A new ABM Adventure!

A Beautiful Mess Products (coming soon!) This past month we celebrated the seven-year birthday of this blog. I've said many times that this journey has been a complete surprise to us. We've realized dreams, tried things, and gone places that we never thought possible. A Beautiful Mess is a blog, but it's also more than that now. It's a company and it's growing like crazy! 

In the past year Emma and I have been focusing more on our long-term plan. In the past we didn't have one. We didn't know we needed one. Then, at a certain point, we realized that we needed to figure out what our dreams for ABM really were. It was starting to get overwhelming. We needed to focus on less to be able to accomplish more. We also try to constantly reevaluate what readers (that's you!) want. What do readers go crazy for? What do they hate? How can we continue to be a source of light-hearted entertainment as well as a valuable resource in their lives?

A big part of navigating our future business goals and dreams was analyzing what is working for us. Which projects are we loving? What is creating energy and momentum in our brand? What is profitable and healthy for our company? What makes us excited to come to work every day? What engages our readers most?

We love being a primarily web-based company. First and foremost, we love writing this blog for you every single day. We have been hugely inspired and challenged by the world of apps. We are passionate about teaching through our shop. Those three aspects of our business have and will continue to create happiness and fulfillment for our staff and Emma and me as business owners. As these areas have become more established, we’ve evaluated how we can build on them. Multiple times a day we use crafty products here on the blog. We've often talked about how if we could make paint, it would have better colors. Or if we could make stamps, they would come in cuter fonts. (Do you see where this is going? Here we go…)

With that said, there was an obvious next step that we've been itching to take all along! 

A Beautiful Mess products!!!! 

Today I am so excited to announce that this autumn we will expand our online shop to include pretty, creative products that you receive at your doorstep! Real items that you can touch and feel and use and make the types of projects that we share here on A Beautiful Mess. We will be relaunching our shop website with new products and classes this October!

This is a dream come true for me! This is also a huge business step for us. We wanted to do it right, so we teamed up with a company that has been fulfilling thousands of orders per month for years! They're experts in creating a quality customer experience. They also understand how to cater to our international readers. This was very important to us. 

I know what you're thinking: "Show us the products!!" 

We will soon, and I can share a few tiny peeks today. 

A Beautiful Mess Products (coming soon!)(Here are a few paper patterns.)

Our new shop will be our dream shopping destination for all things creative. It will include pretty paper products, home decor items, and monthly kits… just to name a few! There is a mix of products that we've designed and items that we use and love, all at nice, easygoing prices. 

We are super excited to share more details with you as our October launch approaches. If you aren't already a subscriber to our newsletter, sign up now for updates and sneak peeks

A Beautiful Mess Products (coming soon!)  Here's a little peek at the beginnings of the design process. The little dots are all colors I picked out for albums, papers and products like inks and paint! 

A Beautiful Mess Products (coming soon!)   Here's what my past several months have looked like. Drawing and painting 24/7. I like to start most of my designs on paper, the old fashioned way. It's been so much fun. Truly a dream job.  

We couldn't do any of this without your support! Thank you for cheering us on and being a part of our journey every step of the way. If you have requests for items we'll carry in our new shop, we're all ears! Leave them for us in the comments! Thank you so much for sharing our joy today. xoxo- Elsie 
Credits// Author: Elsie Larson, Photography: Janae Hardy. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess Actions
  • This is so cool. I was wondering when this would happen, seemed like the next step naturally. Congrats, I can’t wait to outfit my future home in A Beautiful Mess decor!

  • You should definitely offer phone cases and skins in the future. I just got a new phone and spent forever online trying to find a cute/fun design I liked. I know your designs would be great.

  • this is so exciting! these designs would look lovely on washi tape or stationery. [two items i love!]

  • OMG, this is so exciting…i most looking forward to the home decor products, can’t wait… !!! Good luck!



  • Oh wow, congrats on this huge step! I can’t wait to see your products and hope you’ll ship to Europe, too πŸ™‚

  • Wow so exciting! I can’t wait to go shopping. I’d better start saving up. Will you be selling fabric too? I can totally imagine wearing a dress made from some of those patterns? Pretty please? Zoe x

  • Elsie Elsie !! I have been dying to hear and see this for ABM. I started following your blog in 2010 and ever since what I always love the most about it is the crafty projects, I love all the photo album projects, scrapbooks and other hand made things you make. That is why I started coming back to this page. And although you have moved on to lifestyle and apps. I still love you the most for this πŸ™‚ So excited for you. I know what my future wish list is going to be filled by! my heart is literally throbbing to hear this news..you guys always inspire me so much! <3

  • you guys are killing it! congrats on the next newest step in your business πŸ™‚

  • How exciting!! Congratulations! I’m happy to hear that you’ve thought about us internationals too, and I really hope that your products will be available for us at decent shipping costs, too! Can’t wait πŸ™‚

  • Congratulations you two! I am so excited for you and for the launch of your products! I love everything that you’re doing – you are doing phenomenal job at staying relevant to your readers and maintaing your brand.

    Warm regards,

  • Squee! I too am so glad you are including international readers. And just in time for me moving house to start many many projects. I think a dance of joy is in order!

  • It may be the huge dose of my morning caffeine kick, but you guys… I teared up reading this… I look for every opportunity to witness success and happiness in others’ lives (I really think it only adds to my own) and ABM certainly encourages and inspires. I can’t wait to see these… can’t wait:)

  • Hello I’m a french Reader so excuse me if I don’t write on the right way. I follow You since several months yet and I love your blog so much! What an amazing new today. I’m so excited to see your products.
    Have a Nice day and congratulations!

  • YAYYY!!!! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to check out all the cute things in your shop! You guys rock!

  • So happy for you guys πŸ™‚ this reminds me of WAY back when you had your scrapbooking company Elsie. It would be fun for you guys to offer “craft kids” that include all the basics to complete an art project or craft (minus the obvious – glue etc.). Or beautiful scrapbook albums! I can’t lie… I’m secretly hoping you teamed up with Project Life. xoxo

  • Hey Elsie! This is amazing! I am sure I’ll buy anything you guys put in your store!
    I am from Canada and I love the Martha Stewart star burst mirror you got from Home Depot, but they don’t carry this item where I live. Is this something you could sell in your shop?
    Just curious.


  • yes, yes, yes πŸ™‚ give us more. you guys are such an awesome creative duo and i love doing your projects now with my nine year old daughter and are such a style inspiration, both at home and my personal style. πŸ™‚

  • Congratulations! What a big and exciting step for you guys. I love the XO pattern, I feel it is so “you”!

  • Ooooh! How exciting! The sky is the limit is for you guys. It’s so inspiring for someone like me who is starting out on their own in a creative and retail field. πŸ˜€

  • if ya need someone to help out in the shipping and everything else dept. im all ears….leaving california for a bit sounds like a lot of fun!

    congrats ladies! i cannot wait!

  • Yay, this is SO exciting! Congrats on reaching a milestone and for being so successful. You and Emma are truly inspiring and I am (along with the rest of your readers, I’m sure) so grateful for all the energy, time, effort and hard work you put into ABM every single day. I’ve been inspired endlessly by the things you make and I thank you for that.

    On another note, I really hope you can make personal agendas/planners! With your quirky style and love of bright colors, I’m sure you would be extremely successful. x

  • Congratulations! I can’t wait to see it all πŸ™‚ xxx

    Blog This With Hannah

  • I can’t wait to see what you have dreamed up. I would love if it included some type of monthly delivery/kit (similar to birch box) you could sign up for that would include different supplies – and ideas for using them. Talk about inspiring!

  • How exciting! Congratulations team ABM <3 You are doing such a fantastic job. I always feel inspired after leaving your website πŸ™‚ xx

  • So excited to hear this news! I know you, Elsie, mentioned somewhere that you love retail, so I kind of knew this was happening. πŸ™‚ Will you guys carry fashion accessories as well (like headbands, scarves, etc)?

    Xo, Marketa

  • What an exciting next step! I can’t wait to shop your new store and add many new supplies to my ever growing studio room! I still have some paper from Elsie’s first scrapbook line years ago! It was such a fun collection then, my sister and I worked at a scrapbook store together and always loved your products so I’m eager to see what you have in store for us now! GOOD LUCK!!!

  • This is such an exciting step for you guys! I always love hearing about what you’re coming up with next and I love this idea! As I was reading through it I was hoping that somewhere you’d say about international readers too, so that’s made my day haha! πŸ™‚
    One thing that I’d personally love to see is wallpaper. I’m not a huge fan of it usually because of the boring prints, but I can imagine that you guys would come up with some really cute and fun prints! And fabric!
    Have a lovely week guys!
    xo April

  • So exciting!! What would people do with the paper? I always love your art Elsie, you can just look at it and tell, that looks like Elsie!!

  • I am so excited about this, you have no idea! As a longtime reader, I have noticed a big change in ABM and on some things, I’m in love and while others, not so much. Like I love the new classes but it didn’t have the same personalized flavor of your old e-courses, to my opinion.

    I felt like something was missing because I haven’t felt like there has been much of a presence from Elsie in awhile. I know she’s been there, of course but, her voice has seemed smaller or more in the background. It has begun to feel more big brand and less personalized to me.

    I guess what I am saying is, maybe this is the missing ingredient! I truly do love you girls and I hope my saying this doesn’t hurt your feelings but as a longtime fan, I feel it’s important to offer up honest feedback.

    I do want to offer up that I adore this idea and it makes perfect sense, as I would love to be able to do more of your DIY projects! You just made my day when I read this πŸ™‚


    Laurali Star

  • Have you thought of offering fabric? I’m always on the look out for cute fabric.

  • Well this is jolly exciting! I do hope you can ship to the UK. Will you do washi tape? X

  • A very big congratulations to you all! It’s been fun to see your blog and brand grow over the years and I’m constantly excited for you and inspired by you when you are connecting with new companies and starting new business ventures! All the best as you begin this new adventure πŸ™‚

  • Congratulations on this awesome venture! I cannot wait to see the monthly boxes!!! Sounds like so much fun. Would be my dream job too.

  • Congratulations sister gang.

    You are doing an awesome job and you deserve all the success. Your blog and pictures made me try my hand on blogging. All the very best.

  • Congrats! One item I am constantly on the look for is a birthday calendar (one that can be a staple in the house so I can remember relatives, friends, birthdays). I can never find them, and if I do i find that I don’t like the look or theme. Would love to see you create a couple cute ones!

  • oh my gosh!! you guys never cease to amaze me. Congrats on your new adventure in your business. I am super excited and cannot wait to see what you have for us. Thank you!!
    p.s. not sure if this is even possible but I hope you design your own fabrics!

  • So cool! I’m thrilled to see what all you’ll be offering! You guys have such great taste that supplies and decor alike will be eagerly anticipated πŸ™‚

  • I love how you share the process- whether it good or bad. Ironically, online shopping has been a source of personal connection (like shopping on etsy), and I know you will add to that… You have already.

    Best wishes on you new business move! You ladies are awesome.

  • I would also love to see washi tape πŸ™‚ especially neons, which have been surprisingly hard for me to find in stores!

  • total ans absolut congratulations!!
    maybe this new shop is a good place for you to stash all the links to your collaborative projects (bags, glasses, etc) it’s kind of hard to find them some times!! and they are all soo soo nice!!

    hope you have some cookie cutters!!!

    congratulations, and all best!

  • Beautiful paper designs – how exciting! A new baby to nurture, and grow!
    Well done ladies (and gents!)
    As a long term reader now, I’ve never commented until now, but very excited to see this develop!
    I am always amazed at the funky designs you scribble so simply, but so effectively! I’m going to grab out a sharpie and have a go πŸ˜‰
    Looking forward to the online shop opening!

  • That sounds so exciting!

    I’m so happy that you didn’t forget about us, your international readers – it would be such a pity to be excluded from this new adventure here!

    Thanks, Natalie

  • Ahhhhhh! This is so exciting! Whenever I look at your projects/posts I often think, “Well that wouldn’t look half as amazing if I did it because of Elsie’s awesome handwriting/doodles.” Now I can have them all! Lol. SOOOOO EXCITED!!

  • We’ll be sure to give you lots of ideas via the blog. We’re excited to use many of our own products in projects you see hear on the blog. Of course you’ll be able to customize to your own style, but we love offering free inspiration here on ABM every day of the week!


  • Will it be possible to use your xoxo paper for a spoonflower fabric? I have been trying to design my own fabric with X’s and O’s. When I saw this on your site I almost passed out.

  • I absolutely love your blog for the various ways it inspires me creatively. I also love when you post about real life musings (finding success, for example). I’m super stoked about the new product line, but I would also love to see some more of the “real life” stuff in the future. I’m wondering if you use your talents to do anything in your community (or the greater world at large) to give back. I’m an educator, and these are the things I always think about.

    Congrats on your bright future!


  • Laurali Star, we LOVE honest feedback from kind readers like yourself. No need to apologize or worry about hurting feelings. Constructive feedback is the backbone of growth sometimes, right? You are very sweet to take a minute to let us know your thoughts.

    Elsie has been pouring her heart and soul into all the designs you see come out of ABM. So, if you enjoyed our apps, like our blog content or feel excited to see ABM products this fall then you can know that you’re getting a WHOLE LOT of Elsie’s personal touch. She’s a mad woman when it comes to dreaming up new ideas, designs and over all look and feel of this company. She’s expanded her reach in the last year or two and I’m so proud of her.

    I totally agree with you on our e-courses. We are looking to make a few changes this autumn season that I think you are really going to like (based on your comment). And we’ve started making those changes based on feedback we received from readers (like you) so again, THANK YOU!


  • Hello Elsie and Emma! I just wanted to say I discovered your blog through Pinterest a few months back, and I absoloutly love everything about it! Your beautiful mess way has inspired me so much, in my fashion, cooking, and decor. It has especially encouraged me to cultivate my own fashion style! I really can’t wait to see what y’all will create, and just a little note: I would love to see a beautiful mess makeup line!

  • Oooo I just thought of something else! It would be SOO CUTE to take little cross like doodles that Elsie draws and make them into little stamps that one could stamp on to white Keds. That would be adorbs. I’d buy those babies in a heartbeat.

  • What exciting news! I have been a fan since the beginning and I just love seeing how you’ve evolved over the years and follow along as you keep adding to and growing your amazing business. It is such an inspiration!

    I am expecting my first child in October so I have baby stuff on the brain! I would love to see you guys design items for baby! blankets, onesies, nursery decor…whatever! πŸ™‚

  • I remember that in your last survey you asked us specifically about scrapbook products and now I’m so happy to see that it is going to be included in your future business plan. Can’t wait!

  • Brilliant news. I was using some old ‘Love Elsie’ scrapbooking paper last night and was aching for some Elsie spots and strips to use. GREAT news! Couldn’t be happier for you. Can’t wait to get my hands on things! Am so, so, happy for you!

  • I am far too excited about this development! You included the international readers! Your have no idea how frustrating it is to love design blogs and not be able to fully participate in anything because give away’s won’t ship to overseas, products aren’t available overseas (particularly a pain with ranges of paints and fabrics that aren’t quilting cottons). One of the reasons I love ABM is because so far I have been able to participate in courses, tutorials and even Photoshop actions. I think you have just earned my devotion forever! THANK YOU!

  • Hello ABM Team, so excited with this amazing news, you guys are amazing, always improving always trying something new..!!! However I have something to ask you, will be the shipping prices friendly to European citizens? I am sure a lot of readers have asked you the same question over and over again, but I know for experience how hard is to have to order scrapbook and DIY supplies from the United States due to the highly expensive shipping to this side of the Atlanctic.
    But anyway thanks to be always trying something new and different. πŸ™‚

  • This is the most exciting news since I’ve started reading your blog! πŸ˜€

    I’m especially happy that you’re planning products that can be used to create (just like your apps!), rather than just own. And I’m so glad you thought of international readers!

  • I was a gigantic fan of the Love, Elsie scrapbook line, so this is WONDERFUL news for me! Can’t wait to see all the amazing goodies you two have dreamed up.

  • Thanks Emma! I very much appreciate your response to this. That’s one of the things I love about you guys. You always try to consider your readers thoughts and opinions on things. You are so sweet. That makes me very happy and I can’t wait to see the new changes πŸ™‚


    Laurali Star

  • Oh pleaaaaaaase do wallpapers!!! And horses print as the stamped dress (and wallpaper, right) you made!!
    Can’t wait to see all of your funs tuffs, and hope you’ll ship worldwide!!!

    such a great news for the whole ABM team. Such good time to come, again and again!!!

  • I’m really excited about this! I was just thinking about Elsie’s old scrapbook kits, and I was sad that I missed out of them. I can’t wait to see what you have for us! πŸ™‚

  • This is fantastic news! I hope the future includes a “Beautiful Mess DIY” subscription box! It can include your products and favorite picks, I would immediately sign-up for anything curated by you two! Good luck, can’t wait to shop!

  • Congratulations you crazy-awesome ladies (and the rest of the ABM team too because I know you’re awesome as well!) Again, you continue to inspire me and I am so psyched for you guys!


  • I might cry. Honestly. I’ve been waiting for this for so long! When on a previous post, I think it was the survey one, you said you would definitely include international readers in everything that you make here on ABM, I was happy and hoped that one day it would come true and now it’s here! So sure, it’s your dream, but it’s mine too. I WANT THAT MONTHLY BOX, ELSIE. SO MUCH. πŸ˜€

    I want paper, and stamps, and Project Life cards, and postcards, and and and… Yes, so much yes. πŸ˜€

  • It’s crazy to see how this blog has grown into something much MUCH bigger! I’ve loved being along for the ride for the past few years. Way to go guys!

  • for galaxy s5’s as well!!!! (and all other droids!) (:
    i got the case you guys had released when your first app came out but they didnt last long :/
    and that was by far my favorite.
    i kept both of the cut outs.

  • wow you guys read my mind…I go way back to elsie’s scrapbooking years and as I have passed by recent “life projects” don’t want to say the name …cause somethin is missing there for me and alot has to do with wanting to create and have something to display in my home..not all just shut in an album on the shelf but if its an abm album I’m ALL in. The idea of a box at my door goes way back as well..I loved getting those “kits” in the mail and all those fun products to play with…I’ll be first inline to order whata ever your abm team comes out with…cannot WAIT to see what you guys have, major major congrats!!!

  • Sooooo great to hear this, I love making DIY (that mostly appear in your blog haha!) and sometimes struggle to find cute designs. I am in love. I can’t wait πŸ™‚ *saving money mode on*

  • Congrats! This is awesome!
    This may be a random product.. but shower curtains! I love fun shower curtains, and it’s hard to find really awesome patterned ones at a decent price.

  • Will you be shipping internationally? I live in Australia and it’s quite expensive and hard to get modern and nice paper products for scrapbooking and project life so I’m really looking forward to your shop opening!!

  • this is awesome!
    congratulations!!!! I cant wait to see what you have in store πŸ™‚
    Xo, Belen
    A Hint of Life

  • This post makes me soooo very happy! I guarantee you I’ll be using a bunch in my projects. πŸ™‚

  • My heart bursts with joy for you all!! I think the fact that you are still surprised and humbled by all your success speaks volumes to the very reason for it- You are genuine, stylish, and wicked smart sistas! You inspire me so much!! Keep on keepin’ on!

  • How exciting! I am an avid reader and I think this is a wonderful and exciting next step! Cheers and congrats!

  • No way! You guys are amazing and so inspirational! Congratulations on all your success and this new venture. I can’t wait to purchase waaaay too many things:)

  • That’s usually what I tell people my blog is about – “all things creative” – I’m glad I’m not the only one who wants to lump all of those things together like that. I’m so excited for you guys. Excited to see more and keep having fun!

  • Aw, congratulations, ladies! (and gents) I’m a longtime reader/lurker of ABM, but I don’t comment too often because…I don’t know why, it’s dumb.

    I’m really excited that you’ll be carrying products, though. I’m going to wait on suggesting physical stuff until I see what your first batch of things look like, BUT I would love it if you’d consider offering cute design elements that we could purchase/use on blogs and such–e.g. borders or doodles or phrases for making little graphics (giveaways! stuff we love! etc), and if it could be stuff that’s available in jpg/png or formats for those of us who don’t have Photoshop.

    I love both the apps you currently have available, btw, and look forward to the next one. I know you guys put so much work into this stuff before we ever see it, so thank you for that, and for always being so full of energy and enthusiasm. It’s inspiring.

  • I already heard that you had big plans for this fall through Elises podcast, but I honestly didn’t think it would be something that amazing! It’s so exciting, I can’t wait to see your new shop!

  • Congrats on your new adventure! Can’t wait to see everything! Still loving the ABM actions so much! Use it all over the site. πŸ™‚

  • OMG!I better start saving RIGHT.MEOW.

    Can’t wait to see the ABM products!!

    Ester πŸ™‚

  • Firstly, a big hug and congratulations!
    And…How in the world do you find the time and energy to do so much? You are a continued inspiration. Keep it up πŸ™‚

  • wow that is exciting, congrats on the success girls! You are an inspiration to those of us who would love to have our own business too πŸ™‚

  • YAY!!! SO excited!!! I am all about fabric!! I’ve loved the posts on creating your own (by stamping etc) and think you guys would make BOSS fabric!!!

  • What a great idea!!! I can’t wait to see your range of products! πŸ˜€

  • Eep!! So esciting, I’m deeelighted you’ll be shipping Internationally! Congratulations on your newest venture, you gals are fab!

  • Congratulations! Exciting times ahead for ABM and cannot wait to see the product range. As an Australian my heart leaped for joy when you said you thought of your international readers, so many people don’t

  • I am so excited about this!!! You guys are so inspiring and you help your readers feel that we can do anything. I would never think I could redo a kitchen or create something, but you make everything so accessible and fun. I can’t wait to see what this new venture has in store!

  • Yes! Getting cute Android cases are very rare! I have the Moto G and I had to order a customised case online because it was the only one I could find.

    So excited for ABM products!!

    Ruby xox

  • Congratulations guys! I’ ve been a reader for a good couple of years and I find what you do really amazing!

    Can’t wait for this new, exciting step of ABM. πŸ™‚ lots of kisses and hugs from Greece! xx

  • Can not wait! Hope you’ll ship to the UK!
    Absolutely love your blog, designs & crafts; so looking forward to this!

  • OK. I am PUMPED for this! A Beautiful Mess is genuinely one of my favorite blogs to keep up with! I love watching ya’ll change and grow and venture into new things. I am SO excited for products! Can’t wait to learn more πŸ™‚ Congratulations!

  • I am so excited about this!! I just started PL and I REALLY hope a PL-size card kit might be in the future!!

  • So stoked for this to happen! I’ve wondered a few times since you closed your physical shop if you’d sell anything else tanglible, and I’m so happy that you finally are. And craft things too! Super stoked. Thank you, guys!

  • Ohh what a great news!! I cant wait to see what you girls are creating!! And if you release a line of stationary products, you’ll conquer my heart πŸ˜€

  • What amazing news! So happy for your continued success… You totally deserve it! All of you!

    PS. I read your feature on DesignSponge today and really appreciated your honesty. You two are very inspiring and your dedication to being true to yourselves and your interests is something that gives this blog a very genuine feel! I’m at an unexpected career/life crossroad right now and I really loved hearing your business/life advice. It’s so refreshing to be reminded that success is rarely a straight line. XO

  • IΒ΄m so excited – especially because international costumers will have the chance to delight with your products! And as I hope you contiue to grow and inspire us, please donΒ΄t became a company instead of 2 sweet girls full of ideas and a blog that makes you feel connected to you, like sharing how you downsized your closet, how to dela with failures, etc. You guys rock!

  • I have been DREAMING of this announcement way back when I first knew about your blog! Congrats you guys!!! P.S. Those patterns would look totally awesome on fabric. Imagine the dresses that would make.. God.

  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!! so happy for you, guys!! this must be a dream come true, so so happy for you!! and really looking forward to see what do you come up with!!

  • OH MY GOD! This is just about the best news you could have dropped on us. Your timing is red hot πŸ™‚

    Get at me, cuteness!


  • Yay!! Washi tape, sewing patterns, .pes files for digital embroidery machines please! πŸ™‚
    Also, please keep adding to your Photoshop Actions. Love them!

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