a beautiful day and a story…

today i got to hang out with two of my favorite people….1kendra and rachel! they are so wonderful!

we went to a tea house (nostalgic.. i used to go there with both my grandmothers), flea market and a scrapbook store (it's been a while since i've shopped for supplies! that was fun, especially since this past weekend i cleaned out about 6 boxes of supplies that had been collecting dust in my studio for a few years).

here are a few pics from the flea market…2345it was so much fun! flea market shopping was such a treat. i am so glad that rach is living in Springfield now, she is the perfect shopping partner!

well, i promised to share a little bit more about jeremy's new song, Immovable. (i usually don't post such personal stuff, but this story is so special to me… i am happy to share it) it's important to this story for you to understand that jeremy is a very shy kid. oh, and this took place in january, just a few weeks after we started hanging out… 
jeremy called and told me that he had a gift for me, but that i had to come and get it right then before he changed his mind. well, vanessa was on tour that whole month and that night happened to be her only night home so i tried to talk him out of it… he insisted. of course, i gave in quickly and went to see him. i told him i could only stay for five minutes, so he came out to my car and we listened to this song for the first time (he had recorded it earlier that evening). he had written something in invisible ink (the kind that you can only read with a glow pen) this is what it said…

"love's a casket, sure, but still a
place to sleep when it gets cold."

it was certainly the most lovely gift i had ever received and a memory i want to keep.  i guess that was sort of the beginning for us… or a part of it. happy monday to you. elsie

  • What a sweet story…it made me get over my aversion to going on myspace on this computer (crashes it every. time.) And I’m *totally* glad I did–prettiest song I’ve heard in a long time πŸ™‚

    Thanks for sharing it!

  • hey elsie!

    awesome partners in crime! πŸ˜‰ ya’ll all have beautiful hair!

    jeremy sounds amazing! yea! πŸ™‚ love is such an amazing emotion.

    love reading your blog. i am pregnant and in creative slump, but still love to read and look. maybe one day it will spark something?

  • I know this is off topic but I just have to tell you that in all the pictures you post of yourself… you have the best hair of any blogger/artist/woman out there!

  • that is awesome elsie! i think knowing the meaning behind a song makes it even more special!

    thanks so much for sharing.

  • OMG!!! what a sweet gift.. I really almost cried. I am fighting back the tears.. how sweet!! TFS!!!

  • I’m so glad I found you, I’ve followed your flickr page and this one for a few months now. And you give me so much inspiration. Love to hear the things you say.. Love from Sweden! πŸ™‚

  • Elsie I love to visit your hair, I mean, blog. I feel like I’ve just walked into one of my favourite stationary or book shops while I’m here. Your photographs are always delicious.

    Oh, and the song (and story) is so lovely.

  • Hi Elsie,

    I am a little disappointed you didn’t make Kendra dress in some fun and funky vintage clothing. She loves dresses! πŸ˜‰

    Glad you are finding happiness with Jeremy.

  • OOOH…I love that flea market—I’ve been to that one several times when I get to visit the Field (though it’s been a while), and it always has such cool stuff. Ahh, a taste of home!

  • wow, that has to be the best gift ever – and such a cool story. you have found such a beautiful person to share life with right now.


    im so smart! you should reward me by posting pictures of your new page that you know you should make about that oh so romantic and magical night since you want to remember it!

    :] again, Im so smart….

    LOL. Well, my dear, you have inspired me to do somethin I havent done in a while. I was longing to do this the other day, and stayed up till 4 A.M. looking on etsy at vintage clothes.

    I want to go thrift store shopping with MY bff, Rachel. See:


    She’s Brown eyes, I’m Blue eyes :]

    And were going tomorrow morning. Im excited!! Everytime we go, we have SUCH a blast!!!

    Thanks, Els! Luvs ya!


    BTW>>if you havent listened to The Last Goodnight, go check em out! I love all their songs!!!



  • from the little bit that you’ve let us in, your love with mr.larson sounds magical.

    it sounds pretty much perfect.

    so nice to hear that.

    your cd is on it’s way!! πŸ˜€


  • I so agree about the thrift shopping/flea markets is a treat. I live right next to LA and we have some of the BEST shops here because of old Hollywood movies. When they clean out the wear houses they just donate them… and I’m all over that!

  • Awww!! Elsie, that is too sweet πŸ™‚ Tell Jeremy that I said that he’s a great guy πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Your shopping trip looks like lots of fun!

  • The song is lovely. Isn’t is great having a musician for a boyfriend?

    Girl time out is quite theraputic, I must agree! (:

  • You have a good man Elsie. He sounds very romantic.

    The thing I like the most about your story is your love for your girl friendships. Jeremy had to keep asking you to go over to his house, because you wanted to spend the time with your friend, Vanessa.

    I don’t know many girls out there that would do that. Most ladies would go running and drop everything if a man called.

    You are one in a million.

  • what an amazing story.

    so glad that you wanted to share it.

    and i have to ask- where do you find all these amazing thrift stores/flea markets??

    i live in springfield too and would love to find some treasures…:)

  • Oh wow, I love that photo of the coffee mugs. I swear my grandmother had those exact orange ones. I’m so tempted to try to find that store/flea market this weekend while I’m visiting family in S-town to snatch them up… but I don’t really NEED more coffee mugs… LOL

  • Ok, that paint by number horse picture…got that same one for christmas when I was about 11 or 12 years old…that is truly now an antique!LOL!

  • How do you get the colors to turn out like that in the pictures you took at the flea market? Is it a specific setting or how much light you do or don’t let in, or do you mess with it on your computer after you take it?

  • Those coffee mugs would be perfect in my kitchen! They are great. Makes me want to go to the flea market this weekend for new(old) kitchen stuff!

  • hi i like ur blog,nice pics ,nice stories,mine is tubor.blogspot.com I have some books to trade for free ,you’ll like them so much.


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