First let’s back up a second and talk about blogging, or what it means to run an online publication. Here on A Beautiful Mess we post everyday, usually a couple times a day. That means we are constantly creating new content. Like, all the time. Sometimes this can feel like a lot of pressure, but we also love the challenge and the motivation to keep pushing ourselves creatively.
Here's a rain boot DIY that didn't make the cut—they were cute but just not quite right in real life. The paint never cured completely. They were sticky and the paint smeared a little.
We are constantly trying new things and learning every day. Learning from our mistakes? Yeah, we totally do that. It can be frustrating to spend an entire afternoon on a project only for it to turn out to be total disaster. That’s a bummer! And although it’s tempting to try and fake a good picture of the project and blog it anyway, we don’t. There are a number of projects that don’t make it to the blog because they just didn’t meet our standards.Here's a pie that didn't quite turn out… the recipe needs a bit more tweaking before it gets shared.
This is probably going to sound cheesy but, we are proud of our projects and we want to put out our best efforts and the things that inspire us the most. Plus, every time we have a flop it’s good to try and remember that it’s an opportunity to grow and get better at your craft. Life was made for learning. xo. elsie and emma
Great advice! Always get inspiration from you two.(:
The rain boots are so cute!<3
I have to tell myself over and over again…I just found out how not to make a lightbulb!
What a fantastic quote! Life WAS made for learning! Thanks for the inspiration!
I think those rain boots should have made the cut. They’re pretty cute!
Thanks for sharing! I know sometimes there are just projects that dont work for me either! Fun to get a glimpse into real life!
I think this is something everyone wonders when they see the works of insanely creative people! We sit here and think “Wow, how do they never mess this up??” as we peel hot glue from our blistered fingers and scrub paint off our hardwoods. And the dog. And the ceiling.
Good to see the inner workings of such creative DIY projects!
To me it’s amazing how many super creative DIY projects you guys post. Really! I wish I had more time to spend on post projects. I can definitely relate to sometimes working on projects that just don’t work out. It’s all part of the process. But your blog is a great inspiration, thanks for all that you do!
I love that… life was made for learning. Beautiful and such a great reminder.
It is a lot of pressure but it does push you to keep thinking creatively every day. We do appreciate your hard work.
In order to create great work, you will mess it up at some point. it is life 🙂 keep up the good work
Oh, I love your authenticity. If I could hug you, I would.
Such a great post. I like how you girls “keep it real”… I mean, we’re all bloggers, big and small, but we go through the same process and we all know how frustrating it can be if pictures don’t turn out the way you hoped for. Usually nobody admits it, but it’s good to share mishaps as well.
I entered to win a Stella&Dot Bracelet from @missmelissa_k“
Thanks for your honesty, Elsie and Emma! It’s refreshing to know that – especially as I’ve created quite a few blog posts that just didn’t make it to ‘published’.
Sounds awesome; everyone makes mistakes. 🙂 Those rainboots are cute. Maybe you can try tweaking it and making a post? I’d love to decorate my boots.
You ladies are only human! Thank you for being so open and honest to your readers 🙂 truly inspiring!
Is that an apple crumble?
Very good advice. It’s so tempting to feel the pressure, like you say, and post a less than successful project! I will definitely be tightening up our quality control!!!
And the learning is all the fun! So true. Have a great weekend girls!
Looking forward to more of your posts!
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I do not have much time for DIY projects but i love, and it is very fustrating when they go wrong!
Appreciate the honesty, I think it’s a sensible approach, otherwise us guys would be following things to the letter and then be realy frustrated when it didn’t work. Eventually, I think you would lose followers this way.Rx
loving the polka dot wellies 🙂
this post is totally pertinent to my life right now!
A great insight, thats the best thing about doing and experimenting with DIY’s.
Thank you for sharing this post. It’s awesome that you share some things that don’t turn out quite right. It’s really inspiring for crafters like me to know that not everything has to be “perfect,” and trial and error is natural!
Love your philosophy!! Thanks for all the awesome DIY’s! X
Those boots are just too cute!!! Thank you for all that you do for your readers 🙂
Thanks for being real and original.
Love the way that you don’t post the DIY that doesn’t work. That’s honets and I appreciate it a lot. :*
You are so very right about that life is about learning! Big ups to you and a big kiss from Barcelona
Do you have great blog. I love the material and your inspirational photos. Your blog is especial. He has a very nice design. Keep it up!
Stacy from
Nice pie haha! I try to find the funny in every failure but I can relate to wanting perfect (or as close to perfection) results for publishing.
What a great idea for a series. Love this! And I think those rainboots are pretty darn cute.
Thanks for sharing! I love your honesty, and those boots! shame they didn’t totally work out.
I loved this post- behind the scenes is always my favorite. I only started my own blog a couple months ago and it’s more of a journal than a business so there isn’t the same pressure but it’s still tough to think of content each day. All of your amazing DIYs are so inspirational and I feel even more excited to try a few knowing that they truly worked for you!
great post!
I love this. It really shows your integrity and it’s a good model for other bloggers, like myself, to live by. I need to be a little more careful of this…some of my recipes turn out beautiful but could use a little tweaking and I usually post them anyways (and I wonder why its challenging to grow my blog 😉 )…not going to do this anymore!
This is so true. I’m glad you posting something about this because it happens to all of us. Usually I still try to post about it and share what I learned from it even if it didn’t turn out great.
Amanda Rose
I want to know where you put all these completed craft projects. Can your homes sustain them all?! 😉
A few months ago I had to paint rain boots for a show and I added a texture medium to some Craft Barrell acrylic paint and it worked great, not at all tacky. Try it out!
I did wonder if you might have put your ‘best’ failures up….sounds a little mixed up but have you edited what youve shown us….I mean my failures are worse than that lol
i would like to read newer posts and to share my thoughts with you.
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This information is to debate how to do your tiffany sterling silver bangle.Resources like the one you mentioned here will be very useful for me!
Great advice, and I’m sad that those rain boots didn’t work out! They’re cute!
xo Kayla
🙂 i’ve had way too many of those “flops”! you do always learn something though!
I actually just wrote a post this morning about my craft/recipe fails this week.
I think something not working out the way it’s planned is why a project is so great. The fruits of our labor, as they say. I can’t tell you how many projects didn’t come out the way I expected. Tootles!
Love it. It’s so neat that you guys are so crazy creative and get to do this full time! I love being inspired here.
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Sometimes I do DIY project, but forget about made pictures of process, but result without process isn’t DIY project, so much of my ideas stay invisible for readers…