Banjo Sweater D.I.Y.

Banjo sweater DIY 1Our lovely D.I.Y. contributor, Kinsey, created this adorable banjo sweater! It was sitting on our desk in the shop for a couple of weeks (before we took photos) and people kept trying to buy it. A couple people actually begged us. It's just that cute and you can make one too! Here's how she made it… 

DIY 11-3. Supplies: an oversized sweater, yarn, buttons, fabric, pins, needle & thread. Find pretty textured fabrics in colors that you love.

DIY 24. Start by cutting out your fabrics and pinning in place the pieces of the banjo. You'll need three layers for the base, a strip to attach the buttons, a long strip for the neck, and one for the end. Experiment with differnt fabric pieces until you're completely happy! It's basically a textile collage. β™₯ 

DIY 35-7. Begin hand stitching them on. We used large stitches to give it a handmade feel. 7-8. Last, attach the buttons and yarn for the strings on your banjo! Above you can see some detailed photos of how I attached all the pieces. 

Banjo sweater DIY 2Banjo sweater DIY 3There you have it! Thanks so much, Kinsey. Have fun creating your own personalized sweater. xo!

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