Mexico (in Instagrams)

Mexico is fun 1This past week Emma, Trey, Jeremy and I joined more of Trey's family for a fun trip to Mexico. It was quick, sunny, slightly tipsy (okay, very tipsy) and very relaxing. Here are a few snapshots from our trip!Mexico is fun 2Selfies on the beach. There's a lot more where that came from, but I'll spare you. 🙂Mexico is fun 3We had the best time sitting by the beach (covered in sunscreen—don't you worry!) and chatting about inspiration, plans and the year to come. I can't believe Emma's wedding is less than two months away! (Our suits are from ASOS + H&M)Mexico is fun 4Coconut ice cream and a little fun splashing in the waves together. 

Mexico is fun 5My (hilarious) beach read and a matching stripes because we're cool (or maybe not cool) like that. 

Sigh. It was nice to have a little getaway, even if it was just for a few days! It was also cool to start fusing our family with Trey's family. That was pretty special. 

I have a few more photos from my SLR to share with you soon! Have you been to Mexico? What's your favorite spot for a relaxing vacation? xo. Elsie 

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