Pavlova with Blueberry Jam


If you have never tried (or never even heard of) Pavlova before I don’t blame you. It’s not a dessert that I see very often either. Mainly I’ve seen them in cookbooks and I always think, “Whoa, that’s gorgeous!”

It’s a very pretty dessert. So it only makes sense that it was created and named after a famous ballet dancer (thank you, Wikipedia).

Blueberry pavlovas If you’ve never tried Pavlova before you might be curious what it tastes like. It’s a meringue dessert, so it’s crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. It reminds me of what I’d imagine a baked marshmallow to taste like. And Pavlova is usually served with whipped cream and berries. I decided to skip the whipped cream (but feel free to add it in if you want) and make a quick blueberry jam to top these.

Blueberry pavlovas Pavlova with Blueberry Jam, makes 8-10 servings. Pavlova recipe from here

6 egg whites (use the yolks to make ice cream!)
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups sugar

1 cup blueberries
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon lemon zest
mint leaves to garnish

How to make pavlovasHomemade pavlovasWith an electric mixer set to medium whisk together the egg whites, cream of tartar and salt for 3 minutes. Let the mixer keep running and add in the sugar, a spoonful at a time. Once the meringue is thick and can form stiff peaks you’re done (about 6 minutes total)!

Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spoon on big dollops of meringue and press the centers to form little bowls (to hold the jam later). Bake at 250°F for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Halfway through baking be sure to rotate the pan(s) so that they bake evenly.

Homemade blueberry jam www.abeautifulmess.comTo make the jam combine the blueberries, sugar, corn syrup, lemon juice + zest in a small pan. Cook over medium heat (so it just reaches the boiling point) for 6-8 minutes. Remove from heat, the jam will thicken as it cools. Top the Pavlovas with warm jam and a mint sprig.Blueberry pavlovas Easy, huh? I bet you thought these would be really hard to make. They’re not. You were wrong. How weird for you. 😉 xo. Emma

3.67 from 3 votes

Pavlova with Blueberry Jam

Servings 8


  • 6 egg whites use the yolks to make ice cream!
  • 1 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/4 cups sugar

1 cup blueberries

  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup light corn syrup
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest
  • mint leaves to garnish


  1. With an electric mixer set to medium whisk together the egg whites, cream of tartar and salt for 3 minutes. Let the mixer keep running and add in the sugar, a spoonful at a time. Once the meringue is thick and can form stiff peaks you're done (about 6 minutes total)!
  2. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spoon on big dollops of meringue and press the centers to form little bowls (to hold the jam later). Bake at 250°F for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Halfway through baking be sure to rotate the pan(s) so that they bake evenly.
  3. To make the jam combine the blueberries, sugar, corn syrup, lemon juice + zest in a small pan. Cook over medium heat (so it just reaches the boiling point) for 6-8 minutes. Remove from heat, the jam will thicken as it cools. Top the Pavlovas with warm jam and a mint sprig.
  • I made a pavlova today too! They are wonderfully delicious and easy. Plus people will be very impressed because they look and taste fancy.

  • Good god, I had no idea these existed. I couldn’t stop looking at the photos and I’ll go back and look at them (read: drool)for longer after I finish typing this.

  • Pavlova is a fairly popular dessert over here in Australia! But with the addition of lots of cream and fruit on top instead. However, making them is not a skill I have yet to master! These look wonderful.


  • These look amazing! Especially since you described them as being like a baked marshmallow! Yum! Thanks for the great recipe!

  • In Australia, pavlova’s are usually made as big cakes with loads of fruits and berries (mostly kiwi fruits, strawberries and passionfruit) and plenty of cream on top! I like your version, though, it’s kind of pared down and simple. Always interesting to see a “foreign” take on a recipe that is a classic in your country!

  • Here in Australia Pavlova is traditional dessert we have at Christmas, they are delish! My mum usually tops with fresh fruit, whipped cream and flake ( a type of chocolate.

  • mmmm such an Australian dessert. Gotta go with that whipped cream though- its really tones down all the sweetness of the pav! yum!

  • I think these come from Australia. That’s where I first heard of Pavlova. I was just about to make a very similar post but I ruined the batch I was taking photos of. Oh well. xD These look delicious.

  • I LOVE Pavlova. My friend suse makes a mean one! One of the reason I love Pavlova so much is becuase my elderly friend Eva calls it Pavioli by mistake. It always makes me smile.

    If it were me I’d add a dollop of whipped cream between the meringue and the jam! Yum yum!

    Em xx

  • I might have to try and make these sometime. I’m not the best of cooks, and I’ve never even tried pavlova before, but there is a first time for everything. Thanks for sharing! x

  • Ohh yum, they look great! You should try making a big one in a cake tin and keep the cream…to die for, so soft and fluffy inside! I top mine with raspberries and passion fruit! At our place summer isn’t summer without pavlova!

  • I make vanilla chocolate chip meringues at Christmas time, but I turn the oven off and leave them to harden overnight as per the original recipe I had. Wonder if I can use this minus the chocolate chips for this recipe. Definitely food for thought for me. Thanks!!

  • Yay, love to see an Aussie staple in you blog! It’s the sort of dessert that we have at big family events- your mini ones are very cute. You usually see them with strawberries or in my family, a crushed “peppermint crisp” on top…cue nostalgia here!

  • Nigella Lawon has a great chocolate pavlova recipie that was in the food network magazine a few years ago and it’s one of my favorite summer desserts to make.

  • My Aussie husband would love these! I can’t wait to surprise him with this 🙂

  • Are you using the beater or the whisk attachment on your mixer? I’m thinking whisk what with the stiff peaks and all…..Thanks!

  • Another Aussie here – excited to see my favourite dessert on your blog!! My family always get or make me a Pavolva for my birthday instead of cake – everyone loves it 🙂 My friend’s Nan makes a mean chocolate Pav, there’s something for you to try!!

  • Oooh those look so delicious! I just love hearing that something is easier than it looks. More reasons I really need to get an electric mixer. I have never been much into baking, but now that my little boy is getting older, it’s so fun to do kitchen activities together!

  • my mom makes those with creme de menthe sometimes and then melts chocolate over the top- amazing!

    another similar is the italian dessert (my fave) boccone dolce

    great to hear another variation!

  • Yum! I’ve never even heard of this!

    I just posted a strawberry-lavender jam recipe and I’ve been running out of things to smother it on, I might just have to try these!

  • We eat them alot here in New Zealand too. Its a classic dessert which we traditionally have at Christmas.

  • Hmmm this a dessert staple in Australia! Delicious! Especially at christmas time when all the beautiful fresh berries come into season over here. Make chocolate pavlova next, you won’t regret it!

  • We used to have these growing up in England – you’re right though, I don’t think I’ve heard of people having them much in the US!


  • Yum. As an Aussie, I love pavlova! Really like the look of your mini pavlovas, Emma – might have to whip them up when it gets warmer here 🙂

  • OK just so you know us Kiwi’s (New Zealander’s) say ‘the pav’ which is the colloquial termd that pav’s originated here in god zone. But those Australians will say they came up with it. I note Wikipedia says that formal research indicates NZ as the source. Either way it’s not Christmas without a pav.

  • Pavlova was originally invented in New Zealand but our Australian cousins like to claim them as their own, just like Russell Crowe… 🙂
    We always have Pavlova for dessert at Christmas. Sometimes my mum adds a layer of melted chocolate (that hardens) under the cream…SO good!

  • oh yum! i love the simplicity of this. meringues are such a quick and easy dessert and so is jam! great combinations.

  • Oh no, you’re stomping all over my national dish!!
    We USUALLY have it as a large cake (though these little nests are becoming more popular), and if not with whipped cream (which does NOT come from a can), at least some yoghurt. And then FRESH fruit (or chocolate) on top!

    These are just (delicious looking!) meringues with jam!

  • Pav’s are an intuition here in Australia !! So much so it’s hard to believe people have never heard of them before 
    Don’t be fooled though, they can be tricky to make, especially if you live in a hot, humid part of the world. We all make them for Christmas here, and that’s not so easy in the sub-tropics.
    I leave mine in the oven to cool completely before removing them, but then l am making really big cake like ones. I’d also recommend using freshly whipped cream on them, the combination of the sugary crunch and the soft cream is amazing!

  • Yum! I have pavlova desserts a lot. Maybe it’s a Canadian thing? Sometimes they are served in a cake style, heaped with berries and whipping cream. Other times they are individual – like these. They are really cute in different colours – perfect for a baby shower in pale pastels! They are also great for a crowd, because they are nut-free and gluten-free (both of which I have to be careful of serving to family members). Beautiful pictures!

  • Pavlovas are delicious, but they come with a fair amount of baggage … New Zealand and Australia have hotly contested who has the right to call the Pavlova their own. Since I saw a fair few comments from Australians I thought it only fair that a New Zealander laid claim to it. Served with Kiwifruit and cream, or passionfruit and cream is how we like to eat it here 🙂

  • I love pavlova! I like it with a little bit of cream and fresh fruit like strawberries, kiwi fruit and peach best 🙂

    Perfect summer dessert!

  • Pavlova is a common dessert in New Zealand as well, often with strawberries or kiwifruit in summer (including for our summer Christmas dinners!) The best one I ever had was topped with giant pebbles (like giant M&Ms)

  • Yay! I’m so happy to see that you’ve featured an Australia/New Zealand recipe (where exactly in Oceania the pav originated is fiercely debated across “the Ditch”, mind you!). Pavs are such easy, tasty desserts! 🙂

  • Not the same with out the whipped cream I’m afraid… My recipe is pretty classic and has the vinegar and calls for it to be left in oven after cooking until completely cooled to really dry out the crust. The higher you put it on the baking tray the more marshmallow inside. An Aussie classic.

  • Perfect! Me and my boyfriend went berry picking on sunday, and didn’t know what I was supposed to do with all the berries we found, so I’m def going to try this recipe 🙂 Thanks!


  • This is awesome! I just made some meringue cookieis the other day and saw a recipe for a big pavlova but this is better because they are small and would be good for parties. I think meringue tastes like lucky charm marshmallows. I’m almost positive they taste exactly the same.

  • Oh these look delicious! And I think they are so pretty! I’ve been itching to make some with raspberry filling.

  • I have to say that this looks like a wonderful Pavlova. My family celebrate birthday’s usually with a strawberry & kiwifruit variation.

    Actually, it’s my sisters birthday today. I sense a Pavlova will be imminently consumed. Will definitely give this recipe a try! xx

  • Now try the British take on a deconstructed pavlova, Eaton mess! Summer in a bowl x

  • I am so pumped to try this recipe out, thank you! I first had pavlova in Australia, apparently my best aussie friend’s mum makes it as a tradition and it was SCRUMPTIOUS. Now we can recreate them!

  • Hi there, – a couple of things I’d like to point out (I’ve been responsible for the family pav for a number of Christmases – and as easy as a pavlova may seem, they have been known to be a bit tricky).

    1. Make sure all equipment and utensils used to beat the egg whites are ultra clean from grease and have no soap residue.
    2. It is really important to turn the oven off and let the pavlova cool in the oven, this keeps it nice and crispy.

    Source: Lessons learnt after years of experience.

  • These originate in New Zealand, and are a traditional Christmas dish. One of many wonderful sweets from down-under!!

  • There is a bit of a tug of war between Australia and New Zealand in terms of the who started making pavlovas… I think it was probably NZ but either way they are delicious and your nests look absolutely gorgeous.. will have to try it with home made jam next time!
    🙂 Tina

  • yep, australia here. definitely a traditional favourite in our home and the communities I grew up in! we put cornflour and a tsp of vinegar in too to make them super shiny! kiwi fruit and strawberries with some grated chocolate on top of the whipped cream is always a winner too. mmmm! xx

  • Pavlova is my favourite dessert. I’m a Frenchie who lived in the UK and Australia for a few years and was lucky to discover all the yummy things these countries have to offer. It’s become my Christmas dessert, as we always eat too much and this is so light and delicious.
    Mafalda ❤

  • It’s a New Zealand dessert 😉 Aussie and NZ will forever fight over who invented it! However, I did read somewhere that they found proof that it was invented in NZ. Anna Pavlova was touring Australasia at the time, so who knows?!

  • These look great 🙂 The last time I made mini pavlovas, I topped them with lemon curd and passionfruit. A chocolate or berry drizzle sauce is nice too.
    Sometimes I serve the pavlova nests and all the different toppings separate so people can make their own as they like them.
    Though as others have said, here in Oz the classic is to make a big pavlova and top with cream and summer fruits (strawberries, kiwi, peaches, etc). Mandatory fare for a summer barbie or at Xmas. You know that it’s always gonna get eaten cos who doesn’t like a pav?

  • Another Aussie here who must recommend (unsweetened) whipped cream with your pav. Otherwise it’s just a meringue with fruit! If you really want to avoid cream you could try to substitute Greek yoghurt for whipped cream.

    A tangy fruit and something sweeter is my tip, so passionfruit with bananas, or berries and a stewed apple could work.

    My husband recently made an 8 eggwhite pavlova for a friend’s party… What to do with the egg yolks?

    Well we did need more cream and took the leftover limes from Mojitos to make a really decadent, old-fashioned lime icecream.

    Technically, pavlova was first created in New Zealand, but was presented in Australia very soon after in Fremantle, Western Australia.

  • Pavlova (fondly known as “pav”) is also a Christmas staple here in New Zealand, topped with kiwifruit slices and strawberries and lots of whipped cream 🙂

  • I’m another Australian pavlova addict. but I used custard instead if whipped cream, it’s a good way to use up the leftover egg yolks!

  • Pavlova’s are so yummy! But I iwhs they were more special over here 🙂 quite a common thing being over in New Zealand where they originated from 😉

  • This is a classic dessert here in Australia! We usually top them with heaps of cream and fresh fruit like strawberries, kiwi fruit and passionfruit – so yum!

  • Pavlovas are a staple at any Aussie BBQ for desert & my grandma always made a fantastic pav 😀 They are to die for with passion-fruit.

  • There is an ongoing debate between Australia and New Zealand over who invented the pavlova. It’s fiercely argued on both sides. As a Brit living in NZ I find it slightly ridiculous but regardless of who invented it, it is delicious! Your recipe looks great but try it with cream…

  • Unlike the Australians will have you think, Pavlova’s originate in little ol’ New Zealand (we are very sensitive to Aussies claiming our prized goods! hehe) and generally they are made as one big cake like Pav’ which is soft as in the inside and crispy on the outside but fluffy all the way! Topped with whipped cream and fruit to have at Christmas time!

    We call the little ones Meringues 🙂

  • There is a war between Australia and New Zealand about which country this dessert originated from – I’m from NZ so if course I will say here plus traditional topped with kiwi fruit – how can it not be from here 🙂 oh and just so we are clear…Russell Crowe is also a kiwi!

    Emma (a kiwi)

  • So funny to see ‘pav’ as we call it, as some exotic dessert – it’s one if the most common sweets here – you can buy them ready made at the supermarket.

    Try them with sliced strawberries, passion fruit & cream – oh, and a 40 degree day!

    🙂 x

  • Pavlovas are very traditional in Australia as most of the commenters have noted and yes, I agree Maggie, pav needs cream (unsweetened)…Passionfruit is my favourite topping but your berry jam looks delicious also!

  • They’re really popular here in the UK too, like the Aussie ones they tend to have whipped cream and fruit too, yours look absolutely beautiful, much fresher!

  • Pavlova, the great Australian contribution to dessert cuisine!! It’s a staple here. The classic pavlova is served with freshly whipped cream and passionfruit. The tang from the passionfruit perfectly complements the sweetness of the meringue. Divine!

  • your posts are of limited use to me as a cook because you do not provide a condensed recipe. So the pics are nice. But i have no way of doing anything but reading and looking at them. I won’t be returning to your site.

  • Wow I am an Aussie and we grew up eating Nannas pavlova every Sunday. Funny how you don’t realise that it is not a classic in every country. Enjoy everyone find memories for me.

  • Credo di provare un’invida pazzesca per queste foto…! almeno datemi un dolcino per farmi passare i dolori di pancia…! 🙂

  • You need the cream!! Pavlova without cream is just a sad imitation of our Aussie classic! I implore you to try it with a vanilla bean flavoured whipped cream – you won’t go back 😉

  • These are also a traditional dessert here in New Zealand, particularly at Christmas time. Like the Aussies, we smother ours with fruit and cream. My mother usually makes hers as a pavlova roll with passion fruit or strawberries and cream (so delish, and a great option for those of us who don’t have the knack for the more usual cake-like version).

  • Anna Pavlova is my favorite dancer. But I had no idea there was a dessert named after her. Will have to try them!

  • Yep, as an Aussie they are like a staple here, especially at a birthday party or bbq- someone always brings a ‘pav’. I love mine with fresh berries and cream- the cream makes it! We actually had these at our wedding as our dessert- it was served with berries in champagne, cream and persian fairy floss.

  • This is New Zealand’s National dessert! I know there’s a bit of a war going on between Aussies and Kiwis about who invented it… ahem.Kiwis… Anyway, it’s DELICIOUS and that’s what really counts!

  • A very delicious & very Aussie desert!
    Always a winner at Christmas and any festive time. You will alway impress an Aussie with a Pav ;))

  • Oh ladies I must admit as I was reading this post I was having a quiet giggle to myself. I am from Australia so Pavlova is an essential part of our summer menu over here and of course Christmas lunch wouldn’t be the same without a huge one covered in summer fruit! passion fruit is especially yummy 🙂 I am lucky enough to have my mother in laws recipe! It is also one of my husbands fave desserts he loves it with some whipped cream and some peppermint crisp chocolate bar crumbled on top. Hope you enjoy it lots in the future. xo

  • I love Pavlova! Never made it myself, but some of my fave cafes in Tallinn (Estonia, Northern Europe) serve it. I would so recommend you to try it with home made whipped cream (i.e. not too sweet nor too fake) and fresh summer berries! To die for!


  • Mmm, yum! It looks delicious! In Norway, where I come from, we also makes theese. I’ve made both the small ones, the big cake, but my favorite is the Pavlova roll. You make the meringue in a big baking pan, and when it’s done, you flip the meringue over on a baking sheet to cool. When cooled down, add whipped cream and your favorite berries and fruits, and roll the cake together :)The roll is easier to cut, I think, than the normal cake, so we use it at the café I work at. 🙂


  • There is major debate over whether the Aussies created the first Pav or whether the Kiwis did (of course the Kiwis did!!), another notch in our great rivalry but I think we can all agree it is amazingly delicious – but you need the cream people!

  • So many variations of this!!! Its a staple christmas, family gathering and hot summer dessert here in Australia. A good christmasy variations is to top it with chocolate cream and balsamic cherries. Mmmmm.

  • Mmm .. Pav’s have been a long time staple favourite in New Zealand too. There is this rivalry with Australia on who first created them – I don’t care so much about that. One of my aunties is famous for making her Pav’s slightly crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside .. Delish!!

  • I can’t believe your first line of this blog! In Australia, this is a staple dessert and its hard to imagine someone not even knowing what it is or what it tastes like!! The best pavlovas are the log roll ones yummmm

  • I always look thought these look gorgeous but I would never be able to make them anyway because it’s such a hassle.

    Now I read your recipe and I see it’s super simple to make ! I’m definitely trying these.

  • These are just the unique dessert we need to make for a food competition, thank you.

  • 5 stars
    Can you imagine a way to serve these as handheld goodies or are they too messy? Thanks!

  • 1 star
    Seems like none of the comments actually tried making this recipe?? Well I did and it didn’t work at all.. Turned brown in the oven even though it was set to 250 but it also didn’t dry out and was still squishy when i took it out so I felt like the time was not enough

  • 5 stars
    Thank you for the awesome lesson, I’m defiantly putting this on my list to try. ????

  • Wow. Has anyone or than one person (and it didn’t turn out well) out of 161 responses actually made these? The comments section is usually some kind of help and added notes from people who have actually tried the recipe. I will look for another recipe that someone has put some effort into trying instead of just maybe your friends pumping up your response numbers, or other bloggers looking for hits on their own sites. Silly. Why bother?

    • Hi Kerry! This post is 7 years old, so, yes— there are quite a few comments. We don’t ask people to leave comments on our posts, and minus any “spam” ones that come through, we approve most of them (even when we receive constructive criticism).

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