Let’s Make Marshmallows!

Over the years since we posted of this, many of you have asked for a video tutorial of how to make these. So, we’ve added one above. Hooray! We’ve also updated the images of this post but the text and overall content has remained the same. Enjoy.
The hot hot summer days are starting to subside a little in my neighborhood. Which means: more fire pit nights please!!! I adore my little back yard fire pit and that’s because I am s’more obsessed. I LOVE toasted marshmallows over dark chocolate (or a peanut butter cup, try it!) and crunchy graham crackers. Earlier this year I learned to make homemade marshmallows from this lovely blogger. Turns out, it’s not that hard. But you will be needing a candy thermometer. It’s a must. Don’t be afraid. We’re in this together.

Homemade Marshmallows, makes one 8×8 pan

Needed: 1/3 cup powdered sugar, 1/3 cup corn starch, 1 cup water, 3 packets of gelatin (each is 1/4 ounce), 1 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup light corn syrup, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon extract (vanilla, mint, etc.).

In a bowl, combine the powdered sugar and corn starch. Spray a 8×8 pan with non-stick cooking spray and lightly dust with some of the powdered sugar and corn starch mixture. Set the rest aside.

Set up your stand mixer with a whisk attachment. Pour 1/2 cup water and the 3 packages of gelatin into the bowl and allow that to sit for 10 minutes (don’t mix it). In the meantime, in a pot over high heat stir together 1/2 cup water, the sugar, the corn syrup and salt. Attach your candy thermometer and allow mixture to reach 240 F. Remove from heat. Start your mixture on low and pour the hot sugar water into the mixer as it is running. Be careful! I always use my splash guard for this step. Once you’ve poured in all the sugar water turn the mixer on high and beat until white and fluffy (7-10 minutes). During the last minute of mixing is when I add my extract of choice. For the mint marshmallows I usually add a drop or two of green food coloring too, but that’s totally optional. Pour marshmallow batter into your prepared dish, sprinkle with the powder sugar/corn starch mixture, cover and allow to set overnight.Go around the edge of the pan with a knife and plop the marshmallows out onto a cutting board.

Cut with a pizza cutter, or you can use cookie cutters to create shapes. Then dip the marshmallows in a little more powdered sugar to prevent them from sticking to each other if you plan to store some for later.I love how you can control the shape of homemade marshmallows; creating the perfect s’more size! If you don’t use all your marshmallows that day store them in an airtight container (otherwise they will dry out) for up to a week. Enjoy and don’t fear the candy thermometer. 🙂 xo. Emma

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