Nutella Breakfast Cereal

Nutella breakfast cereal abeautifulmess.comI love playing around in the kitchen. Although I must admit, sometimes things don't turn out exactly how I plan. This cereal, for example, falls in the category of happy accident. I was trying to develop some kind of homemade cocoa puffs. I love the flavor of these, but they do not have the consistency/texture of cocoa puffs. So I'll have to try again on that front. This cereal is more like tiny chocolate nutella cookies. So that's pretty awesome. Pretty unhealthy. But I never said this was a health food post. πŸ™‚How to make your own breakfast cerealNutella Breakfast Cereal, makes 2 large servings.

1 1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg
1/4 cup corn syrup or honey
2 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons NutellaNutella breakfast cereal   In a large bowl combine all the ingredients and stir until a thick and somewhat crumbly dough forms. Lightly cover your hands in flour and pinch off very small pieces of dough. Roll into tiny balls and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. The smaller the balls the better. πŸ™‚ Bake at 350Β°F for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and rotate the balls so they don't burn on one side. Bake for an additional 12-15 minutes until crunchy but still a tiny bit soft in the center.Nutella breakfast cereal Now pour on the milk! If you don't end up eating all of the cereal, then store in an air tight container for 2-3 days. If you wanted to make a larger batch, I bet these could freeze fairly well. If you try that let us know your results. Have fun experimenting! xo. Emma

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