10 Things I Love Sunday

Anyone else having one of those weeks that just feels busy, busy, busy? It’s so true that you choose how busy you are (up to a certain point, of course) and it’s a good reminder to try and make some room to breathe when life gets nuts. Even just taking a long soak in the tub one night this week while diffusing some lavender oil felt so soothing … here’s what else I’m loving this week!

1. These are so simple yet beautiful! They’d be so pretty on a little shelf or bedside table as a planter or a keepsake bowl.

2. Watched one of my favorite old movies that I haven’t seen in a long time this week and it was heaven—the dresses, the era, the talk of Paris, and Audrey Hepburn … what more could I ask for?

3. Oh man, I live for these kind of tops as the weather gets cooler—soft and roomy is the way to go for me!

4. I’ve been working on a master bedroom makeover this week and it’s making me so. freakin’. happy! My brain needs a bit of a refresh in spaces after a few years, and even if that’s just moving around things I already own from room to room, making some easy pillow covers, or a few coats of paint on something, it really helps me to continue to feel excited about my living space. I have a few makeover ideas for the room but it’s starting to come together!

5. Can you have a crush on an essential oil diffuser?? Prettiest one I’ve seen, hands down!

6. That palm print kimono!

7. With summer winding down (nooooooo!), I’m dreaming about doing one last summer party and making one of these for everyone to slide down—it looks amazing!!!

8. One thing that’s been new is how our daughter Lola is extra obsessed with her dad lately. She spends most days with him since we do “Daddy Daycare” while I work, and lately she asks about him every 3.5 seconds with a little “Dada?” while she points at a nearby door when he’s not around. She saw him leave the other night to go to an appointment and she flipped out crying as she so was so sad to see him go (the first time that’s ever happened when he’s left). I think anytime a kid wants the other parent it’s temping to be jealous about it, but from what I understand kids go through phases where they want the other person more for a time and I think it’s a better response to be happy for the bond they have and respond with a, “I know, Daddy IS so great, isn’t he?” type of response. She looks just like Todd too and I think it’s sweet how much she’s aware of his presence.

9. I bought this as a “new Mama” gift for a friend this week, but the description sounds so amazing I need to try it myself!

10. I neeeed to get this cookbook. I’ve made so many recipes from her site and they’ve all been amazing—the way she makes a breakfast sandwich with tofu sounds genius!

Trying to enjoy the simple things lately like walks after dinner, ice cream cones on the back porch, and reading, reading, reading with Lola in her room before bed. I’m pretty sure I can recite “Llama, Llama, Red Pajama” from memory at this point—ha!! xo. Laura

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