
Sucré Stacy King 1Sucré Stacy King 2Sucré Stacy King 3Sucré Stacy King 4I am so incredibly excited to introduce you to Sucré, my dear friend Stacy King's new project! She announced her upcoming album today and I couldn't be more excited for her. My husband, Jeremy, started working on this album with her and her husband, Darren King, about two years ago. I have enjoyed watching it unfold and develop into something truly beautiful. The album they've written is my new favorite album and I can't wait for you to hear it. Nothing brings more happiness to me than seeing my husband so creatively fullfilled!  

I took these photos of Stacy last summer. It was so fun to pick out vintage dresses for her and try out lots of ideas. We had so much fun shooting these photos that we started planning more and more shoots. Suddenly I had a rack full of dresses picked out just for her and an overflowing notebook full of photo ideas! It's been insanely fun to style Stacy, collect dresses for her first tour, and create photo concepts together… a total honor.

Sucré music(studio peek… the whole album was recorded in Jeremy's studio, above Red Velvet!)

I can't wait to share more photos with you over the next few months. Sucré's first album will be out in April… It can't come soon enough! xo. elsie

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