Adventures in Glass Etching

Glass etching1Glass etching2We have been wanting to try out glass etching for some time now. It seemed a little intimidating—the idea is to corrode glass into a design. But sometimes you just got to go for it; and by "go for it" we mean read the directions, check any online resources you can find and then just jump in.Glass etching steps1. Supplies: Armour Etch cream, glass (we did a decanter and companion cup), contact paper, disposable brush and gloves. Make sure to cover your working area completely before you start using the cream. 2. Cut out your design in the contact paper. 3. Stick your design on to your glass object(s). Be sure the edges adhere well otherwise your cream could seep through and smudge your design. 4. Wear gloves to paint on a very thick layer of cream. Wait three minutes. Wash the cream off in running water. Remove your contact paper and clean your object(s).Glass etching3A few tips we learned about glass etching:

-The cream is a very strong chemical so you need to work in a well ventilated area. Wear gloves. Don't get the cream on your clothes. Don't get the cream on your skin, hair or eyes. This is not a project to do with young children as the etching cream truly is quite… corrosive.

-Most online resources suggested to leave the cream on for only 1 minute. We tried this and found the results to be too subtle. The project shown had the cream on it for 3 minutes and you can see how well the glass frosted during this period.

-Be sure to apply a very thick layer of cream as you work. You don't want to be able to see through the cream, so really paste it on. 

Have fun and be safe creating your own glass etching projects! xo. emma and elsie

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