At Home With Andy Torres

At Home With Andy Torres via A Beautiful Mess"I love my apartment, because it's the first time I have my own space and the first time I get to decorate a space exactly the way I always wanted to. There are certain features about my apartment that I love and one of those has to be the massive Eiffel Tower artwork on the wall. It gives the room so much more character I believe. I wanted to make my living room space very cozy, so I always try to have an endless number of candles burning and massive pillows on my couches, you know, for the extra coziness effect. ;)"Cozy Apartment DetailsHanging bags + eiffel tower love"My living room is the place where I get to relax and get cozy after all the traveling—where I get to watch all my favorite series, movies and have endless cups of teas. My dining room is more 'work' oriented. Part of it has been turned into an office." Cozy Room Details Andy Torres of Stylescrapbook Style Scrapbok Apartment via A Beautiful Mess"I have lived here for almost 3 years and can't believe it's gone this quickly! I think the evolution of my space really relies on how much more cluttered it gets with time. It used to be quite spacious, until I turned part of it into my office. I also added the mannequin and the stand full of my favorite bags. I hope to keep it this way. Otherwise by the end of next year, it will be overflowing with stuff!" Sweet headphones Andy Torres of Style Scrapbook in her lovely home via A Beautiful MessHanging Handbags

Thank you so much, Andy, for sharing your space with us! Be sure to stop by Andy's blog Style Scrapbook and say hello!  xo.

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