Couple’s Costumes: The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride Couple Costume This, my friends, is a dream come true. If you saw the title of this post and thought, “What’s The Princess Bride?” then you’ve just made me feel very old and very sad for the gaping hole in your cinematic library. If you said either, “As yoooooou wiiiiiiiishhh,” or, “Inconceivable!,” or “Does anybody want a peanut?,” then I applaud your dedication to great films, and we are allowed to be friends. Anyway, when thinking of costume ideas for this Halloween, I was a bit stuck until Sarah mentioned the idea of Westley (or the Dread Pirate Roberts I should say) and Buttercup, and I knew instantly that I had to make it happen. I. Love. That. Movie.

It was easy enough to get some pirate items together for Todd’s version of Westley (and he was more than happy to shave a creepy mustache), but I knew I was going to have some work ahead of me to recreate Buttercup’s red riding dress. I ended up buying a matronly ’80s red dress (that was four sizes too big) and used the bodice and neckline as my starting point. I used matching red fabric to make new sleeves and a longer skirt for the bodice, and completed the look with a belt made of gold trim. The sleeves were only the second sleeves I’ve ever sewn in my life, so I had a lot of prototypes before making the real thing. I think they look pretty good overall, but I couldn’t lift my arms up very high, so I guess there’s still room for improvement! 

The Princess Bride Couple Costume The Princess Bride Couple Costume The Princess Bride Couple Costume The Princess Bride Couple Costume The Princess Bride Couple Costume The Princess Bride Couple Costume I think this forest is the closest thing we have to a Fire Swamp, so it made the perfect location to test out our costumes. My friend Bethany asked if I needed her to dress as an R.O.U.S. (Rodent of Unusual Size) for the Fire Swamp bits, but as hard as the idea made me laugh, I didn’t know where in town I could get an adult-sized possum costume at the last minute. Such a good idea though. The woods we used are a bit out of the way near a trail, so we had to get there on bikes and rollerblades in full costume—we got a few interesting looks to say the least! We also tried to recreate a few of the movie stills. See if you can spot them…

The Princess Bride Couple Costume The Princess Bride Couple Costume The Princess Bride Couple Costume The Princess Bride Couple Costume Overall, I’m pretty proud of my Buttercup dress recreation, and it was a secret wish fulfilled to recreate parts of a movie that was so important to both our childhoods. I know that we will cherish these pictures for a long time to come, and I’ll definitely keep the dress around so I can throw it on next time we watch the movie and feel like an extra nerdy fan girl. What movie couple’s costume would you love to recreate for Halloween? xo. Laura

Credits // Author: Laura Gummerman, Photography: Janae Hardy. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.

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