Here’s a fun and different way to serve cupcakes! I really love cupcake push pops because they are so easy to transport and are fun for kids to enjoy! Simply use your favorite mini cupcake and frosting recipes, we used this one.
Supplies needed: mini cupcakes, frosting, pastry bag, push pop containers
Step 1: Pipe a thin layer of frosting in the bottom of the container. This is more easily done if you set your container in a shallow glass. Step 2: Place a mini cupcake down inside the container (remove cupcake liner). Step 3: Pipe another thin layer of frosting on top of the cupcake. Step 4: Place another mini cupcake inside. Step 5: Pipe a little more frosting on top, to garnish. Step 6: Place your container lid on top and you are ready to go!
Enjoy! xo. Emma + Elsie
OMG, these are wonderful!
Oh my goodness! I had no idea it was even possible to buy empty push pop containers. Such a cute idea!
What a fun idea!! Way sweet. A bit messy to eat though??
oh my gosh this is genius! I miss push pops like crazy… the flinstones ones were my favorite = ) I am definitely trying this out soon!
what a great idea!!!
I love this idea! Totally going to gluten-free-ify it and make it my own. Thanks!
These are so cute! How much fun would these be at an outdoor summer wedding? Love. 🙂
aw! those are so cute! i feel like i would manage to make a huge mess with that. like i would somehow manage to accidentally shoot a cupcake at myself. that sounds ridiculous, but these are the things that i do.
anyways, you are so creative! i would have never thought of it in 1,000,000 years but its brilliant!
What a wonderful thing do to! I love these, they look like a tasty treat! xo
These are too much fun! I love it!!
This looks so cute! What a lovely idea.
just saw this on a new show thats on bravo!!! this is a great idea that he came up with. cute remix.
Great Gatsby! Those look delish! Om nom nom!
Peace, Love and Puppies
Jordan’s Typewriter
I’m not sure I’d like it!!
Such a cute idea! My kids would go crazy for these. Thanks!
It’s not exactly very environmentally friendly, though, is it? Lots of plastic for just one cupcake that just gets thrown away?
Love this idea – I’m hosting my sister’s sweet sixteen soon and these would be fantastic! Could you wash the plastic and use them again? Otherwise I would have to agree with not being so environmentally friendly.
this is genius! I’m obsessed with cupcakes.
oh! Definitely gonna have to do this 😀
You can wash & reuse the containers. Just don’t put them in the dishwasher. Xo!
They look delicious!
Haha wow! This is kind of amazing!! :]
Such a cute and creative idea! Love it and will definitely be trying this one soon!
Cute, cute, cute!
ohh! love the idea! It is great!
This is so wonderful!
Love & Lollies… Jessa
What a great idea! Too cute.
YUM! These are so fun and cute! And so creative!
oh my god! that looks AMAZING!!
Sooo cute! But where abouts would you find these push-pop containers?
What good looking and I remember my childhood. My brothers and I bought some ice cream this way, cream and chocolate, which were terrific.
This is a comment about an older post-Your Jewelry Box D.I.Y.- I just wanted to show you my post about my version of it using only things I found around my house. It turned out pretty cute!
Thanks for the inspiration!
one of the cutest ideas I have seen in awhile adorable ladies as per usual! 🙂
great idea
Do you wash those push pop thingees and use them again or are they disposable? My kids would love those with frozen smoothies!
Emma is a genius. can’t wait till she has her own cooking show on TV!!!
Wow, so cool 🙂
My friend has a fabulous company that caters for all your culinary fantasies, if you’re too lazy to make them yourself!
ROFL I think I’ll stick with the original cupcake style, but I can see this being really good for children. I guess I’m turned off to the idea bc of a bit Stephen Colbert did on his show LOL
This is such a cute DIY idea!! Push Pops really remind me of my childhood, it’s great you used these in this tutorial. Love it!!
I’ve never seen anything like this before; that’s so cool!
cute/practical idea!!!
Oh wow, these look amazing! I bet they were tasty too xx
This is so cute and easy! They would make awesome christmas gifts for anyone.
-andrea lynne rose
I didn’t even know you could buy push pop containers! this may change my whole party go-ing demeanor!
What a mastermind for cupcakery.
Omg. You are a genius!!!!
This is amazing!! I am so doing this!! dont think we have push pops in the UK but I’m sure gonna try find them!! x
This is seriously the coolest idea I’ve ever heard of!
Where do you find plastic push up pop containers? I’ve only seen the ones that are cardboard with the Flinestone ones.
how cute! gotta get those push pop containers, you gals have the best recipes!
Such a great idea! I love it.
Kindness is the best accessory,
really cute idea! I didn’t realise they sold those push pop containers online. Sweet!
cute cute idea!
Such a great idea! Perfect for a kids birthday party. Thanks so much!
Such an awesome idea! My nephews and niece will love it.
Oh, those are so cute!
That’s genius! Great birthday party idea–no more smooshed cupcakes.
what a fun idea! I love it!
totally. brilliant.
kate 🙂
o my goodness…absolutely GENIUS
I want to see the pictures of you guys eating those! A very cute idea, but I have a feeling it’s a mess to actually eat. 🙂
Wow! I didn’t know you could get those containers!
I’ve never heard of these but they look really fun, and really delicious!
They look very attractive and most of all very practical!
In times of enviromental pollution the use of plastic containers is a irresponsible idea. Even if you would reuse them, they’re unnecessary.
delicious and easy!
great post
yum yum!!! Can I have one now????
Great idea! You are a so creative girl! 🙂
what a cool idea!
very cool! i like cupcakes in any form but this is super fun!
love this!
P.S. I’m reviewing Blog Love on My Blog today. 😀
What a cute idea for a party! Who knew they sold those containers?
need to buy one of those
I absolutely love this!
OMG this idea is AMAZING! Perfect, innovative combination! I loved pushup pops as a kid growing up. This is such a fun idea for a party.
You guys rock!
this is amazing!! what a great idea! I want to make these with my niece! Thanks for the idea!
These are PERFECT for bake sales, a super-special kid’s lunch, or for taking to work. No mess!
Wow, genius!
– Sarah
Oh gosh, those popsicles were my favorite as a kid! This is brilliant.
WOW these look unreal!
Wow, what a nifty idea!
Oh my gosh, Emma, this is too cool!
That looks…really odd, but strangely delicious!
Love Love Love this recipe! I had to re-post it on our Facebook page.
Francesca’s Collections
Super cute idea!
this is SUCH an amazing idea!!
Excuse me while i restart my heart! I need to make these! What an amazing idea 🙂
Toni xo
Looks yummy!
wow, what a cool idea. in germany we have some icecream that is served in this containers and i thought that is the only thing that could go in there, but now i know better =)
good lord…this is really fucking decadent…. 国土交通省運輸安全委員会は同日、船舶事故調査官を派遣。苫小牧海保は船長から事情を聴くなど事故の原因を調べる一方、巡視船など5隻とヘリを出して行方不明者を捜索している。
what a fantastic and delicious idea!