we <3 Chicago!


today Jeremy and I spent the afternoon exploring and shopping. our favorite place was the Renegade Handmade shop. I hope I can get some more photos later this week. It's beautiful! 


Anyway…. I'll do a nice big post tomorrow evening & show photos of the new product we have coming out for the festival (new shirts, totes, journals….). If you live in the area, please come visit us tomorrow and please don't be shy, we'd LOVE to meet you! And if you live far away, don't worry…. we'll have the new items in the online store verrry soon too. 

XO. Elsie 


  • So I’ve been following your blog for awhile…must confess…I JUST yesterday checked out Jeremy’s music. And I need to say that he has the BEST voice I’ve heard in a long time! So from the random girl, who lives in an isolated northern part of canada, where shopping is ONLY online, who found you…I don’t even know how, please tell your boyfriend Mr.Larson…his stuff rocks! Have fun on your trip!


  • That store is amazing! My hubby took me there last year when we stayed the weekend in Chicago. He had to drag me out but I got the most amazing print there!

    I can’t wait to see the new product. I know you guys are going to do awesome at the fair. Wish I could be there. I am going to try and plan a trip around it next year for sure. I hope you add new tshirts to the shop! I MUST have one!

    Have a great time!!

  • Tee Shirts?? YESSS! I want an RVA shirt! SoSOososo soso bad! Ahh! 🙂 ahhh-dorable pics! I just can’t wait for the new product! And expect some major orders from me….. I’m re-doing my room and NEED some RVA!! i live across the state….. darn :'( Oh, and do you think you’ll be doing anything in Utah anytime soon? If so I would love to meet you and we could go Vintage SHopping! 😉 whoo hoo!

    B) Chloe

    P.S You and Jeremy are the cutest things since baby SQUIRRELS! 🙂

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