size of the text or the doodles but so far can only move it around and cannot resize it. Am I missing something?

  • Love this! So helpful. And am I crazy or is it possible this is actually the very first time I’ve heard your voice?! So sweet, but I was super startled! Ha! 🙂

  • I’m so disappointed because while the update looks AMAZING, I have an iPhone 4 and don’t want to update to the new iOS because it will slow down my phone and pretty much ruin it… I don’t have any plans to upgrade soon, so I guess I’m out of luck 🙁

  • This is fantastic. I do have a question though. I emailed your tech email account two days ago and no one has replied. I am on an Android and have the most recent version of the phone. I only see the 1.01 version, which is says was updated on Nov. 28/13… but I see that 2.0 is out. It does not seem to be in the google play store though? Can someone please email me regarding this? My email is visualmeringue@gmail.com. Thanks!

  • Hey guys, I loooooove everything about the app and seriously use it daily. Last night I purchased some doodles and now my app won’t load, it shuts down seconds after clicking on the icon. I’m so bummed! Tried restarting my phone, deleting and redownloading the app but no success.. Any idea what might be going on? Thank you! x

  • Hi Bree,

    Hmm, that is strange. Definitely reach out to support for whichever operating system you’re using (explained more in the post). One trouble-shooting trick I always try is deleting the app, reinstalling, and hitting restore purchases on the homescreen of the app. It won’t charge you to reinstall any of that.

    Hopefully this helps!

  • Hi! LOVE the app and I am planning on using it for absolutely all of my sharing and social networking needs! BUT I just can’t seem to figure out how to get the borders to work! I select a picture, and select a border, but it’s always either one or the other, I can’t minimize the picture and see the border behind it. It is starting to drive me a little batty, and I am almost ashamed to admit just how much time I have spent trying to figure this out! Someone please help!
    A Beautiful Hot Mess

  • Hi Liz,

    Hmm, that’s strange. When you say border, do you mean background? And are you working in collages? Or is this in the editing screen?

    If you’re still in the collage screen, the backgrounds aren’t meant to change the look of the frame around your photos. That’s always set to white. The backgrounds are meant to be their own image. Think of it like stock images to play with with you’re laying out a collage. So they function equally to pictures in that instance. Make sense?

    If it’s the latter issue, where you’ve already created you’re collage and you’re in the editing screen (where you choose doodles, borders, phrases, etc.), you might want to reach out to tech support listed in the post above.


  • Hi, I would love to have this app on my phone, unfortunately nobody makes cute apps for BBZ10 🙁
    Please tell you guys are going to launch it for Blackberry

  • updated version is crashing like crazy! iPhone4 with the latest software update. is it just me??

  • Hi there abm. I have to say, I’ve used this amb photo editing app for years now. I just love it! Nothing out there is as easy to use and adaptable to my editing needs.
    However, I hope you can help me with an issue. I recently got a new phone (I was am still am an android user), and my abm app was glitching. I thought “no biggy, I’ll just uninstall and then re-download it”. Simple right? Wrong. When I searched for your app in the play store, it was nowhere to be found! *panic* I easily found your colour story app, but not your original abm photo editing app. Could you please help me? Maybe I’m simply getting the name of the app wrong?

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