At Work with Katie Kime in Austin, Texas

OK, you are in for a treat! Today, we’re sharing Katie Kime’s office space, and let me tell you … it’s incredible. Katie is the CEO and creative director of Katie Kime, Inc., which includes 10+ lines of home and fashion, including furniture, fabric, apparel, and more (I love this goddess canvas and lemon wallpaper). Ready for a tour?

“Katie Kime, Inc. is a print and color-based brand for home and fashion. We design seasonal prints and then manufacture an array of lines with them—from a shift dress to a chair to wallpaper to pajamas. Our flagship brick and mortar is in Austin, Texas, where we are based.

“It was actually pretty serendipitous how we found this space. We were literally three weeks away from our old lease being up and didn’t know where we were going. We’ve always had to get creative with spaces because we run both an office/e-commerce site out of it, but also need a warehouse for shipments and deliveries. One of my partners found a small warehouse we could move into but we still needed office space. A week later, I got on a random Austin website and this space popped up. I called the agent and asked to go see it right then and sure enough we got the space. But that also meant we were doing two moves at the same time—one into a new warehouse and one into a new office in the middle of (this past) Texas summer. So it was a little crazy, but the location, aesthetic, pretty much everything about it made it worth it.

“The camel wallpaper is probably the most unique and what people comment most on. ‘Wait, are these real tassels?’ they say in disbelief. I always laugh because our poor (amazing) interns hand-glued each of those individually after the tassels themselves were handmade in Thailand. I wanted the entry to have such a wow factor and that was part of it.

“The kitchen (see intro photo) is probably my favorite part of the office. I can see it from my office and there’s just something about the yellow panes that make me so happy. I also think as an entrepreneur that has worked from home, from coffee shops, from warehouses and everywhere in between, that there’s something about realizing we have a ‘real kitchen’ that’s kind of a fun sign of progress.

“The rugs I bought on a recent trip to Morocco in both the entry hall and our main open workspace really stand out and kind of give all the bright preppy prints an edge I really like.

“We’ve only been here about five months. It’s definitely evolving and it seems like every time we have an event we add something pretty substantial to make it better. My team thinks it’s pretty much done. I tell them, ‘Eh, I’d say we’re about 60% of the way there.'” 😉

Thanks for giving us a tour, Katie! You can shop Katie Kime here and find her on Instagram here.

Credits//Author: Katie Kime. Photography: Molly Winters Culver.

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