We've been making some major progress these past few weeks at our studio house. This past week we've been ripping through dining room and kitchen projects, and we're planning to share our first room tours with you very soon. When we were brainstorming ideas for a dining room table we knew it could be a lot of fun to work with copper pipes for the legs. We wanted something industrial, but still pretty. We're so incredibly happy with the finished table!
We recently shared a staff update with you, and one of the new faces you'll be seeing around here more often is Joshua Rhodes. Josh is an extremely talented carpenter and designer. We've been simultaneously working on half a dozen projects together this past month, and this is the first one we're ready to share. Please give Josh a warm welcome.
So, without further ado—here is Josh's table tutorial!
-2" x 6" x 8' (4)
-1" x 11" x 8' (4)
-3/8" dowel rod (1)
-1" copper pipe, 10ft
-1" copper pipe, 5ft (3)
-1" copper slip caps (10)
-1" copper split ring hangers (20)
-3" screws
-#12 1.5" wood screws
-2.5" kreg screws
-miter saw
-speed square
-5/8" spade bit
-1" spade bit
-3/8" drill bit
-Kreg pocket screw jig
-foam brush
-sander/sandpaper, 80 and 220 grit
-copper tube cutter
This table is relatively easy to build. If you take your time and plan ahead, it should only take a day or two to build. First thing you want to do is get supplies. When you go to choose your wood, make sure to inspect each piece for bends and twists; those pieces are no good and should be cast aside, as they are not worthy of your time!
Once you have all your supplies and tools ready to go, make sure you have enough flat work area to build on. The table is going to be built upside down.Step One: Cut the table top pieces. We wanted the table to be seven feet long so it would fit proportionally to the space. You can skip this step and just make your table eight feet long (the length the pieces come in), but then all the rest of the measurement will have to be modified. After cutting, sand the pieces with 220 grit.
Step Two: Cut the pieces for the frame based on your size of table. You can follow the measurements above, if you're making it the same size as ours. This will be the most time-consuming and critical step. Make sure to measure twice or even thrice so you only have to cut once. After you have all the pieces, go ahead and sand them nice and smooth. Lay out the pieces.Step Three: Make a drastic life change. I use Kreg's pocket hole jig for most of my projects. The jig is about 100 bucks. If you plan on making a lot of your own furniture, I strongly recommend investing in one—it will change your life! I'm not going to get into how the jig works here, but there is a ton of info online. I have all of my holes pre-drilled before putting the table together. If you don't have or don't want to get the jig, you can screw the outer face, but that method is harder and doesn't look as good.
Putting together Figure A is a bit tricky, but once you have that figured out, putting together Figure B will be a snap. Figure A is the cross member, which is going to be very supportive and what you are going to attach the legs to. Make all your measurements and marks first. With the 3/8" paddle bit, drill about 1/4 inch down for the copper ring hanger to fit into. Unscrew one side and screw into place with #12 1.5" screws. Screw back in the copper screws so you don't lose them!! You can go ahead and cut and assemble Figure B at this stage.
Step Four: Glue and screw all pieces together. Make sure everything is square by using your speed square!
Step Five: Move the frame out of the way, but nearby. Lay out the table top pieces. Remember the sides facing up are going to be under the table. I mark the bottoms with B's. Apply glue to the frame (refer to diagram) and lay down onto table top pieces. I had pocket holes predrilled, but you can screw down the frame from underneath. Start at one end. Make sure table top pieces are square and flush on all ends. I did not screw around the perimeter, but used a ton of glue and clamps. Step Six: Sand all table edges and table top to a smooth finish. You can start with the 80 grit and move to the 220 as needed.
Step Seven: While the table top is drying, you can cut the copper for legs and cross support using a copper tube cutter (you can get one for less than $15). Check out the quick how-to video below!
Step Eight: Put the legs through the wood support (Figure B) on the bottom of the legs, measure up 5", and drill through. Cut four 5" pieces of dowel and install them.
Step Nine: Install legs and cross pieces. Make sure all of the brackets are loose in order to get everything to fit right. When you're tightening the screws, tighten one side about halfway, then tighten the other side a bit. Make sure to get each bracket nice and tight.
You are almost done! All you need to do is throw on the end caps and have your friend help flip the table. You don't want to put a lot of force on the legs trying to flip the table on your own. After it's flipped and you step back to admire your craftsmanship, you can do some touch-up sanding, stain it your favorite color (we chose a white wash), then coat it with Polyurethane. I put three coats of clear gloss Poly to get a nice, smooth sheen. Once it's dry, throw a party and show off your table-building skills.
Happy Building! -Josh
Credits // Author: Josh Rhodes and Elsie Larson. Photos: Sarah Rhodes and Josh Rhodes. Video: Sarah Rhodes. Video Music: Jeremy Larson. Rug: Lulu and Georgia. Photos edited with Petal of the Fresh Collection
LOVE this!
I’ve been wanting to make a new dining room table but have been stuck on how to make it more unique! I think I’ve found a way!
Great post/idea and insanely cute rug!
So excited about this DIY! Thanks for such detailed instructions – it makes it a lot less intimidating! I can’t wait to see more of your “home” makeover soon. 🙂
Absolutely love this table! I love the simplicity and fun pop of copper! All your table DIY are beautiful!
Wow, thanks for the diy instructions. We’ve been wanting a larger table, but we’ve been having trouble finding something that fits our style and budget. I think this may be it. I’m going to show this to my hubby!
….maybe you guys should do some research on the link between copper and home/office invasions and theft. might be helpful before you give a DIY to a huge readership that could put them at risk for home invasion.
Absolutely lovely! It’s amazing!
bookmarked this is absolutely gorgeous!
Very kewel 🙂
Where are these chairs from, anyone?
Amazon. 🙂
man, you guys make some GOOD tables!!!
These look amazing!
What is the estimated cost of this DIY?
Looks great! Something I might actually try 😉
The important part though…where is that amazing rug from and how do I get my hands on one?!?
Thanks in advance 🙂
You guys inspired me to get out there and blog about my passion. I just wanted to say thanks:) I really enjoy your blog and am so glad it inspired me!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this table! I’ve been shopping for a new dining room table for several months, but haven’t pulled the trigger on anything. I think it’s a sign that I should try to tackle this DIY (with the help of my handy uncle)!
One question, would it be possible to get an estimate on the cost of the project? Even if it’s just the materials. I realize this will vary for everyone, but it would be super helpful to get a ballpark figure.
Keep all the fun and pretty coming ABM team 🙂
Love this! I wish I had enough space in my loft right now!
Absolutely love it! Just what I was looking for! 🙂
You guys make the best tables! We have such a small dining room and buying a table from a store leaves so little space. You guys are seriously making me consider building my own now! This is one of my favourites by far! I love the copper legs against the white and wood. And those chairs! Can I just move in?! hahah!
Have a lovely week guys!
I’m starting to think you guys should just head over to HGTV and flip houses for a living… I’m in such awe. I wish I could just borrow your team for a month and spiff up my house! hahaha I live alone and I feel like between work and life and grad school I never have the energy to finish my house projects… so I live vicariously through you guys 😉 Anyway, looks beautiful. I need that rug in my life.
Also, another question…(awkward girl in the class 🙂 a 1x11x8 board isn’t available through Home Depot or Lowes, is that a typo or is there a special place to get that size?
Hi Josh,
May I just say, that although it should be illegal for me to handle tools – due to the fact that I am completely clumsy and accident prone, and there is probably a very slim chance I will ever build something like this because I would end up dead or someone else would …I LOVED reading through your post. You’re so funny! My favourite comment is “When you go to choose your wood, make sure to inspect each piece for bends and twists; those pieces are no good and should be cast aside, as they are not worthy of your time!” Yes, you’re right…those bendy, twisty pieces are not worthy of my time – certainly made me giggle (inwardly) and smile.
Also, I’m sorta sad that I’m not handy or would never be able to build this table because, per step 3, I would like make a drastic life change… you make me want to buy a jig just to have it…even though I would never use it. Maybe I could mount it on my wall as art and write on it “The moment That Changed it all”.
And also the video makes it look so simple to cut pipe – why oh why don’t I do that everyday?
Now all jokes aside – the table is really beautiful! Good job! I hope I can one day have a ‘builder’ in my life who can make such beautiful things. P.S. I hope there are more posts from you in the future. 🙂
ahhh so beautiful!
Whoa. Although I am VERY aware of the copper thefts that have been going on around the country, the majority are from abandoned houses, as most of the pipes are located in places you would need good access, and a significant amount of time to work… But also i think the probability of this happening to an ABM reader is less than slim to none. If you’re worried I suggest you not make this table?
I’m loving this copper trend I’ve seen all over lately. Beautiful table Josh!
This table is just amazing!!!! Love it!
Ooh this is so pretty, I love the white top too 🙂
Rosie x
Nice work Josh. Simple and beautiful. This is the kind of project that my husband would love to take on.
This table is so gorgeous, I love it! I’m starting to think I should buy power tools… 🙂
Wowwy – this is super cool. Not sure I have the skills to do it but loved the how to feature!
What a fantastically detailed tutorial, and a gorgeous result!
Georgina at itotallypaused.com
Such a cool table idea. Getting these chairs for my next apartment, I loooove them!
That room is gorgeous! I love how the colors blend into the kitchen. The yellow and pinks. Sigh. I desperately want that rug now. Double sigh. It is yummy!
Love the rug!
Oh my gosh!! This is so amazing!! I wish I could ask my hubby to do one of this for my dining area!!
This table is so awesome! I can’t wait for more of Josh’s DIYs!
This is amazing…I am going to pass these details on to my brother-in-law as he keeps threatening to make a table!!
Overstock has similar ones as well for a great price!
^^ Home invasion… lol
Beautiful table!!
You guys! so talented. this is too advanced for me at the moment but it just looks amazing!
Wow, the copper legs look amazing on that table! Great tutorial!
I was hoping they would have a price break down, too! I feel like the copper pipes alone make it pretty spendy.
Love it!!!!!!
Looks beautiful! I’m wondering though; why did you put the copper pipes under the table as well? Won’t they get in the way while you’re sitting down, and can’t move your feet/legs freely?
Love these kind of major DIY project ideas. Could you give us an approximate cost for this?
This is phenomenal!! Well done Josh!
Love lovey love love love this. I made something like this a few years ago but it isn’t nearly this cool. I may need to take it to my shop and have at it!!
Thank you Josh! The table is absolutely beautiful, I wish my hubby could make the same but I will take your instructions, print them and ask one of the fabulous team of carpenters I know in Jamaica to make one EXACTLY like this….love it.
Wow!! Elaborate, but so beautiful. Definitely a table I would love to put in my apartment. Just need to recruit some friends to help me build it 😉
This table is beautiful, but I’m loving that rug!!! Where’s it from??? Details please!
Awesome Josh!! You do good work!
John O
Awesome table! Quick question, are the wood dowels seem strong enough to support that bottom potion of the table?
I really appreciate how informative all your building posts are, its so helpful! I also love copper details in houses, it reminds me of my grandma’s house in such a great way 🙂
xox Logan
ps. giveaway on my blog right now
Waoww, I love it!
It looks awesome!!
I need this <3
What a great way of making something unique! This table is amazing!
Wow, but you are an engineer not a blogger!!!! If we are able to do the table, you should send us a postgraduate certificate from A beautiful Mess University
That’s soo beautiful!! 🙂
Just ordered my prize from your last competition – thank you so much AMB!!!
Love your table! And really love your wall color! May I ask what paint color you used? Thank you
Yeeey!! This is beautiful!! And the rug looks fantastic with it! Bravo!!! *excitingly claps hands together*
Beautiful, but too much difficult for me to make it!
So in love with this table! It looks a teeny bit complicated, but so worth the effort!
Love this!!
Lulu xx
Wauw you are always so full of good ideas! This looks amazing – I love it! 🙂 The colors are perfect together
I love the addition of the video with this!
Welcome Josh, and congrats on such a beautiful table! I. Love. It. A beautiful mess is like magic though – you want a tutorial on something in particular, or inspiration and ‘ta dah’, ABM shows up! Next month, I’m leaving my current job and am having a little dinner to say thanks to some folk, and we plan to build a long narrow table in the garden, but were stumped by what to use for legs since we need to dismantle it afterwards. Copper piping is genius, thank you so much! Maya.
Great tutorial. I will build my own table one day.
can you provide the source for the rug? thanks!
I really want to turn this into a coffee table. Oh man. I don’t know if I have the carpentry skills (or the necessary tools, for that matter) but I never wanted to learn as much as I do right now! I love this so so much!!
Awesome tutorial! Where did you get the chairs?? I love that look!
Wow, what a transformation. The table looks fantastic.
I would like to know what the paint color/number and company the gray wall is. It is beautiful!
That’s it! The grey wall color is exactly what I’ve been looking for…. could you please tell me the name and maker?
This is great!
It looks like the copper pipe would run close to $60.
Absolutely amazing! and really!? Where can we find a rug like this!? Rugs are so hard to find….
Thanks, We need a sm sq table for 60’s kitchen w/ copper hardware. This is perfect. Husband is HVAC guy so gets copper wholesale or leftovers from large industrial installations. If you know someone in the trades they may be able to help you w/ the cost of pipe & fittings.
WOW that looks great, I would try it if I could, I know I would mess up. Anyway you can buy cheap dining room sets under 100 which are still surprisingly very stylish, take a look and let us know what you think of them: http://www.houseandhomeshop.co.uk/cheap-dining-room-sets-under-100/
I normally wouldn’t ask, but what paint color is on the wall in the dining room? I love it!