A Color Story: New Filter +Pack from Arielle Vey!!

A Color Story :: New Weekend Filtersphoto by @ariellevey, edited with Weekend in Weekend

We are absolutely thrilled to announce our newest filter +pack in our A Color Story app, Weekend! Designed by the amazingly talented SoCal photographer, Arielle Vey, this +pack offers something a little different from the rest of the app. While we offer a lot options to achieve the bright, fresh look, we also LOVE Arielle’s bold and rich photography. So we pretty much just gave her free reign to make filters she’d most want to use.

A Color Story :: New Weekend Filters photo by @ariellevey, edited with Seafoam in Weekend

We couldn’t have been more thrilled with the results! Best for sunsets, water, florals, and just everyday life, you can feel a little piece of California in each filter.

A Color Story :: New Weekend Filters  photo by @ariellevey, edited with Glow in Weekend

A Color Story :: New Weekend Filters  photo by @ariellevey, edited with Pacific in Weekend

A Color Story :: New Weekend Filters  photo by @ariellevey, edited with Boulevard in Weekend

You can get it now in the A Color Story app! We hope you love it as much as we do. Arielle will actually be on the blog later this week to talk about how to get the most out of each filter. So stay tuned for that! xx -Elsie (+ A Color Story team)


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