Sister Style: Party Outfits

ElsieElsie-detailElsie-shoesIn honor of New Years, we have a special Sister Style post featuring party outfits! What did you do for New Years? Our new year started with a funny toast and a bottle of wine shared with friends. To us, party outfits are mostly about the shoes…. find the perfect pair and then build an outfit around them! 

Elsie's Outfit: Dress/Vintate, Necklace/TopShop, Bow/Red Velvet, Platforms c/o Spotted Moth

EmmaEmma-detailsEmma-shoesEmma's Outfit: Dress c/o ChicWish, Belt/Vintage, Tights/Target, Heels c/o ModCloth

Happy Happy Happy New Year! xo, Elsie + Emma

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