Color Blocked Soap DIY

Color Blocked Soap DIY (click through for tutorial) If you haven’t done a soap DIY before, I highly recommend it. There’s something extremely satisfying about popping your finished soap out of the molds and thinking, “I made that!? Nice.” They also make great presents, and they are super customizable with colors and scents too. Here on ABM we’ve done stained glass soap, tie dye soap, latte soap, grapefruit poppyseed soap, and soap on a rope, but I thought it would be fun to try a color blocked soap as well! There are a couple of ways you can get a color blocked effect with soap, but I think this method of tilting the pan for each color is actually the easiest (and coolest) effect. Ready to make some soap?

Color Blocked Soap DIY (click through for tutorial) Supplies:
melt and pour white soap (I used two blocks to make 5 bars)
soap dye
silicone soap mold
-essential oils (I used lemongrass and orange)
-microwaveable glass container
-knife to cut soap and stir sticks for stirring (a spoon will work too)
-spray bottle of rubbing alcohol

Color Blocked Soap DIY (click through for tutorial)First you’ll want to cut 1/3 of your soap into smaller 1″ cubes. Melt the cubes in a microwavable glass container for 15 second intervals (stirring each time) until the soap is melted. Add your dye and a few drops of essential oils to the soap, and stir to combine.

Color Blocked Soap DIY (click through for tutorial) Use an object or some clay to prop up the outside edges of your soap mold, and pour your soap into the inside corners until it almost reaches the opposite end. Mist with a spray of rubbing alcohol to help remove air bubbles. Allow the soap to cool and set.

Color Blocked Soap DIY (click through for tutorial) Repeat the process with the second 1/3 of soap, but this time use another color and prop up the inside edges of the mold so the soap will collect in the opposite side. Mist with rubbing alcohol and let cool.

Color Blocked Soap DIY (click through for tutorial) Once that cools, lay your mold flat and use your last 1/3 of soap to fill in the middle gap all the way to the top. Mist with rubbing alcohol and let cool.

Color Blocked Soap DIY (click through for tutorial) Once the soap has totally set, pop each one out of the mold and admire your handiwork!

Color Blocked Soap DIY (click through for tutorial) Color Blocked Soap DIY (click through for tutorial) The lemongrass and orange combo is great for soap since it smells so sweet and clean. Since you can customize the colors, I can totally see making a batch of these to coordinate with your bathroom scheme or seasonal colors as well. Making beauty and home products is always extra fun for me. So if you haven’t started DIYing in that realm yet, this might be the perfect project to start on! xo. Laura

Credits // Author and Photography: Laura Gummerman

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