Elsie’s DIY Closet Organization

Elsie's Closet Organization Jeremy and I recently moved into our master bedroom after four months of living in the guest room due to renovations (!!!!). It’s SO WEIRD living in our real bedroom. But you guys aren’t here to hear about my #feelings. So let’s move on….

So far, I’ve mainly focused on the closet space. It’s coming along nicely, and today I’m here to share a blank wall that we turned into useful accessory storage!

Step 1Step 1: Use tape to visualize the storage you want to add. I put this up, then made sure the sizes of my hats and lengths of my necklaces and purses would work. Just hold things up and adjust as needed.

Step 2Step 2: Measure the length of the wall (exactly) and have boards cut to length at the home improvement store. My boards are 2.5 inches tall, but you can do larger ones if you want.

Step 3Step 3: Choose and measure for hardware. Pick out what hardware you want for whatever your storage needs are. I picked different styles for hats, necklaces, and bags. Then hold up your largest hat, bag, and necklace and decide how far you want them spaced apart. Then you can figure out how many pieces of each hardware type you need.

My hardware– Kohler knobs (used for bags), Brass hooks (used for necklaces, and I painted them gold because they came in more dark than I expected), and Lucite pulls (I actually used these on their side for the hats).

Step 4Step 4: Paint the wood pieces to match your trim color.

Step 5Step 5: Add hardware to boards.

How to drill holesTo get your hardware flush, use a countersink drill bit. 🙂

Ta-DaaaaaTa-Daaaa! It’s done! We added a little more caulk at the end and touched up the paint a tiny bit, by the way!

My new storage is SO USEFUL! Here’s how my wall looks today….

Elsie's Closet Organization Elsie's Closet Organization Elsie's Closet Organization Elsie's Closet Organization Elsie's Closet Organization I’m so happy with the extra storage this adds to my space. I mean, this wall would have basically been wasted and now it’s completely full. If you have a similar wall, or need more storage, consider this solution. I highly recommend it! It’s SUPER easy to find my necklaces and hats now (always a brutal task for me in the past). Projects like this are SO gratifying! If you make this in your space, tag us on Instagram #ABMathome

Have a lovely weekend! xx- Elsie

Credits//Author: Elsie Larson. Photography: Elsie Larson and Laura Gummerman. Project Assistant: Collin DuPree. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess Actions

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