i love you grandma & Holly…

first of all…. i have to say, my grandma doesn’t really use the internet. but if she did, she would be happy right now because….. 

Elsie-cAke yep, dyed my hair again. miss Erin & I did a big shoot for Spring RVA cute stuff (sorry… must wait a little bit to see them all, but i will show you on peek!) so i felt happy with our accomplishment & was ready to say buh-bye to the pink. it was a magical few weeks & i’m so glad i did it. 

Spring-rings (photo by Erin Sunday for Red Velvet Art) You’ll get to see the rest in a few months! that’s just a little somethin’ to look forward to. i looove Springtime. 

Holly surprised me with this cute mug a few months ago… it’s my favorite. 

Photo 974Photo 979 (wearing my boyfriend’s shirt… haha)    

as far as inspiration goes, i am planning to spend the rest of my evening sketching. so many ideas that need to go on paper before they disappear! & here are a few pretty pretties. 

Snowi wouldn’t mind one big fluffy snow storm.

She_and_him_poster love this poster. clever.

Sufjan_stevens_knitting i just fell in love with Sufjan. a g a i n. do you know any boys who do crafts? mr. larson should try one, agree? 

IMG_4629  and here’s my new deer painting. she’s soft, creamy and pretty. i have been wanting to do more large paintings that would look nice in people’s homes. i guess i’m inspired by my mom’s work. Don’t forget… we have free shipping on domestic orders over $100 till Christmas. At this point we are shipping every single day, but please don’t delay if you are purchasing something as a gift for Christmas morning…. it’s sooner than you think. 😉  

LoveLoves, Elsie  

  • I am married to a man who knits… he’s fabulous at it… I got him started and now I think I’ve created a knitting monster..(yarn all over the living room)… LOL… thank you for your creative inspiration…. MWAH!

  • weeeird. i hearted both that she and him poster and that sufjan knitting pic today on weheartit. ha.
    i have yet to fall out of love with sufjan, or she and him for that matter.
    . . .and obv your painting is lovely, as per usual.


  • First of all, the deer painting is SOOO lovely!!!! 2nd- The She & Him poster is absolute genius! Snaps to whoever did that! And 3rd- YAY can’t wait to shop at RVA when Spring FINALLY gets here!!!

  • thanks!!!

    kara, i used loreal, manic panic and something else i can’t remember. loreal was the first bright one. the one in this photo is not permanent, so it only lasted a couple washes… but with pink hair you pretty much have to dye it every week anyway!

    hope that helps. XOXO.

  • I love the deer. She’s perfect.

    …and i love the clouds over your head. So wistful.

    My hubby takes about an hour to drill holes and if he puts up a shelf, even longer. He measures and walks around with a level thingy. I think that’s as close to craft as he’s gonna get. 🙂


  • winter isn’t half done and i already can’t wait for spring after seeing that photo!
    I think the closest my boyfriend gets to art and craft is drawing on my in eyeliner when i’m asleep!
    beautiful painting : )

  • Aw, I loved the pink, but the new color looks fantastic, too. I’ve been thinking about doing mine in a similar shade – can’t decide if I want it before or after christmas.

    Love that she/him poster and your deer!

  • after reading this post I now have you are so beautiful by jo cocker in my head! Im not a big fan of mr cocker but im a fan of you and you are so beautiful! and Mr Sufjan Stevens knits?! swoon. im in love.

  • Elsie…I’m constantly inspired by your blog!! I adore it. I’m absolutely in love with the She & Him poster. Where can I find it?!

  • 1. i love you too. 🙂
    2. those photos look sooooo good, glad you kept the pink hair for them, perfect for a spring shoot.
    3. I think Ryan is def lacking in the craft skills dept.
    4. that painting is soooo lovely.
    5. I miss you.

    xo holly

  • I agree, your hair looks amazing! I do love the spring photo with the pink hair though! So pretty 🙂

    Just saw the list of supplies for Style School!! SO EXCITED! <3

  • How cute are you??? 🙂

    I just love reading your blog every day, so inspiring and always brings a smile to my face <3

    *swoons along with everyone else at Sufjan*

    ~twiggy h.

  • clouds ….. wow – LOVE your new shot ….. all the colours are just bliss

    clouds are just amazing (reminds me of the clouds i had in my room as a child – floaty and dreamy)

  • This is a little odd but the color behind you in the rings photo is wonderful. Any idea what the name of that paint color is?

  • Me and my boyfriend do crafts together sometimes, he likes to work with felt alot! He is mainly a graphic designer though! But its fun when we can creatively put our minds together, when that happens our projects seem so much better!!!!!!!!

  • When you did your post about finger knitting, I decided to do some myself! And then I taught my husband how…I don’t think he was into, but he went along anyway!

  • I’m sad to see the pink hair gone. It was really cute and totally suited you. I loved it, however, the new color is really cool too. Plus, it’s always great to make a grandma happy. 😀

  • adorable deer painting! and that mug…oh my goodness…the cutest! love the new hair color even though the pink was simply gorgeous on you! thanks for sharing that clever she&him poster. i like! ciao for now and thanks for sharing.

  • oh my goodness… i am madly in love with that deer painting!! deeesperatly trying to talk to boy into making that our one christmas time splurge.. hopefully:):)

  • first off, I loooove this blog. It’s so wonderful and inspiring to me. I was wondering what the name of the new hair color you used is. I’ve wanted a similar color for a while and haven’t been able to find one. Thank you :))

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