Chocolate Mousse-Filled Strawberries (Dairy Free!)

Chocolate mousse filled strawberries (dairy free!) Click through for recipe Like a lot of you out there, I am a sucker for chocolate-covered strawberries. I don’t care if it’s Valentine’s Day, my birthday, or a Wednesday, I can never say no to a berry dipped in chocolate. Since I’ve had to make a series of diet changes over the past few years, I’m always on the lookout for options to add to my list of healthier desserts and snacks. Finding a solution for my chocolate-covered strawberry craving was actually as easy as tweaking a healthy chocolate frosting recipe that I already make on the regular (it always tasted more like a mousse than a frosting to me anyway). If you’re looking for a healthier dessert option, I think you’re going to love it too!

Chocolate mousse filled strawberries (dairy free!) Click through for recipe Chocolate Mousse-Filled Strawberries (Dairy Free!)
Mousse recipe slightly adapted from Chocolate Covered Katie’sΒ Chocolate Frosting Shots

1 can full fat coconut milk
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
sweetener to taste (I used 1 tablespoon ofΒ Lakanto)
dash of salt
chopped almonds

First you’ll want to take your can of full fat coconut milk and either put it in the freezer for 20 minutes, or leave it in the fridge overnight. You want the coconut milk to separate into half a watery mixture (which you can use in smoothies if you’d like) and half a white solid. Every once in a while, you may get a can that doesn’t separate for some reason (try not to shake your can beforehand if possible). So try another can or brand if that’s the case. Once you freeze or refrigerate your can, turn it upside down, open the bottom with a can opener, and pour out the watery liquid on top. You should be left with the white solid at the bottom that you can scoop out into a bowl.

Chocolate mousse filled strawberries (dairy free!) Click through for recipe Combine your coconut milk solid, cocoa power, vanilla extract, and salt in a mixer and blend until completely combined (you may still have a few small specks of coconut milk that don’t want to blend, but don’t worry about those). Let the mixture chill for about 20 minutes in the fridge.

Chocolate mousse filled strawberries (dairy free!) Click through for recipe Use a paring knife (or other small knife) to cut a cone shape into the top of the strawberry so you remove the top and create a hole for the mousse to go down into.Β The mousse is actually pretty rich, so I didn’t dig as deep into the strawberry as I could. About halfway down will still do the trick.Β 

Chocolate mousse filled strawberries (dairy free!) Click through for recipe Fill an icing bag with a large icing tip and the mousse so you can pipe the mousse into the strawberries. If you don’t have an icing bag and tip, you can put it in a plastic bag and snip off one of the corners instead.

Chocolate mousse filled strawberries (dairy free!) Click through for recipe Finely chop some almonds (or hazelnuts, or whatever kind of nuts you want) and roll the tops of the mousse in the chopped nuts. Of course, if you hate nuts, then skip this part!

Chocolate mousse filled strawberries (dairy free!) Click through for recipe
Chocolate mousse filled strawberries (dairy free!) Click through for recipe Keep your filled berries in the fridge until you are ready to eat them. The richness of the mousse goes so well with the sweetness of the berry and the nutty crunch of the almonds. This is totally a guilt-free snack that feels really indulgent, and frankly, that’s one of my favorite kinds of snacks. It also doesn’t hurt that they look so pretty cut in half! I love that my options for delicious, but healthier, food keep growing. Do you think this snack would hit the spot for you too? xo. Laura

Credits // Author and Photography: Laura Gummerman. Photos edited withΒ A Beautiful Mess actions.

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