ABM Products Coming Soon (& The Full Story!)

ABM product line storyHi! In August I shared with you the exciting announcement that this autumn we will be expanding our website to include physical products. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) And even though I was way vague, you guys got really excited with us. Thank you. Today I'm back to share the story of why we decided to create our own products and how it's all been coming together over the past year! It's a good story. Grab a cup of coffee and here we go…  

Over the past few years, Emma and I began to notice two things:
1. There's not a great one-stop place to buy crafty stuff online. We buy supplies constantly, and we shop at dozens of different stores every month. Locally, we are lucky enough to have a couple nice big-box stores that have a lot of the basics we need, but we have readers all over the world who don't have access to these stores. Often readers will comment or email us that they want to try a project, but they are having a hard time finding supplies. 
This was light-bulb moment for us. Wouldn't it be nice to somehow have all the supplies we love and use most often in one shop? Even better, what if we could have a shop that was accessible and shipping-friendly to our readers all over the world? Our wheels were turning. You see where this is going, right? 
2. The second thing we began to notice was that, even though we have big chain craft stores here and we shop online constantly, we STILL have a hard time finding certain supplies. We modify a lot of things. We mix our own fabric paint colors. We alter things to fit our needs. 
We began to realize that if we were craving certain types of products in awesome colors and cute patterns– maybe our readers were too? 
Mixing our own paint colors
So last winter I spent the month working with a graphic designer creating mockups of all the products we wanted to create. In the process of designing ideas, I got SUPER attached to the idea of making these products real. Obsessed. It was all I could think about for a little while. 
One of our first instincts was to do the product line here. We priced out what it would be like to buy a warehouse, hire a team to fulfill orders, and source all our products from scratch. We were tempted. And this is something we still might do someday down the road, who knows? But for now, we decided not to go that route because we wanted to do this product line right. We wanted you to have a great experience with our products from the design, to the ordering process, to receiving them at your doorstep. We knew that if we did it ourselves, we'd face a huge learning curve, and so we chose to partner with another company in the interest of "doing it right the first time." Basically, we didn't want to screw this up! 
So we pitched our ideas to a giant company. They liked them. We started working through the details. But we quickly realized that to work with a big company meant that we would have to prioritize the big box stores (their big accounts) over our online shop. Don't get me wrong, I hope to sell in those stores eventually. But our first priority was to create an awesome direct-to-consumer website that our readers all over the world could shop. 
Soon after, I was in Nashville on a business trip with my husband. Samantha from Studio Calico asked us to have coffee to discuss our future product plans. I was hesitant at first, but having met them at a book signing a few months before, I was like, "why not?". So we met. I had oatmeal. We talked about our companies, our goals. They told me the story of how their product-based company grew, how highly they prioritize their customers, and how (no offense, guys) crazy they are about quality. 
I had a good vibe. We signed all those lawyer papers that swear you to secrecy. And we started working out a deal. 
We finalized our contract in May and have been working daily to prepare our products for a late October launch ever since. I've been to their offices in Bowling Green, Kentucky many times. (It's near Nashville. That's why we're constantly there if you ever wondered). We've been working very closely for the last season. 
At Studio Calico headquartersAt Studio Calico headquarters At Studio Calico headquarters At Studio Calico headquarters (Here we are at a meeting a few months back at SC. We were discussing the holiday product lineup, looking through samples, and planning details for what our subscription boxes would look and feel like.) 
We've talked to the customer service team personally about how I want them to take good care of you (they would anyway, they're old pros at that stuff). We've seen how they pack kits and orders in the warehouse (it's crazy!) and the level of detail that goes into preparing every order. We really like their team from the marketing, to the board members, to the designers and the people who handle all the technical stuff.
We like them, we trust them, and we're excited because we believe they'll give you the best possible experience with our new products. 
When the website launches, you might not even notice that there is a team in Kentucky working on things. They have worked super hard to make sure our new website, products, packaging, and all the other little details will be true to the ABM brand. 
Hooray– awesome partners. Check! 
Elsie + april(This photo is from just last Friday with Studio Calico CEO, April Foster. I was at the SC offices meeting all day about our curated collection of accessories, home goods, and paper products that will be included in the launch. So many serious discussions about funny holiday cards and tea towels.) 
For the past few months some of you noticed that I was posting here, on ABM, a bit less. That's not a permanent thing (Promise!). I was in a temporary fog because we designed SO. MUCH. STUFF. in a very short amount of time.
Over the past month we found our groove, and we're finding a balance. I design a huge percentage of the products in the shop and consult and curate on all of the rest. This has been quite a process, but I'm so glad we did it that way because I can honestly say that I love every single item we will be selling. We're already working on the new year. It's a dream job. 
The official launch date is TBD, but I can say it will happen soon (late October or early November), in plenty of time for holiday shopping and everyone's favorite…. Black Friday! 
The launch is set to include a monthly stationery kit (designed by us!) and a huge selection of craft goods like paint, ink, stamps, pretty paper, and stickers. It will also include a curated selection of accessories, home goods, and paper products. 
Oh… and did I mention we designed a 2015 planner? I can't wait to show you! 
Our new shop site will continue to offer our e-courses (we have some awesome new classes coming!) and photoshop actions. 
Whew! I know that is a lot of information in a short amount of time, but I wanted to share our story with you. When the new site launch happens, I want you to know just how many hard-working, creative people were involved in the process. It's been quite an adventure! We're so so excited. 
Thanks so much for sharing our joy. We cannot wait to share the next stage of our adventure with you. xo. Elsie 
  • Thanks so much for sharing this, Elsie! I’ve been in a funk trying to design my next product line and this really inspired me to just DO IT! Thanks for being such an encouragement. I want some of your motivation!

  • Hey, I’ve been a reader for the past three years or more, and I never really post a comment, but I just wanted to say that I’m so impressed with how you guys are always evolving and exploring new ventures. I’m glad to keep on reading here because I can never expect what I’ll get. Besides, Emma’s recipes are always a must. Keep on with the hard work, we truly do appreciate your effort πŸ˜€

  • This is so exciting! I can’t wait to see the product ranges – I’m especially excited about the range of home goods!
    Have a great weekend!
    xo April Everyday

  • So very exciting! I can’t wait to see what you’ve put together. Guess what everyone is getting for Christmas this year πŸ™‚

  • How exciting! Congrats on all your hard work Elsie and ABM team. It’s so inspirational to watch your brand grow and evolve over the years. A terrific reminder that anything is possible with patience, a great idea, a little magic, and the willingness to just. say. Yes. πŸ™‚

  • Hi Alex,
    Yes there will be international shipping. Making our products available worldwide was a HUGE priority to us. We’re really excited! Thanks for asking.
    xx- Elsie

  • Oh, Elsie, I am in tears, crying with pure happiness for you and your team. I am so, so, so, happy for you. Couldn’t possibly be any happier. Congratulations! (I was one of the people who mentioned I was missing ‘you’ on the site, but can see, now, that the – short – sacrifice was worth it……have been a ‘follower’ of yours since your ‘Love, Elsie’ days and can’t wait, truly can’t wait, to see what you’ve designed. I am so excited! I feel it’s happened to a close friend, and I don’t even know you (insert big warm fuzzy ‘heart’ blinkie!!)…..CANNOT WAIT to see the planner….god dang, you guys, you’re just so INTUITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya all xxxx

  • how fun! congratulations, you guys!! yall are so awesome and inspiring in so many ways. can’t wait to buy all the things. πŸ˜‰

  • I loved hearing all the details about this! I am so stinkin’ excited about your new products, and I cannot wait for the launch! Congratulations to you and your team. πŸ™‚

  • This sounds incredible! We’ve just bough tour first home so we’re penny pinching everywhere that we can. I’m so excited to see that you’ve thought about your international readers (I’m from London) can’t wait to see the new products and start creating my own personal pieces for our new little home πŸ™‚ thank you abm πŸ™‚

  • It’s very refreshing how transparent you are in your business practices. So many other bloggers just announce a collaboration- and you’re just left thinking “how the heck did that happen??”. I’m from Nashville and went to college in Bowling Green- such an overlooked town for creatives. There’s some really great things going on there, so good choice!

  • This sounds incredible! I so admire your dedication to quality and to people when designing such effortlessly cute stuff.

  • Squee!! This is so exciting! Absolutely thrilled for this next step for you guys and your team. I’ve been needing a new planner too, so maybe I’ll hold off on getting one – I can’t wait to get a peak πŸ˜‰


  • This is AWESOME news!! Your blog is one of the only ones I read consistently because it’s the perfect mix of crafty stuff and personality I find. I really like getting to know ABM through your posts, and you guys. πŸ™‚ Congrats on all the success – you all deserve it!!

    I hope your products will ship to Canada! If so I will be one of the first customers. πŸ™‚


  • WOW this is such exciting news! Congratulations! I am so so impressed with everything you guys have been doing to build the brand over the past years. I’ve been following the blog when it was just Elsie and Emma, and now look how big the team got. It really is amazing, truly is!

  • I’m so glad you said something because I just started my annual planner shopping this week! I’m definitely going to wait now. I can’t wait to see what other products you designed/selected, and stationery is my absolute favorite. Congrats!

  • Soooo excited for you, guys, and for your products! Can’t wait! You, guys, are the biggest inspiration! Good luck!

  • Love this news! Hope it’s closer to the late October launch date…I am moving to a new home around that time, and would love to peruse ABM products before I begin making home decor choices! Happy for you guys and your expanding brand.

  • Helen,
    Thank you SO much! I can’t tell you how much this means to me. Thank you so much for your love, support and for reading all these years!
    xo- Elsie

  • This is such sweet news! EEEp! I’m SO excited for you guys- I’ve been following ABM since 2010 and seeing your business continue to grow is insanely inspiring- Congratualtions!You’re so deserving of ALL the success ABM is having! XO

  • You ladies never cease to amaze and inspire me with everything you accomplish! Every project you take on suits your brand perfectly and i cant wait to be able to hold it in my hands, and before christmas?! Even better! ! Congratulations!

  • This is so exciting! I’ve been reading since ’07 and have loved watching you grow and take on new projects! I actually worked all through college at a small scrapbooking store in Bowling Green! It blows me away that such a gem like SC is headquartered there!

  • I am SERIOUSLY excited about the planner. You guys organise yourselves over so many mediums, I’m really hoping you’ve got some excellent ideas that will help me. I’ve often thought about designing my own planning pages, but I just feel sure that I’ll forget something obvious! Haha.

    Good luck with everything, looking forward to seeing what you come up with :))

  • I’ve been so inspired by you guys and have loved watching you grow for the past few years. I am so excited for this!!

  • I am stoked!!! You guys are such an inspiration and such a great example of how much you can accomplish when you put your heart into your work. Thank you for continuing to include your readers in your business and letting us share in this next adventure with you guys!! Wishing you the best as the product line launches…I can’t wait to get the planner!

    All the best!

  • That’s so exciting!! I can’t wait! I loved your love,elsie collection and was sad when I could no longer find your products. I’m excited to stock up on new fun things!!!!!

  • I have been waiting to hear more about this!!!! so excited to to see everything!!! eeeek!!!

  • I CAN. NOT. WAIT For this! Seeing you guys pursue this amazing product launch makes my heart feel so warm and inspired. I want to be like y’all when I grow up. And I will be FIRST in line to buy that planner…OMG! YAY! Congratulations you guys!

  • This is so unbelievably exciting! Cannot wait to see all of the goodies you guys come up with, you guys are seriously inspiring!!

  • Congrats on partnering with Studio Calico to help make your shop idea a reality! I absolutely adore the quality of product that comes out of Studio Calico. The Sunshine Project Life core kit is one of my favorites, so having more products with the ABM flair will be great. Cannot wait to do some Christmas shopping. πŸ™‚

  • Congratulations to both of you–and to all of US! Happy customers waiting patiently for your plans to be implemented and available! Sounds to me like a win-win!! YEAH!!!!

  • PS: These will be available in Canada, right????!!!! Sometimes people forget all about us! I KNOW you guys won’t!

  • I am super excited for this! You are completely right that you have to go to several stores just to find the products for a project. Not to mention that I live in a rural area and the nearest craft store is an hour away. I’ll be looking into these products as soon as they are available!

  • I can’t tell you how excited I am that you are starting this! It is SO hard to find the patterns, colors, and supplies I have in mind to create the projects I want to create! I am really excited to see what you all have been working on!
    Funny story- I just moved to Springfield in January and was bummed to find out that Red Velvet was no longer. I have followed you all for years, but totally missed the store had closed. A few weeks after I found out the store closed, I saw you guys at Panera and was too shy to say hello.

  • This is so inspiring to get to know what actually goes behind all your businesses..really appreciate that you guys share everything with your readers.. I am eagerly waiting for the launch.. Super excited for home decor and accessories.. Good luck!!!


  • Will this range of products be available to other retailers to sell. Those who purchase Studio Calico products wholesale for example?

  • Oh my God, Guys!!!

    I am beyond excited for you!!!!
    I am so glad you guys are gonna ship internationally!
    Can’t wait to start ordering!!!
    Sorry about the amount of (!!!) lol
    I’m just too excited!

    lots of love


  • How AWESOME!! Gah. You have some such a long way and it’s so amazing! I love seeing you guys grow!! Eeps!!

  • This is so cool! Congratulations!

    I’ve often browsed the Studio Calico website because I love looking at pretty things, but I’ve never ordered anything because I’m aaaaall the way down at the end of the world and shipping was not an option. I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us (pun not intended!).

    Just don’t open the store on Halloween! (I bet everything will be sold out by the time I get to a computer).

    Again, congratulations. I’m so proud of everything that you’re making and doing and accomplishing. πŸ˜€

  • This has me so excited! Your blog has been an inspiration to me for about 4 years. As I watch my own blog grow, I get so happy thinking about where it started and now, seeing this exciting new step for you guys makes me just as excited!! Good luck. Praying for your team πŸ™‚

  • This is awesome! Good job for you guys being proactive and doing lot’s of research for this huge commitment! I sometimes struggle with finding all of the supplies for the DIY projects, but if they can all be found online in a one stop shop, that would be perfect!


  • Congrats!! This sounds amazing and you ladies deserve it! It was so great meeting you in the coffee shop last week! I read your blog everyday and it was great to say hi. (I was the girl with the blue bun, haha!) Hope to see you around Nashville more!

  • This is amazing news! I recently started looking at 2015 planners but am 100% holding off until I see yours first! Yay and Congrats! I can’t wait to use some of your products on stuff for my life and home no eatdrinkbecrafty.com

  • Elsie, you really made my day when I saw your post about designing 2015 planner. So excited for every products that you’re designing. You and Emma are always so creative and such an inspiration. Can’t wait for the launch date. Congrats!! xo

  • You have no idea how excited I am!
    I have been a long time reader and support eve eveything from this blog XO
    I just got promoted as a manager at my job so I am soooo excited about that planner! I’m the kids gal who have colored pens and stickers for everything.

    Thanks ABM for being so awesome! ?

    PS come to Cali for a book signing hehe xo

  • Congratulations for the new step, it’s exciting to read about it!

    im architect, but i’ve always dream about design and sell different type of objects (im still far from achive it), and one question appear in my mind… you are designing and creating the products, or just designing?

    sorry about my english

    and again, congratulations! n.n

  • Congratulations!! I cannot WAIT for the product line! And I’m all about that monthly stationery kit. That is my jam. It’s going to be the most beautiful set of products/accessories/home goods ever! I (and I’m sure every other person that’s ever stopped at this blog feels the same) am so looking forward to it!

    The What’s In Between

  • This is seriously my dream collaboration! Been following you for years, AND I love and subscribe to SC! So excited to see the product line πŸ˜€

  • Oooh this is awesome! I’m so thrilled for you guys! And admittedly for me and my craft cave haha. Though I’d better start saving, shipping from the US to Australia is always killer.

  • Oh my goodness! I just fell out of my chair! This is going to be awesome! I am so happy for you guys – thank YOU for all your hard work! You make my day to day so fun and happy and this is just gonna be even MORE happy in my life! Yay!

  • OH MY GOODNESS!!! My sister told me something was up your sleeves at pizza tonight. I HAD NO IDEA!! I’ve been anticipating the 3rd reveal of April’s at Studio Calico!!! I have tears, serious tears!!!! I am so happy for all of you, even meeee πŸ™‚ (I get to access awesome products online, finally!) of course, on top of the Studio Calico obsession I currently have πŸ˜‰ So so so excited for all of you!

  • Your team is incredible. I love how it’s evolved….and man, it’s going so fast! Congratulations to you all for all of your hard work. I visit your site multiple times a day. I’m realizing it should just be my homepage!

    Taryn Nicole

    Oh, and I JUST bought a new planner. So bummed! I may need to return it and wait for yours.


  • I can’t even describe how thrilled i am about this! I can only hope it’s in my budget! I would love to own some craft supplies and knick-knacks with your personal touch! I have been reading this blog since 2008, and i have to say I have loved every minute of watching it grow. And even a bit envious! but your daily dose of sunshine and creativity always keep me coming back for more!

    I love you ladies! (and fellas! you put in so much work too!)


  • This sounds very exciting, and it is such a BIG accomplishment! I just came across your blog a few days ago, and I’m so glad I did. I’m always looking for new product try out for mixed media projects. Buying the product is half the fun! Good luck to you both!

  • Elsie!!!! And Emma!!!!!

    I’m so beyond excited for you two! Honestly, for me too! Stationary kit..(I love Happy Mail!) and a planner (whoa Nelly, I’ve been waiting for the perfect one! Please tell me there will be a weekly layout, tabs, daily pages and monthly layout!) I’m so happy that I’ll be using these products soon.

    Since coming to Springfield over 5 years ago to visit, the style and evolution of your designs amazes me! Hooray!

    Thumbs up ladies. XO Jari

  • THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!! I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with and maybe i’ll sign my mom up … she LIVES for this kind of stuff! I CAN’T WAIT!! xo

  • omg Elsie!! this is just the best news for a long time! I’ve really missed seeing your own product line, and I’ve been missing you making scrapbooking etc. So this is just such good news for me πŸ™‚
    I’ve been following you since your beginning, and I can’t tell you how happy I am for you about this.

  • Oh this is SO exciting!!! I’ve been following your blog since 2008 and will always regret not saying “HI” to you at winter CHA 2008 when you were at the KI booth. I was just too shy and awestruck πŸ™‚ Anyway, I’m super excited to see what’s in “store” hehe. Congrats!!!

  • I’m so SO excited for you, Elsie + the rest of the team! I cannot wait to see the products… especially that planner! XO

  • I feel the same way!!! It’s so awesome but also encouraging to see your blog grow from a little gem to this huge company. I am so excited for your constantly new dreams.. and it also gives me hope that I can do the things I dream of if I work hard and persevere. Thank you for that and congratulations on the new product line!!

  • This is so awesome!!! πŸ™‚ CanΒ΄t wait to see what youΒ΄ve created the last month. So exciting!!! xo Julia

  • This is AMAZING congratulations for all your projects and creativiy, this is awesome !! My only little concern : will you ship worldwide? (please please please do !!)
    xoxo. ClΓ©o from France

  • Oh my goodness this is AWESOME! I have been holding off on the SC kits because I wanted something a little different … then BAM! Just what I was looking for πŸ™‚

    And a Planner?!?! Details???


  • It sounds great, you guys! And Elsie I have always loved your designs, I still have some cute stickers from your Love, Elsie lines:D
    Its going to be great! I am sure of that!

  • Now you mention it, I did notice Elsie was posting less and you did spent a lot of time in Nashville. Can’t wait to see what you concocted there! πŸ™‚

  • This is so exciting, especially as you’re taking care of your worldwide fans too (a UK one right here), we so often get forgotten about! I can’t wait to see (and buy) some products, I’m sure they’ll be so awesome.

  • Cannot Wait! I got really excited when I read you had designed a 2015 planner!!

  • This is exciting! I can’t wait to see all the goodies your prepared. And I am also glad that you will be back soon (right?) to writing more often!
    Cheers to ABM positive attitude!

  • It makes me so happy to know there are still people out there who care not only about making money, but also about their costumers’ experiences and about creating something that’s actually good and valuable.
    A few weeks ago I started working at a very big company and discovered how all they care about is money and that even when they do try to make sure they take care of their costumers, it’s just in order to make sure they don’t get sued or fined.
    Thank you for showing me there are other kinds of companies too; I needed that <3

  • Thanks so much Fafuna,

    We have honestly encountered lots of big companies who care very much about their customers and are great people. It’s awesome!

    For us, working with a company that could prioritize our online shop was most important because more than 40% of ABM readers live outside of the US!

    xoxo! Elsie

  • That was one of my things that I found trying to make projects. I was going to Joann’s for this and staples for that and Staples over here and then OSH hardware store for that. It would be nice to have everything in one place. Can’t wait to see things unfold!

  • A planner?!?! Shut up. I always spend weeks looking at planners and it’s always a difficult decision because they’re never QUITE what I want. So excited for the release! Congrats to you ladies, so many things happening for you!

  • Oh my, congratulations!! you guys are so incredible; you are an inexhaustible source of ideas and creativity!! i’m so happy for you!! (and a little bit for me, as well, since I’ll be able to shop so many beautiful things! ;p). really looking forward to see all your products!!

  • This is so wonderful!! I have been going back and reading the way old ABM archives for inspiration and it’s so crazy to think how full circle ABM has come! Starting with scrapbooking kits, expanding into so many wonderful adventures, and now making art supplies again! Y’all are a serious inspiration as I am beginning to dream about my own handmade business. πŸ™‚

  • I have to admit that some days when I read your blog and look at all of the things that you are creating, the ideas that you come up with, all the work you put into the things you do, etc…. it makes me feel like I should be doing so much more! haha … But then I look around my special ed classroom and think … I guess there is a job for everyone, a place for each of us, and this is mine :0) & I love it!! I would love your job too! I love anything artsy and creative, and do those things when I have time :0) I love photography and take photos for mainly just friends, but have done some senior pictures, weddings, family photos, newborns, etc….. I am also a single Mom with 3 amazing kids who keep me very busy!! We don’t have a lot of time at home because we seem to be running with activities almost every day! “Thank goodness” there are people like you who do all of this fun stuff and share it with all of us!! Thank-you for sharing your talents, your creativity, your ideas, recipes, etc …. You seem so down to earth and genuine :0) I love that! It is the main reason that of all of the blogs that I have followed, yours is one that when it gets busy and I have too many e-mails to look at & end up deleting most of them, I always read yours :0) Keep up the great work! I am excited for your new adventure!! Best wishes to all of you!!

  • Elsie – I am super happy for you and all the girls. Have followed you for over 12 years, I think now. I am tickled that you’ve made so many dreams come true, Girlfriend. Just keep rockin’ it. God is blessing others through YOUR talents and determination. The world needs more creative people with the motivation to keep going!

    I’m anxiously awaiting more news.

    PS: Please tell Jeremy that “Today” remains one of my favorite songs of all time. You highlighted it on your blog years ago and … it stuck. My husband even loves it, lol.

  • Congratulations Elsie and Emma on your new collaboration and your upcoming online store, to which I will be purchasing everything I can constantly!! As for the 2015 planner, well that is very exciting I cannot wait to get my hands on it.

  • I am really excited about the 2015 planner! I have been looking for one and I just have not been satisfied. Is the planner monthly or weekly?

  • Hi Rachel,
    12 years!!??!! Wow. That’s incredible. Thank you so much for following along.

    I will pass your compliments along to Jeremy. I was just listening to that album in my car the other day and he caught me & was totally embarrassed. Still love it SO much.


  • Hi Kris,
    That’s so special! You definitely have a very important job. πŸ™‚

    Honestly, I don’t ever want anyone to look at our blog and feel overwhelmed. We have a team of people doing all this, I could never do it by myself (no one person could!). So I guess I feel the same as you sometimes.

    Thank you so much for reading.
    xx- Elsie

  • Aahh I’m so excited for this! I can’t wait to see what beautiful things you guys came up with this time πŸ™‚

  • I am so excited for y’all! I love watching your team work together, and even more, I love to see examples of women rocking the business world! XO!

  • I CAN’T WAIT! I’m so pumped for you guys and to see all of the pretty things that you’ve designed! You are an incredible team that is constantly inspiring me to work even harder. I’ve been in a fog myself lately while working full-time, going to school full-time, AND finding time for my blog. It’s been overwhelming. But you guys inspire me so much and always remind me where my energy and time should be spent: doing what I love and what I know will grow into something awesome one day!


  • I cannot wait to see your new store!! You ladies are seriously so inspiring to always keep working towards what you really want to do in life. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see that it is possible to have your dream job. Keep up all the amazingness going on over here!

  • I am so excited for this. Cannot wait to see the beautiful stuff you created.

    So often at the big box stores, I find myself wanting more on trend colors and patterns. It is uninspiring to always see the same old stuff and the staleness out there in supplies totally gives crafying world its sometimes bad name.

    P.S. cannot waitttttt for your planner. This girl loves a good, cute office supply. πŸ™‚

    Congrats on making this all a reality and I wish you the best of luck with it!!!


  • I’m so excited for you and for me because I can’t wait to see what’s in store!! πŸ™‚

  • Awesome new. Monthly stationary kit?? Wow that’s cool. I miss your elsie series back In those days and can’t wait to see all those cute designs Soon !!!

  • I’ve been following you guys for YEARS and absolutely love seeing how you continually grow and evolve. The ABM team is nothing short of inspiring! Elsie – you are seriously SUPERWOMAN. How do you do it all?


  • PLEASEEEE PLEASE TELL ME YOU WILL HAVE SHIPPING TO MEXICO (insert emoticon with 2 praying hands)

  • So, I read your blog all the time, I love it. This post just made me squeal!! I know April and the Studio Calico crew! I went to church with April and her family when I was in college in Bowling Green. This is so cool! So happy for you guys, can’t wait!

  • Just when I thought you guys couldn’t get any more awesome! Thrilled for you all and so excited about the new products!!

  • These “business” posts are so awesome! Most of us will only daydream about creating our own line of products, so it’s really exciting to read the behind the scenes details of how your collection evolved. It is cool how savvy you are about idea development and potential business expansions. You gals never cease to amaze me!

    Some day I hope you decide to write an autobiography looking back at all of the changes and seasons of your life. It would be one heck of an inspiring story! πŸ™‚

  • First of all. I’m really happy this is happening I have a feeling I will really love the 2015 planner, which I need ASAP. Second, I’m so happy for you guys and really hope that all this hard work really pays off. You guys deserve it.

    Juli Xx

  • This is so exciting! I can’t wait to see the product you guys have dreamed up! After being a reader for 4 years now it’s been so awesome to see the growth here!

  • Congratulations ABM team!! You totally deserve this incredible development. Passion and hard work pay off. Very happy for you all πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to shop your products!

  • I’m DYING for your products, and I cannot wait to see the planner! I’ve been hesitant to buy my normal EC planner, so I’ll definitely check yours out! =)

  • What awesome news! Will we still have access to Blog Life on the new shop since the materials are updated over time?

  • I’m so excited for your guys’s products and waiting impatiently for their release! πŸ˜‰ I’ve been a reader for about 2 years and have taken a few of the ecourses, the quality of which were impressive! I was gushing to friends about how well-done the courses were! I was wondering, with the new shop site, will past ecourse student’s accounts be saved as well? I like to go back for refreshers every now and then.

    Thanks! And keep up the great work! I’m a huge fan!

  • So happy for you guys!! This is amazing πŸ™‚
    I have been searching for the perfect 2015 planner and I am so excited that I waited because I can’t wait to purchase yours!!

  • SO excited! I love all the things you create and think you have an amazing brand! Can’t wait to see what you have in store. πŸ™‚


  • I can’t believe I missed this post, what?! this is the best thing I’ve read all week, and all I know is… I better start saving my money. so happy and excited for you guys!

  • I’m excited about this! I’m also excited to see Elsie posting back on here a bit more once everything has been adjusted. I can’t wait for the planner!

  • Elsie,
    I have followed your blog since it’s humble beginnings and after many years of reading and following, I have fallen even more in love with A Beautiful Mess! It’s such a privilege to be able to ride along with you and Emma and your team on each adventure. And on each adventure, I am encouraged and inspired so much to continue to follow my dreams, too!

    I am so happy and excited to hear such great news! I can’t wait to shop online. Honestly, you had me at 2015 planner… lol!

    May God continually bless and guide you!

    Aloha all the way from Hawai’i,

  • This is such amazing news!! Can’t wait to see all your products and get my..dare I say it Christmas wish list together!! Congrats ABM!! You’re are so rad!!! πŸ™‚

    Lulu xx

  • Thanks for replying, Elsie!! It’s so sweet of you.

    Can’t wait to see what you’re up to! I still have Love, Elsie paper products waiting for the perfect projects for them – I love them so much that even after all these years I’m still afraid of not using them well enough πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to see what this new era will bring!!

  • This is so exciting to watch your company grow like crazy – congrats to all of you!

  • Oh that’s awesome! Can’t wait to see what you girls have create πŸ™‚ and it’s even better: you will ship worldwide, yeah!

  • You do realize that SC has some of the worse customer service I’ve ever experienced. I’ve even had recent converstaions with them that have proven that have no clue how to really provide a good service to their customers. I hope this doesn’t come back on you.

  • WOW ,I was already in love with ABM and it inspired me to take my step to blogging soon and to see you doing so many things is just shear happiness for you people ,you have no idea how many look up to you people and say “Anything is possible ,if you pour life into it” or at least i’m that person.

    I am proud to be a follower and big fan of ABM ,there is no blog as unique and hardworking as yours that i’ve seen ,i’m glad i found your blog πŸ™‚

    Many more success to come ,BTW thank you for keeping us international readers on mind i’m from UAE ,so will check out your products.

    All the very best for your launch and i;m sure it will be a super success !!!!:D <3

  • This all so very exciting! The only thing I’m still not 100% clear about is where the products will be manufactured? I understand it’s operating out of the US, but does that also meant the products themselves will be Made in USA? (please say yes!)

  • So excited for you guys! I remember buying products from Elsie’s scrapbooking line years ago and hoping she would one day do more for us younger scrappy ladies. πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to see it!

  • Wow! Is there anything you girls CAN’T do??? I’m so impressed and happy for you guys!! YAY!! Can’t wait to see that planner!

  • This is SUCH a great idea! Can’t wait to see the products! I’ve had a really hard time finding mounted (or sew on) opaque acrylic beads. I see them in a ton of statement necklaces, but can’t find a large selection online. Is this something you are looking into carrying?

  • Elsie and ABM team- I’m soooo happy for you and extremely excited to see what you’re store will have. You all inspire me to go for my dreams even when they seem impossible. I love the creativity and I hope to reach a point where I love what I do everyday. Thanks for all the inspiration! Keep doing your thang!!

  • Oh wow, go team(s)!! Congratulations on this next step, you guys work so hard and are so inspiring, it’s amazing to see all your dedication paying off. Can’t wait to see the fruits of all your labour! Good luck with the launch!

  • I can’t wait to see the products! Shopping around for 2015 planner can never be too early πŸ˜‰
    Do post an update soon! πŸ˜€

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