Our New Life in Nashville

Our new life in Nashville I just realized that I haven’t really updated you on how we’re settling in to our new life here in Nashville. We moved about six months ago now, and I have so much to share with you!

The first few months were definitely a blur. We were in the midst of a major renovation, which stretched us thin mentally and caused me to take a lot of things slowly. I wasn’t ready to go out a lot; I wasn’t ready to make new friends. I just needed to get my home life normalized first. So for a few months, I was pretty quiet and stayed mostly focused on creating a good household situation for us while trying to stay caught up with work. I was working a lot of extra hours last season in preparation for the A Color Story launch and I felt very much like I was just trying to keep my head above water.

These past few months have felt different. We’ve started going out a lot more, making friends and feeling a LOT more social. We’re trying new restaurants like it’s our job and making new routines in our new town. It feels like the beginning of a really really good season!

Our new life in Nashville Our new life in Nashville Dolly + Suki–

The pups are doing amazing! We noticed a positive change immediately (which has nothing to do with Nashville, but more with the layout of our new home). Since our new home is one-level to them (they never go downstairs ever), it’s much more conducive to snuggle time and hanging out together. Our last home had stairs, which Suki couldn’t do on her own, and she was often stuck at the top or the bottom waiting for “a lift”. This house layout is a lot more practical for them, and we could tell an instant boost in their happiness!

Having both of us working at home has also been amazing for them. Jeremy works downstairs, so he’s not with them as much during the day, but they pretty much hang out with me all day, every day, while I work. And it feels really good to see how happy that makes them!

It’s a small thing and it might seem silly, but we’re extreme dog people and it’s so good to see them SO HAPPY.

Our new life in Nashville Finding our new spots–

This has been fun. In Springfield we went to all the places we liked anywhere from once a week to once a month. We were extreme “regulars” at several places, and we worried we would really miss that lifestyle and comfort once moving here. I mean, it’s cool to be able to try a new place every day, but we also want to have our spots where we go all the time.

So far we’re still trying a lot of new places. We have one breakfast spot where we go every week and they know us now (which feels good!), but other than that, we’re still strangers everywhere we go. I think it will take a while before we find our regular places, and it’s definitely more important to us at this phase to keep trying things we haven’t tried. We’re still finding new favorites almost every weekend, so it doesn’t make sense to settle into a routine quite yet!

Nashville has incredible restaurants and coffee shops. The health food game is very strong. It’s VERY easy to find a good salad. It’s very easy to find good coffee. These are important things… so we’re feeling pretty #BLESSED.

Our new life in Nashville Missing our hometown– 

Even though we are very happy here, we do miss Springfield a lot. I lived there my whole life and Jeremy had been there since high school. Our whole world was there, and we had no desire to move EVER… until we did. Springfield, Missouri is a great place to live.

We’re both living far away from our family for the first time, and to be honest, we’re missing things and it’s hard. Our nieces and nephews are at really cute ages, and it’s hard not being able to go to breakfast with our parents whenever we want.

On some nights when we see all our friends doing something together or going to our favorite dive bar, it’s been hard. A couple weeks ago my sister’s bar opened, and we didn’t get to go home for that because I was really behind on work. I won’t lie – it’s been sad at times. I hope Nashville/Springfield will get a direct flight in the future because that would make it easier to go home for a quick trip. But for now… we’re going once every few months.

On a positive note, I do feel like when we’ve been in town, it’s really good quality time. So that’s good. And I am seeing Emma A LOT for work trips, so that’s good. Emma and I are in a REALLY good place with our new workflow, and I’m thankful that our many work trips and cookbook photoshoots are keeping us seeing each other about once a month.

Our new life in Nashville Our family and friends have been visiting us A LOT, and it’s made the transition 1 million times easier. It really helps to have that next visit to look forward to!

Our new life in Nashville Jeremy’s career– 

We pretty much moved to Nashville for Jeremy’s career. Even though he could technically do all the same work in Missouri, there were just some intangible advantages to being close and making connections in person that we felt like we were missing. And so far that’s proven to be true for us.

He has had some exciting opportunities and is getting some really beautiful music written here. His new studio is coming together, and it really feels like we made the right choice. I’m very thankful for that (I NEEDED that validation) and am excited to see where this year takes him.

Our new life in Nashville Our new home–

House shopping in a new area was SCARY. I had a full-on breakdown after we moved in, scared we had chosen the wrong neighborhood to live in. When you buy a home in a city you don’t know very well, it’s hard not to second guess your decision. During that time, Jeremy gave me a perfect balance of comfort and tough love and reassured me that it doesn’t matter anymore – WE’RE HERE. We’re committed. This is our home.

Laura went through a similar initial shock, so it was good to have a friend to talk me through those first few weeks.

What I do know now is that WE LOVE OUR HOUSE. It’s been so fun to work on and with every little update, I am bonding with it more and more. And lately, as I can see it really starting to come together, I can visualize us being happy here for a long time.

We’re putting so much love and energy into this home. It’s starting to feel really REALLY good here.

FriendsOur support system– 

We were beyond lucky to move during the same season as two of our other couple friends. One of the couples is Todd and Laura. Todd is Jeremy’s best friend, so that is very good for him. Laura is also one of my bffs, but also my co-worker. And having someone to work on ABM stuff with immediately was really REALLY comforting.

Beyond that, Nashville is a very VERY friendly city. I have been blown away by the amount of love and support that has been shown to us. That friendliness made our transition feel effortless and very natural.

Our new life in Nashville New routines– 

In Missouri we had routines we loved and traditions for every season. And while some of those things are still with us here, some of them aren’t. So we’re working on developing a new weekend routine and finding special seasonal things that are Nashville based.

It’s funny because we’ve actually found that a lot of our favorite traditions in Missouri are things we just want to do there. And we want to do different things here. So it’s more a matter of finding new things we love than finding replacements like I thought it would be.

In conclusion, we’re LOVING Nashville. We’re really happy we moved when we did. It hasn’t been easy or perfect, but it’s been really good for our careers, our marriage and hopefully our future. We’re looking forward to starting a family here and planting our roots.

I think in the back of our minds we hope to live in Missouri again, near our family, someday. That’s not off the table for “someday”. But in the immediate future, we’re just focused on making a life here. And it’s kind of cool starting from scratch!

If you’re Nashville based and have any suggestions of things you think we would enjoy, please throw them at me! I (literally) have a list in my purse of things I want to try to do every weekend. We’re really enjoying our experimental phase of trying anything and everything. Thank you to everyone who has given us tips, advice and support during this crazy year. We love you!

xx- Elsie

  • Hi Elsie! I personally do not live in Nashville, but one of my off the beaten path favorites is 417 Union! It’s so cool, and the food is yummy!

  • Hi Elsie, I personally do not live in Nashville, but one of my favorite off the beaten path restaurants is 417 Union! It has a throwback atmosphere, and really delish food!

  • One of our favorite fancy dinners is 404 Kitchen! You gotta try it! Also, if you ever need a coffee date, I’d love to buy you a cup of joe.

  • Nashville gets SO fun in the warmer months! The whole city wakes up! The East Nashville farmer’s market starts in May (I believe) at Shelby Park, Musician’s Corner should be kicking off soon, the East Nashville Beer Fest in April is a blast…basically all the outdoor events are super fun!!! I’ve lived here since college and never want to leeeeave.

  • I’ve enjoyed this post so much Elsie! I love when you guys get personal and share little bits and pieces if your lives. And I’m SO happy that you’re happy!

  • Nashville in such a neat place to be. I love that it has a unique hipster vibe balanced with southern charm. Once you’ve really settled, I would love to read a follow up post of the new traditions you’ve made and the places you’ve experienced in your new town!

  • I moved to Nashville for university and stayed for nearly 15 years until moving to the uk. I miss the food and the feel. some places you need to go if you haven’t already:
    gabby’ burger
    Baja burrito
    las palmas
    pfunky griddle ( best whole grain pancakes!)
    pizza perfect
    the drunken monkey
    cafe coco
    bongo Java
    oh I could list a million! but those are a must.

  • Where did you get the black and white gingham shirt?! Love it, want it…

  • Great post, thanks for sharing. Glad you are settling in! 🙂 And #dogsarethebest

  • Elsie! thanks for writing this post. I am moving to a new city in a few months to support my fiancé’s career, and leaving my whole world behind (my family and friends, job, everything!) I’m think that the first few months are going to be pretty secluded too… Just getting adjusted to everything. Really looking forward to exploring new coffee and shopping spots, though. Been reading your blog for 5 years now and it’s been so inspiring ? Please don’t ever quit! Love, Sarah

  • Hello Elsie,
    I am sooo happy to read this detailed post. A very hearty (and belated) congratulations on this move and a very very cool house (#HouseEnvy). I can’t wait to see more of your adventures in Nashville and lots of success for both you and Jeremy.

  • My family & I stayed at the cutest Airbnb in Nashville over Christmas & the sandwich shop that they recommended (Mitchell Deli) was FABULOUS!! I still have dreams of that turkey apple brie sandwich. So, so yummy (and a very cool vibe too).

  • Hi Elsie,

    I moved to Scotland 2 months ago from the town I grew up in. One thing I’ve found hard though is making new friends as most of mine I had been friends with for over 20 years! How are you finding this aspect of the move and do you have any tips for meeting new people in a new place? X

  • YES, to Baja! I lived in TN all my life and in Nashville for 10+ years before heading to Denver a couple years ago for training.
    So ready to head back to the South.

    I’m a creature of habit, and my other favorite (easy) restaurants were:
    Calypso Cafe – I could eat their black bean salad every day of my life.
    Sky Blue Cafe – Em’s Bowl. Trust me.
    Mitchell’s Deli – Best sandwiches I’ve ever had!

    Also, have a bushwhacker for me at Edley’s!

    Glad you’re loving my favorite city, Elsie!

  • We moved from Chicago 15 months ago and have felt all of those things. Missing our friends like crazy! We love Peg Leg Porker for BBQ if you haven’t been, quite yummy.

  • I met my husband in college here in Nashville a decade ago, and we’ve stuck around. I just love the city so much.

    Have y’all been to Desano yet? Really, really delicious pizza.

  • This was such an interesting read! I have a long list of cities and countries I’d like to visit in the future and, thank to Instagram, Nashville has been among them too. It’s nice to read from someone who is now living there that it really is a really nice place.

    I also have a dog and a cat, and I completely understand how good it feels when you see a positive change in them. I saw some great changes as well when I started working from home a few months ago – they’re both more sociable now, and it has been especially beneficial for my dog, who had some health issues last year that have been slowly improving over time, but more so since I’ve been home.

  • question for you (: moving with friends (as you said) made the transition – people to hang out with! – much smoother.. my husband and i moved to denver where we know not a soul. i work (primarily) from home + he works for himself as well, so we find that we don’t meet people – it’s really tough! at bars/restaurants/coffee houses – people are with “their” people already – any tips on how to meet new friends when you don’t have co-workers or anyone in town that you know? thanks!!

  • I love all of your positivity and sharing the really beautiful and happy parts of your life. I’m a firm believer in not shrinking your joy and appreciation for these things in life so that others won’t feel insecure about their own experiences (throwing it in other’s faces is a whole different uncompassionate story; but you never ever do that which is very awesome.) That said, I value the way you balance the challenges in life with an ultimate eye on the prize. And you seem to have a lovely inherent support system, so that surely helps too. Thanks so much for taking the time to fill us all in… always a treat on so many levels. And as for Suki and Dolly, I full on support putting our pets as priorities. Nothing makes me happier than seeing well-loved, well-cared for dogs. My Mars passed away some months ago and my only consolation is that I know with all of my heart that he felt love around him throughout his life. So there’s that♥ Enjoy a lovely weekend ahead discovering new and comforting spots around town. (I visited Nashville for the first time in January and my friend and I were floored with the food and coffee. I mean, it was ALL really REALLY good.)

  • I ran into you & Emma at Hop Stop a few months ago before you moved! I am glad you’re mostly settled in.

    I recommend:
    Blue Sky Cafe (super busy on weekends, almost as bad as Marche, be warned)
    Mas Tacos (obvs)
    Rolf & Daughters (great fancy spot)
    Lockeland Table (their community hour is wonderful!)
    Mitchell Deli (BEST sandwiches)

  • Something unique/fun is the art crawl that happens on the first Saturday of the month (http://www.nashvilledowntown.com/play/first-saturday-art-crawl)! Some other great Nashville musts: Baja Burrito, Steadfast Coffee, Taqueria Del Sol, Rose Pepper, International Market, Shakespeare in the Park, Donelson Farmers Market, JJ’s Market (go before it closes!), and Sam and Zoe’s. So glad you’re loving Nashville!

  • As much as I love the inspiration SBM has to offer, these posts are my favorite. Thanks for sharing, Elsie! So glad the move has been good to you.

  • You’re lucky you get to see your family so frequently. I lived overseas for a year and now I live across the country from my family and we can’t afford to visit very often (once a year to see my parents. It’s been two years since I’ve seen some of my siblings). It’s really sad and lonely. 🙁

  • I know exactly what you mean about having the next visit planned. I am SUPER close to my parents (only child…with awesome parents) but we’ve lived on opposite coasts for the last ten years. Saying goodbye to them is hard every single time, but it is SO much easier when we’ve figured out our next visit ahead of time — even if it’s six months away.

  • Welcome to Nashville! I live in Franklin but lived in west Nashville for seven years before moving to the ‘burbs. My favorite place in your area is Margot. Everything is delicious! Make the trek to Franklin sometime for some great restaurants and shopping as well–The Factory, Red Pony, Cork & Cow, great shops on Main Street, and super fun street festivals. Spring is chock full of events in Nashville and surrounding areas. Enjoy!

  • Lovely post 🙂 best wishes glad that there are positive things happening.
    PS Your Snapchat ask me anything was really cool! Looking forward to the other questions

  • Glad to hear things are going well for you! I’m interested to hear if you have any ideas or tips for making friends when you’re new in town. I just moved too!

  • Glad to hear you’re settling in. My husband and I spent most of our twenties moving around the country before coming to Nashville. Four years later, it still has a hold on us. It really feels like home. Here are some places we always seem to find ourselves at:

    Drifter’s BBQ (I always order the pork tacos, but everything is good)
    Broadway Brewhouse in Midtown (get the trout dip or the jerk chicken pizza)
    Fido (the local burger is my favorite)
    The Sutler (great cocktails and amazing food)
    Ken’s Sushi (it doesn’t look like much, but probably my favorite sushi in town)

    If you haven’t checked it out, I would also recommend Two Rivers Park. There are several miles of paved paths for walking/biking.

  • Elsie – I am a Nashville native, grew up in Franklin (a downtown that I think you would love!). So glad to hear you are acclimating well and that you love it as much as I do! Please let me know if I can ever help!

  • So happy you’re loving what was to me what Springfield, MO was to you! My hometown, my base, my people! My hubs and I just recently moved to L.A. to further our careers (his in music, and mine in styling & lifestyle blogging (very new), oddly enough!). So I can definitely understand the mix of sad/happy feelings ALLLL the time.

    I actually met you once right before we moved to L.A. at Frothy Monkey and I believe you had mentioned it was when you were house shopping. 🙂 Love seeing all the updates and that you’re feeling at home! As far as the recommendations, I don’t know if you’ll ever eat your way through Nashville, but by the looks of Insta, it looks like y’all have a good start! 🙂

  • OMG! so i haven’t been following long, sorry. I am new to this whole blogging thing…but I AM FROM NASHVILLE… i love that town…..EVERYTHING about it makes me swoon…I would have never left, but I married an army man and thats the way it goes…where are you?? What neighborhood did you move into??? Seriously dying!!

  • I lived in Nashville for almost two years and loved it to bits!

    If you’re up for a dive bar kind of feel but some great music to boot, definitely check out The Station Inn. They do a lot of bluegrass and on Monday nights there’s some fantastic musicians who do old time country and pick some ‘grass. I definitely wouldn’t go for dinner (unless you want frozen pizza and popcorn!).

    Parnassus Books is in Green Hills and is my most favorite bookstore. It’s an independent bookstore (co-owned by author Ann Patchett) that runs a lot of events, has a great staff, and there are really sweet store dogs who really add to the character of the store. I’m coming to visit friends in Nashville in May and I KNOW I’m going to be heading back there for a visit.

    Patterson House is in mid-town and is kind of like it’s own little speak-easy. I would get there early as there’s a small waiting room and they won’t let you into the bar area to wait. On a busy night the wait was around 45 minutes.

    Sperry’s! It’s a little old fashioned, but it’s an old steakhouse with darker decor, but delicious food and there’s a kick ass salad bar as well. And they make banana’s foster at your table.

    Two Bits is a bar-cade on Demonbreun. They have free arcade games, a wall of board games, and there are booths that have TVs set up on the opposite wall where you can play PlayStation, N64, and other consoles. The food and drinks aren’t bad either.

  • Awww, that was nice to read. I’m glad you are settling in and enjoyed the personal post xx

  • Congratulations on your move. It is fun to hear that moving within the U.S. is much like moving abroad. Your house, Nashville, everything look lovely.
    My husband and I both work from home and I find it’s too much togetherness. When you are in the same small space 24/7 there isn’t much to talk about! Right now he is supervising our big rental renovation, so at least that gives us something to discuss.

  • Hey Elsie,
    I’de love to know about how you are making friends.. I think is the scairest thing about moving to a new city and is something that my partner is stll coming to grips with some 7 years later!! It seems so much harder to make friends as an adult than when we were kids!!

  • Thank you for this post, I really enjoyed reading it! As I have been in a similar situation these past months I could really relate to a lot of things. It’s also beautiful when you see how people care so much about their pets! Have a lovely weekend!
    xx Nicole

  • Nashville is the best!! I truly miss it, but I’ve been away so long, I feel like most of my suggestions are out of date.

  • Moving is so hard – no matter how beautiful or exciting the place, it’s still quite the transition 🙂 I moved to Nashville three years ago, and cried A LOT. Thankfully, like you said, the city is so warm and inviting as a whole – it really creates a sweet place for all us transplants. My husband and I love Headquarters, a hole in the wall coffee shop on the west side, and Marcy Jo’s when we’re looking to road trip a bit. It’s in Columbia, just outside Franklin, and is a tiny family owned spot that will make you feel like you’re home. It’s seriously the greatest hidden gem – we’d take it over Loveless any day.

    Best wishes to you both!!

  • My parents moved to the Nashville area about 5 years ago and I’ve been down to visit them several times. Every time we go, we try to find a new place to check out. If you are into plants and flowers (which I think you are) you should visit Cheekwood (https://www.cheekwood.org) We went around mother’s day one year and it was just gorgeous! They have art exhibits and things going on there all year long as well.

  • I can’t imagine uprooting and moving to a brand new place. I feel the same way about Boston as you did about Springfield – NEVER LEAVE! You guys are super brave and adventurous! And Nashville sounds like it makes it easy on you with all the fun and exciting things to try! Good luck, chin up!

  • I just recently moved and it’s been really rough, so it’s weirdly comforting to know that someone who has their life fairly well put together finds moving difficult, too. It’s nice to know it’s not me failing at things everyone else finds easy, it’s me having a difficult time with something that’s really difficult. So thanks for sharing!

  • So glad to hear you guys are loving it in Nashville. I started here about 6 years ago and felt the same love and support from this town. I’m a long time ABM reader, and would be so delighted to have coffee or go exploring!

  • I really enjoyed this post….the honesty of it is refreshing. I understand how you feel; leaving behind the “familiar”, family, friends that you have known all of your life. In 2007 my family and I moved to the East Coast so my husband could work in Manhattan. I remember having some of the same thoughts and feelings you expressed in your post. However, it didn’t take long to find those new special spots and those new routines, and now, that we are back in our home state of Texas, we long to go back and visit all of those people and places because they are “home” to us too. Will be praying for that direct flight to happen real soon for you guys 🙂

  • Nashville sounds like a great fit for you guys and this post really hit home for me. The mister and I moved from Seattle, WA (our home for almost 8 years) to Athens, GA a year ago. We knew uprooting/resettling would be tough but, hot dang, it really put us through the ringer at first! We’ve since found things we love and built a warm community here. I can totally relate to how great it was to find validation and be like, we’re here; we’re committed. My British in-laws are flying over next month and we’re taking them on a road trip through Nashville and Memphis. We’ll definitely check out some of your recs!

  • My husband & I have been dreaming of moving away from our hometown (Oklahoma City) for a little over a year & Nashville is on the top of our list of possibilities. It’s far enough away from home but not TOO far & it’s still southern enough to not feel too alien I think (unlike our other dreams of living off the west or east coasts). Every time I see a Nashville update, it makes me want it more so I love these updates! This might seem silly, but a huge disadvantage of OKC is that it’s not very vegetarian friendly. Oklahoma is definitely a beef state. We went to North Carolina last year & wanted to move there for their food options alone! haha! It gets old having the same dining options everyday. We will always cherish where we’re from but we definitely want a new adventure for us & our pups!

  • Nashville is on our list of places to job search in the next few years, so seeing your posts of brunch places, etc. has been super reassuring! We are in upstate NY right now and while we have both lived all around the country, we know it will be a bit of a culture shock, so are prepping ourselves!

  • Thank you for sharing your story! I have a handmade business and my husband plays keyboard and writes music. We’ve been contemplating a move to Nashville for years! Maybe one day we’ll take that leap, but for now we visit often! Downtown Franklin is my favorite place….see a show at The Franklin Theater and swing by Philanthropy beforehand. Super cool store and a % of sales goes to charity. And I’ve always wanted to go to The Preservation Station but haven’t made it yet. Puckett’s Grocery for brunch!

  • I so love your very real life posts. It makes me feel like I am ready a letter from a long time friend. Thanks for sharing your adventures!

  • Yes! So good to talk about what you go through during such a big change. It seems like you’re in a really good place now so cheers to that!
    – X Marloes

  • My fiancé and I moved to Nashville around the same time as you all (and bought our first house!!!)! Have you been to the monthly flea market yet? It’s amazing. We also love the Hop Stop in east Nashville (esp on trivia Tuesday’s!), the village tavern, but just like you there are SO many places we need to try!

  • If you would like a great pizza place with fresh flavors and real authentic NY style pizza, then consider trying out NY PIE with two locations in Nashville and Hendersonville. My BIL and SIL are the owners and take pride in the quality of their food and the service. Glad you are settling in, change is not easy but thank goodness for technology!

  • If you didn’t have a chance to go last year, you MUST visit the Tennessee Renaissance Festival this year! It’s every weekend in May in Triune, TN, just south of Franklin. Grab friends and make a day of it.

    And go to the Frist Center for the Arts every chance you get. We love to take visitors there. It’s always surprising to find amazing artworks in the middle of Music City.

    Welcome to Nashville!

  • Here’s something funny, my husband and I moved from Joplin, MO to Nashville in October! For basically the same reason; he’s a musician as well. I’m also a graphic designer and lets face it, Joplin doesn’t really have a strong market for either of those lines of work! We had visited Nashville like 5 times before we made the decision to move and I really REALLY loved it. And even when we did decide to move, visiting felt 100x better. Visiting when you know you’re going to be moving was a whole different perspective…a fantastic one! My hubs grew up in Joplin so I think the move was a bit harder on him, though we had an incredible support system reassuring us that it was the best thing for us. It’s hard though, definitely a change of pace (so much driving) but it’s totally worth it. We have LOVED getting a feel for the city, even though we live a good 35-40 minutes south of Nashville proper). This place is full of amazing spots!

    Reading this post has reassured me all the more. Thank you for your honest thoughts and feelings! =]

  • Hi Elsie,
    I have never been there but love to visit. So much admire your site, your house. I m in love with your range. Which brand is it? I want that..

  • I don’t live in Nashville (I’m three hours east, in Knoxville) but I really love the park around the Parthenon and taking walks there. Welcome to TN!

  • Glad you’re enjoying Nashville! It’s such a fun city.
    Make sure to try out Mas Tacos Por Favor in East Nashville if you haven’t already! Everything, and I mean everything, they make is so incredible. Don’t forget to try the special iced coffee they make too! It’s top notch!
    Right across the street is another favorite of mine, The Pharmacy. They have a lovely selection of beers and their burgers are to die for, not to mention THEIR PATIO is killer!

    And Old Made Good and BEvintagenashville are two of my favorite spots to get awesome and fairly priced vintage furniture!


  • Have never been to Nashville but would love to visit that city sometime. Just really enjoyed reading your post and totally understand about being glad to see your fur babies so happy in their new home!

  • I second Baja Burrito! My husband and I love it so much that we got them to cater our wedding 🙂 Glad to hear that you’re loving Nashville!

  • I have only been to Nashville once to see Jason Isbell at the Ryman, but we ate at a place called Husk. Amazing! Enjoy!

  • First, my bro owns Baja Burrito. I figured one of these days you’ll be taking a pic in front of their HOT PINK wall outside. (there are some amazing top secret wall murals of many of our local musicians in the Berry Hill neighborhood as well. Very top secret but fun.) Also, let me know if you want to go climbing at Climb Nashville. Welcome to town.

  • This is a really honest post and I’m so glad you wrote it. I understand that feeling (and at the same time also not really). It must be bittersweet, both good and bad feelings flooding at once. Hope you guys get more used to it in time! Nashville sounds like such an awesome place anyway. Here’s to loads more adventure in the future!

    Alive as Always

  • I got married last June and moved from San Diego
    all the way to Eureka, 14 hour drive.

    What I miss the most is our traditions that we had back home, like Christmas celebrations at the museums and “Upstart Crow” which is a book shop/coffee place with local bands.

    My husband and I were regulars there and we are now trying to become regulars at another coffee shop!

  • Dude, I moved to East Nashville from the Seattle area in May and I am still trying to adjust. Maybe it’s because I lived on the west coast my whole life, but my transition has been really rough and I am just now finding places I like. I know what you mean about second guessing the neighborhood. My realtor was really optimistic about the East Nashville area, and I’m an idiot and trusted him. But when I got here and saw my neighborhood I legit had a breakdown and cried for like a week. Thank god for Five Points Pizza, it’s really seeing me through.

  • Oh, this is all so great to hear! I’ve been hoping the transition was smooth for you. Moving can be so hard. (Texas girl all my life, until we moved to AZ 8 years ago). It’s gotten better every year! I’m praying that you find meaningful friendships there!

  • I want to congratulate you on your app I just love it. My daughter move to East Nashville 3 yrs ago and love it. They are young couple such as yourself very talented song writers and entrepreneurs. Hopefully you two will run into each other. At the coffee shop or the pharmacy( best burgers) or the dog park which they frequent a lot. Her name is Alexa ( Lexie )Flynn and her husband is named Travis.
    Best regards,

  • I’m sure it’s are hard right such personal posts, but this was so great to read! I’m getting ready to move too. I’ll be in the same city, but there will still be a lot of changes. It’s great to be able to relate to other people going through similar feelings. I’m glad to hear ya’ll are adjusting well and enjoying your new home in Nashville!


  • I’m glad that you’re enjoying the new city! I myself have never thought about moving out of the city I’ve grown up in, but I can also see that changing in the future. Thanks for sharing your story with us! 🙂

  • We live a couple of hours north of Nashville & pop down from time to time for shopping and music. Welcome to the city though! 🙂

    Nashville really does wake up a lot more when the warmer weather arrives. As for food we really love the 12 South neighborhood. Its got some really great little vintage & boutiquey shops too. (Whites Mercantile is great for little gifts.) Burger Up is awesome, and it’s packed in the mornings but Frothy Monkey is pretty great too. (They have yummy light breakfasts.)

    Also, have you been over to The Row on Woodland? It’s the cutest little cluster of art shops all snuggles together. There’s a great local-writers only bookstore too. And up the block is a great antique shop with beautiful modern furniture in the loft/second story. If you’re on the East side it’s close to you!

  • I enjoyed this post. I know the feeling – being an Australian who moved to the U.S to live with my American husband. Isn’t it great having the confidence to get out and explore and enjoy (and love) your new surroundings?! I found that it was truly what shaped me and made me feel like an adult – if that makes any sense. It’s heartbreaking being so far from family and home but at the same time very rewarding in learning and earning your independence.

  • Aw Elsie! I love this post, thank you so much for updating us on the more personal side of your world. This is such an exciting time for you. I’ve moved cross country before— from Vancouver to Hamilton… And know how tough it can be, but I’ve now been in Ontario for nearly 10 years (!!) and this city has become my city in every way. I am more at home here than I could ever imagine being elsewhere! That said, it’s is always fun to visit van city from time to time, because, like you, most of my family live there.

    I really hope you get your routines down soon, and start to feel more settled! Nashville sounds like an amazing place to start a fam!

  • I don’t know if you’ve been yet, but the Nashville Flea (at the fairgrounds) is my favorite! Yes, you’ll find the occasional booths with diabetic socks and 10 year old Avon products, but they always have an amazing assortment of treasures as well!

  • Hi, I live in Bowling Green, an hour north of Nashville, but my bestie lives in East Nashville. So I’m there all the time. We just ate at Two Ten Jack for the first time, based partly on your recommendation from an earlier post. IT. WAS. AMAZING! So please keep the recommendations coming!

  • What a wonderful post! Thanks Elsie 🙂
    Like all adventures there are the good and bad bits to work through. My man and I are looking at moving to London from Australia in the next year or so and are alternating between loving the idea and being totally terrified by it.
    Sometimes you just have to make the jump!
    Best of luck with everything and believing in your decisions xx

  • Well I’m sure you have all the restaurants on your list so far… have you done or heard of the first Saturday Art crawl downtown? Those are fantastic and lots of fun…great to do something different.

    Steeplechase in May!

    Porter Flea Market

    Arrington Vineyard 🙂

  • I’m wondering if you’d be willing to post a mini guide to some great spots sometime? I’m making a trip to Nashville this summer and I feel like our tastes will align on coffee and health food, if not more :-).

    Moving away from family is hard. I hope your adjustment period is mercifully brief.

  • I haven’t lived in Nashville for several years now and it seems like everything has changed SO much, but you’ve got to try Rotier’s! It’s totally a hole in the wall, but it’s got such a cool old school vibe, and word on the street is that the song “Cheeseburger in Paradise” was based on their burger. (Totally a legend, have no idea if it’s true, but it’d be cool if it was, right?)

    Also, for some amazing family style soul food, check out Monell’s. 🙂

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