Scrapbook Sunday: Elsie’s December Daily

December Daily 2014OK, I'm gonna be honest. I almost didn't finish this album. In January my computer was stolen from my car and a lot of photos I took in December were lost (as well as my sanity for a couple days—heh). 

But last weekend we were at Todd and Laura's house and she showed me her December Daily album (my first time to see it in person, which is somehow SO much better than seeing photos), and it inspired me to complete mine with the photos I had on my phone. 

I'm so glad I did because this album is so special! I can't believe I almost gave up. 

Ready to see? 

December Daily 2014 December Daily 2014 December Daily 2014 December Daily 2014 December Daily 2014 This year my book feels random and I'm into it because I know that 1. it almost didn't even get made, and 2. our December really WAS random. It was busy and crazy, but more special than ever. 

I shared before, but my album this year is made of three December kits (all designed by my friends, yay!), and Laura and I shared the kits. The main bulk of products used as well as the album is from Ali Edwards. I also used some pretty stuff from Kelly Purkey and Gossamer Blue

December Daily 2014      I would have to go back and look to be sure, but I feel like Jeremy was more represented in this year's album. I love that! He has had a lot going on in his career. His new studio is beautiful and his project, Violents, has been taking up a lot of our free time. It's an exciting season! 

December Daily 2014       In December I posted How To Scrapbook Your Memories With Not-So-Good Photos. Here they are in action. I'm learning that grainy photos really don't bother me that much. I might not post them on Instagram as much, but here in my scrapbooks I love and appreciate them because they're our memories with our friends and they make me smile. 

December Daily 2014           December Daily 2014           December Daily 2014           From one of my parties, I had a whole bunch of Instax photos. So I used a piece of elastic and my mini stapler to make some smaller pockets that hold the groups of photos inside. It's still pretty easy to pull the Instax photos in and out to peek through the piles. There are some pretty funny party pics in there. 

December Daily 2014           One of our happiest (and most hilarious) holiday memories this year was taking Penny to the mall the Sunday before Christmas to make a build-a-bear. Penny named her reindeer Lovie and it was basically the best $84 we ever spent. 

December Daily 2014           December Daily 2014           Christmas Eve is where my book gets REAL sentimental. It was our first year to host Christmas Eve at our home. My parents, my brother, and Penelope all spent the night and waited for Santa to arrive. 

As you can see above, Uncle Jeremy is really good at playing swords with wrapping paper rolls. That lasted… a while. 

December Daily 2014           (More Instax photos and another solution for storing them in my book where they don't fit in the page protectors.)

December Daily 2014
December Daily 2014           December Daily 2014           December Daily 2014           Another Instax stored with holes punched. And my letter to Penny Bloom for when she is much, much older. 🙂

December Daily 2014           And that's that. Here's a sparkler photo we took on NYE. 

December Daily 2014           Like last year, I saved a spot for storing the Holiday cards we received from friends and family (they are still in a drawer in our entryway, except for this one that arrived at my work!). 

December Daily 2014           To finish off the year, I thought it would be fun to put our favorite albums of 2014 (Alvvays and Beck's Morning Phase). I always like looking back on that kind of stuff in our older books.

December Daily 2014           And a couple party pics from NYE! I'm so glad I finished my messy, imperfect December album. 

The end. Till next time. xx! Elsie 

Credits// Author and Photography: Elsie Larson. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess Actions

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