Austin / 3

This is the final video from our time in Austin last weekend. We had the absolute best time meeting up with Camille from Camille Styles at Elizabeth Street Cafe after our TxSC sessions. She's amazing! We had a great time chatting about the book writing process and future dreams and goals. 

We should also mention that Uchi was the most incredible food we tried on this trip. It was SO good and we highly recommend it to anyone traveling through Austin!

ps. Don't forget to follow us on Youtube. If you missed them, here are part 1 and part 2 of our Austin trip! Video is a pretty new thing to us. Are you enjoying our travel videos more, as much, or less than traditional photography posts? We're excited to hear your thoughts!

Song in video: "Young Presidents" by Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin from Fly By Wire

  • I’ve really, really enjoyed your videos from Austin. I was one of the workshop leaders at TxSC, and I am so glad I got to hear you fabulous ladies speak on Sunday morning. Thanks again for coming down to hang out with us! πŸ™‚

  • Tacy-
    it’s Young Presidents by our friends band, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. πŸ™‚ xoxo!

    Harri W-
    it’s actually not a book it’s a little program we made for people to take notes in at the conference! Thanks for asking, though! xoxo

  • I love all your posts whether they are photo or video, but video has been really cool for a change, so I’d love to see more. Definitely following you guys on YouTube! πŸ™‚ Can’t wait for the book release, btw…

  • really can’t say which I love more – travel photos or videos, I love them both and Jeremy did a great job!! I definitely want to see more of those! πŸ™‚

  • I think this was my favourite Austin vid! (and that old cowboy at the end haha-intentional or happy accident?) I am loving the videos dare I say more than photos :O it’s refreshing #evolving

  • IΒ΄m always a photo fan first since I can look at photos faster if IΒ΄m busy – but a video is fun for the days I have more time (like in weekends).

  • Hahah, I had to laugh when I saw you doing your dance moves, you’re so great πŸ˜‰ I love your videos, and I would love seeing more of your world this way πŸ™‚ May I ask what kind of editing program you’re using?


  • The video thing is so original! I mean, it’s so quick, simple and pretty much sums up your travel (I mean, there are probably a lot more happenings than what we see) but it definitely beats using words!

  • I think there are pros and cons to both – seeing a mixture of the two is really fun. Both bring a different type of experience for the viewer. Thanks for sharing your pictures and videos!

  • I love the videos and I think they look great. I would love to hear your voices, though. It might sound silly but it was really special to hear Emma in the “Why DYI?” video.

    You are an inspiration!

  • I’ve loved your little travel videos, they’re so fun and just give a new insight into what you guys get up to πŸ™‚ Btw your dancing in the video made me giggle a lot, it’s exactly the sort of thing I’d do with my sister! πŸ™‚

  • I love Jeremy’s videos. He does such an awesome job. I just wish he was in them also.

  • those fresh rolls look AMAZING. Love the videos as much as the photo posts. Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  • Hahah I love that guy checking you all out at the end!! Work it, girls (and Trey)!! Love the videos as much as the photos!

  • Uchi is amazing!
    We were there for four whole hours just eating adorable and ridiculously delicious Japanese food. Not to mention to sake!

    Glad you had a great time there!

  • ooh! these are lovely! i’m definitely a big fan of the videos. i mean, don’t get me wrong, i love love LOVE the photography posts. but these are a wonderful addition. SO well done. πŸ™‚

  • Please no more shots of you guys checking emails and taking pix during the travel videos. It takes the viewer out of the experience of being with you on the trip. Active shots or quiet character moments work best in these. Let us see you and see what you see– then everything will be much more immediate to the viewer. I say this with nothing but love in my heart and from the standpoint of media professional. πŸ™‚

  • I am loving these videos that you guys put together! It makes me want to travel and do fun things and film it all!

    Great job =)

  • I’m really liking the new video element! I think the video posts compliment the photo posts and offer something fun and different, hope there are more soon! Also the guy in the cowboy hat at the end felt kinda ominous haha

  • I am loving the videos! Of course photos are always great but it’s fun having something new and fresh.

  • I think I normally like your photo posts more, but I love the videos, too! It lets us see a different side to you guys, if that makes sense πŸ™‚

  • I miss your photography posts! I feel like we get to see more of whats going on/what you are doing with your pictures. But the videos are fun too πŸ™‚

  • I think I’d have to say I like the vids better. You can see bits of personality that you wouldn’t otherwise, how someone walks or laughs, how you gather and pose for photos etc. plus the added music helps us to get more of an “I was there feel.” I thought the cream sifting down through the coffee was neat!

  • I definitely prefer photographs. The videos are a bit bland. I mean, the music is great and you guys are all gorgeous, but there’s not much going on, especially in this one.

  • I love the videos they’re amazing and definitely add something super special to the blog that lots of others don’t have. they also seem more personal because you get to see some of the “behind the scenes” stuff that you don’t with pictures which is a great touch.

  • I don’t like the videos. Too time consuming. I never watch them. I am bummed when I see them instead of your regular photography. That’s what people like about your site, the pictures.

  • I really like the videos but I don’t want to miss your wonderful photos either (:


  • Love the three videos! So much refreshing and fun seeing you moving around and interacting πŸ™‚ I like the editing and music as well! And how about that priceless stare of the man inside the shop with the cowboy hat, good eye on that scene Jeremy! πŸ™‚

    Love to see more videos.


  • Watching the videos is fun, it’s like watching a best-of. The videos are full of life and have nice lighting. I enjoyed them very much!

    I could also imagine that it is nice to have these videos (and photos too of course) when you want to look back one day and remember your Austin trip.

  • Sooo cool!
    I love those videos!They ar so much fun and we can have a look at the “atmosphere” of the place! So I think I love both picture post and video post!I love everything on your blog actually, lol! and…Jeremy does a great job!

    Thank you also for the music,i got to know “someone still loves you Boris Yeltsin”, i’m loving their music!

  • I think you saved the best for last! I really loved this series of videos and look forward to seeing more in future. You girls inspire me sooo much. Thanks for always sharing xxx

  • Beautiful video, it’s so nice to see you moving in a video instead of only seeing you on pictures πŸ™‚
    Hope you will come to Portugal as well!!
    Wish you all the best luck for your new book <3

  • I’ve been checking all posts and videos fro your blog and Katie’s (Skunkboy) and it’s all so lovely! Looks like you had the best of time and it would be amazing to be there! I also love the fact that Emma’s and Katie’s husbands were thereas well!

  • LOVE the videos. I just hope Jeremy was able to have a good time as well, even though he seems to have had the camera in his hand the whole time πŸ™‚

  • Such a great video, I love seeing these posts as well as the photos. It gives I a real rounded feeling πŸ™‚

  • I don’t know if it’s just me, but I feel like a lot of times you instantly smile when you realize the camera is on and it seems a bit put on.

  • A wonderful video πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to see more!
    Also, I tried to find that song online only to find out the CD hasn’t been released yet ^^ d’oh

  • These videos are so fun to watch!! The only problem is we do not get to see Jeremy and Elsie together since jeremy does all the shooting…

  • I love the videos! I used to live in Austin and these videos so perfectly capture the feel of the city. I miss it like crazy!

  • the videos are really fun! and i was surprised to see myself in there (elsie gave me a hug when i went to chat with y’all after your keynote). sneaky filming! thank you for all the wisdom you shared with us at TxSC. you gals are so lovely in person too.

  • I love these short videos! The music is a great choice and you all look like you’re having great time. That coffee drink mixing with cream looks ah-mazing!

  • these videos are SO much fun. I’m really enjoying watching them all! you seems like such a fun crowd πŸ™‚

  • I love the videos, they give a fun peek into your travels and times with friends. Great job, Jeremy! I agree with a couple of the other commenters who said it would be cool to hear some voices in them, and that Jeremy should make a few appearances too.

    Congrats on your TxSC sessions, and on your books!

  • I love your videos, even a bit more than just your photos. It’s cool to see you move and dance and laugh. πŸ™‚
    Greetings, Eva from Germany

  • I like the videos – it’s a great way to see your travels from another point of view. That, and anything involving goofy choreographed sidewalk dancing is a plus in my book!

  • LOVE the videos. too bad J isn’t in any of them though πŸ™ poor guy!! haha PS. love the old guy in the window at the end of the video!!!

  • Fantastic! Love the videos. On Instagram I have noticed some people saying how your blog has become too ‘stylized’ lately, and less real. Well, I’m not sure I agree with them, but I feel these videos bring a lot of reality back (if indeed it was ever missing). Nice touch, keeps things fresh and interesting. Your blog is NEVER boring!

    Es xoxo

  • Really enjoying the video posts, I think a good balance of pictures/videos is the perfect combination. Jeremy is doing a really good job, the videos look great!

  • I like seeing both the photo posts and the video posts. For some reason I haven’t been able to load the majority of your videos on my phone and that makes them harder to watch. But I set them aside to come back to on a computer and that has worked for now.

  • I LOVE these videos!! I know nothing about them, but would love to learn…maybe a little session on how to make them?? Pretty please?!?! πŸ™‚

  • I really enjoy the videos and I’d love to learn more about how to do them myself! I like the traditional photography ones too though, so don’t get rid of them!

  • The dancing was my favorite part by far. It was great to hear you both speak at the conference – I’m shocked how many awesome things you managed to pack into 45 minutes. Also, a big thanks to Emma for the advice at the end about taxes and businesses and blogging. As for videos vs. pictures – videos definitely show more personality, now I just need to figure out how to get away with watching them at work…

  • I adore this video and you’ve totally inspired me to try to take more video clips on my next vacay, or maybe on just a saunter about our new town. Gorgeous! Such sweet moments and memories;)

  • Love love love the videos. Glad you had a good time in Austin. I love Sway (such a great tea list)!

  • jeremy does such an exceptional job with these videos! they are awesome. i want to see more. i enjoy them in a completely different way than the photo posts. the music is good too.

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