more update peeks….

hello! the weather here is suddenly so beautiful. i'm in love.
i've been working day and night on new stuff for the update tomorrow evening here are a few of my favorite new paintings….
Summer colors!
and a lovely little red head with freckles…
(daniel johnston lyrics)
handmade necklaces. I've been working on translating some of my designs to 3d versions (for jewelry & toys). it's really fun! the little keyboard is my favorite. 

and I made a cute book to store ACEO cards in. I've noticed that lots of people are collecting them, so I thought this notebook might be a fun project. I purchased some baseball card page protectors from the comic book shop where my little brother works & used them with this cute binder (from Target). It's a simple way to store cards purchased from artists, handmade or traded!

Aceo-storage Aceo-storage1 

they also look cute in tiny little frames… Janel posted a bunch of photos the other day of my work in her home… I love how she displayed her ACEO cards in her craft room…


anyway… just a few ideas. I'm gonna get back to work for a few hours and then post more RVA surprises!! Here are a few hints for curious minds….. a new kit for expecting moms (i know a few & i've designed it with them in mind! :D), cameras, treasure maps, art journals, *all age* friendly stitching kits and pretty pretty summer colors.

Much Love from factory*cake!

PS… i forgot to mention. we are doing a limited edition reissue of a few of my older kits in this update. i've had overwhelming requests for these, so i'm glad we are finally able to bring them back for one update! The kits I am bringing back for this update are a few Neverland, Wonderland and Favorite Things Art Journal kits! 


One more things… LA made my playlist listenable... well, it has a few of my favorite songs missing (but i'm hoping to get some of those albums into the RVA shop so soon!) anyway, here it is! thanks LA… i couldn't live without you. 

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