Can’t wait…


I'm so excited to share that my love, Jeremy Larson, is playing a very special CD Release show in March! He's put together a 20 piece ensemble and the rehearsals are sounding SO magical. I can't wait to hear he and Stacy play. They're filming a live DVD that evening too. It's going to be beautiful, so I hope that some of my blog readers can attend. His new album is so gorgeous. 

If you live outside of Springfield, we'll be having some special sales at Red Velvet that Friday and Saturday too. It's a great weekend to visit. Get more info about the show here

All of Jeremy's album artwork features photos by the incredibly talented Swedish couple Leo Tage and Annette Pehrsson. We're huge fans of their photography. The designs are by Ryan Strong. Here is the album cover… 


Hope you can come! Elsie 

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