Art Journal All Year E-Course is here!

Art Journal All Year E-CourseI'm so so excited to release our newest e-course, Art Journal All Year! It's the most personal course we've written. It's filled with beautiful textures, photographs, colors and words. It's perfect for anyone wanting to get into the practice of making art journals! 

Art journal all yearThe course is broken up into 52 Challenges! It's a 'work at your own pace' course, so you choose whether you'd like to take on one challenge each week or they can be done one each day and completed in about two months! It's the perfect course to take with a friend! 

Night dreams 3Each session has an Art Challenge and a Journal Challenge. You'll get inspired to dig deeper in your writing as well as the collage art aspect of art journaling. Some of the themes that we focused on throughout the course were vulnerability, self exploration, goals and reflection. 

RachelI loved collaborating with Rachel Denbow on this course. We taught our first art journaling class together nearly ten years ago and we make a good team. Rachel is an incredible designer and what she brings to the course is beautiful. You'll love her use of color and textured elements as well as her thoughtful journaling. She really shared a piece of herself in the course.

Elsie larson rachel denbowWe hope you enjoy the course. You can begin at any time, but this first week of the new year would be especially perfect, don't you think? Get more info here + sign up here! xo, elsie 

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