I have always wanted a wall in my home that was completely filled with photos! A couple weeks ago I got it stuck in my brain that this wall in our studio was the perfect spot. There were a couple challenges, though: 1. The wall is HUGE. 2. I don’t have that many instant photos or film. 3. Even if I did buy enough film to fill the whole wall it would cost thousands of dollars and probably take months (or years?) to take enough photos.
So, I came up with a solution. We “wallpapered” this wall with color copies. The cons: They are not real photos, and they do repeat. The pros: It was done in a couple days, and I can now (slowly) cover the repeats with real photos over the next few years. One more pro: We’re in love with it! The photo wall makes our studio room a happier place to work.
Here’s how we did it:My brother helped me design 11×17 inch images with 9 Instax wide sized photos per sheet. We then created 4 different sheets with different photos. You could always do more if you wanted to reduce repeat photos! We measured the wall and ordered about 130 sheets on 80 lb card stock. We found an inexpensive local printer that did them for around $1 per sheet, so the entire wall only cost about $130! We got the sheets printed and trimmed. Next, we adhered them to the wall. We started with just sturdy double sided tape strips. This didn’t work for our wall, so we started using a staple gun. Obviously, someday we will have a lot of staples to pull, but I am ok with that. I plan to keep this wall up for a couple years, so It was worth it to me. If you have satin paint you may not need a staple gun. I made an instagram collage in our last home using only masking tape. It was up for more than 6 months with pretty minimal curling.
So, we adhered and stapled the sheets to the wall. We had to cut some to fill in the leftover space around the edges of the wall at the end. This took an entire afternoon with Katie and Kinsey cutting and stapling. Not bad considering the size of this wall!
Note: We created the wallpaper to match the exact size of Fujifilm INSTAX Wide photos. We chose this instead of polaroid because the film
is fairly inexpensive and accessible. It’s our favorite instant camera.
Now that it is fully installed I will be covering some of the repeat photos with real Instax photos. I love that I can do this over time and that I don’t have to wait until I collect a thousand photos to create the wall! It’s so much less pressure. 🙂
Ta-Da! Here’s a photo of the finished product! I am super thrilled with the outcome. It has so much personality.
I hope that this tutorial encourages some of you to try a photo statement wall. I am completely pleased with the quality, the price and the time it took us to install the wallpaper. It was a fun project and something we will enjoy for a long time. Have any of you created a photo wall? Is this something you would try?
XO! Elsie
This is amazing! Id LOVE to do something like this in our bedroom. Another fab idea Elsie! 🙂
Lulu xx
This is amazing! It looks gorgeous. Great job! I would definitely want to try this out in the future.
I love this idea!!! It´s the perfect wall for a cozy space. You are genious! Congrats 😉 Love Nina 🙂
That’s a great idea! As I take plenty of photos, I’ll do a similar project in the future. I like it because it’s personal.
Elsie, this is amazing! Just wanted to let you know that your blog has inspired me to start my own blog and do more DIY projects! Thanks for everything! LOVE the wall! 🙂
WOW! This is so gorgeous! I could so do this is my study or one wall of my bedroom. Love it.
i think it’s a fun idea for a studio where creativity is happening, but it would probably be a bit overwhelming in a different part of the house. it looks very vibrant and it gives off a feeling of high energy…kinda like the color orange or red. and the turquoise sofa compliments it quite well. neat idea. :0
SOOO brilliant!! I have been seeing your peaks of this wall and was so amazed you had that many pictures…now that I know there are some duplicates I feel like this is something I could recreate too! Love love love it. <3
I could stare at a wall like that for hours. I don’t think I would ever do it in my home, but I love it in other places.
That looks awesome! I wonder if you could set something up with a large sheet of images as an engineer print and then tack some color photos over it. The B&W vs. color as well as the image quality difference might be really cool.
This is so amazing ! 🙂
Love this idea! Actually noticed it in the espresso cart redo. Hope I can get the hubby on board so I can do this in my own house!
Looks lovely girls! I’m sure the repeats aren’t a problem, the overall effect is great. And as you say, you can replace pictures in your own time. Good job!
Hannah x
So amazing, it looks stunning.
Katie xx
I died when I saw it on instagram 🙂 What a great idea. A friend of mine did this in highschool but with normal prints. It was always so fun!
Wow – this looks incredible!
Holy shiz, this it the most tip top thing I think I have ever seen!
GEN-IUS!! Now, I definitely want a photo statement wall!
Elsie I love you 🙂 This is magnificent!
Can’t even put into words how much I LOVE this. xx
We have a partial instax wall in our house. I love it. The wide is my favorite as well. Wish they had more accessories for it! Also, I recently covered my flash with some white and yellow checkered washi tape which has made it possible for me to take photos inside without a super harsh flash. Now I am going through film twice as fast…
WOW! That is an impressive wall.
I had done something similar with all of my photos from middle and high school in my bedroom at my parent’s house. We had the ugliest wallpaper in the room I shared with my little sister. The best idea was to just cover it up. All my friends were jealous because their parents would never let them do something like that.
Thanks for the reminiscing!
This is by far the best decor idea. Ever!
amazing ! love it !
NEW post up: http://www.thestilettoholic.com/
That’s literally the coolest thing I’ve seen.. ever. It’s awesome!
Holy cow, this is amazing. I’m speechless! I need to get me one of those cameras!
I love it!!! I always wanted a wall covered in photos. Thanks for the idea!
WOW. How do you think all this stuff up? I’ve had walls just dedicated to photos but never considered this. I really like it so it might have to have a space in our new apartment!
wow this is rad!
I think it looks great! And a great idea to get the wall done but then be able to add to it as you go! Love it!
This is just amazing! You guys have best ideas. I will try something like this but a little bit smaller.
Have a lovely weekend!
This is so amazing! I used to cover my walls with pictures I’d taken when I was younger, just bluetacking them to the walls but this is so much better, partly I think because of the white border it keeps it looking bright and light, a really fun wall
I absolutely love this idea. Great & fun way to display your photos!
Your wall is SO FAB! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
I love this! Such a great idea. i have part of my wall covered in a wallpaper that shows the outline of photo frames; I used the wallpaper to stick real pictures on in the frames: it looks really playful and fun. But I love your wall too! Maybe something for a next project 😉
I love this. A very cool way to personalize your studio space. I’m working on creating a statement wall in my studio as well. I just freed up some wall space and I’m itching to do something to it.
Now THIS is a brilliant idea! I tried to make a photo wall using Instax and sticky tak and they all eventually fell off or shifted. You so smaaaart. 😉
♥ Talia Christine
love it and have pinned it for future yes! Rachael xo
What does your brother do? And how many siblings do you ladies have?
oh and great idea!
So gorgeous! I love the impact and the blue couch looks fabulous against it!
Sierra- Hi! My brother is a graphic designer and he helps us (freelance) with projects from time to time. We only have 3 siblings, so just us and our brother!
Have a great weekend!! 🙂
This makes me want to buy an Instax even more than I already do. Would an entire wall of photographs of my Dachshund be ridiculous?!
It’s so lovely. I’ve always wanted to do. But I want to wait a few more time, because I want to have some special photos to do that 🙂
Thanks a lot for the tutorial!
Sarah- um…. NO. An entire dachshund wall would be amazeeee!
Happy weekend!
Can’t argue with those results! This is awesome!
I have been wanting to do this for years in our home..thank you for the tut..always beautifuly done..thank you lovelies..
This wallpaper is outta sight! Love it! Nice job!
This is gorgeous! I’ve been ogling this on Instagram for days now. Haha. I actually like the way the pattern gently repeats, I find it makes my eyes move on down the wall. We are (potentially) moving soon, but once I hear one way or the other, I think I need to find an unsuspecting wall I can do this on. I might try to come up with some grey/brown/blue schemed photos that would fit into our bedroom colors really well.
Thanks for the inspiration!
that is pretty amazing…
we are following along with you, check us out? follow us back?
I’m in love!!
This is a fantastic project, a bit intense but fantastic!
Really good way to get around it without printing so many real pictures! Always loved polaroid walls, this is something to imolement at home 🙂
Is there any way you could share the template you used? Love it!
OMG. I love that! bookmarking this for my future studio!
This is so, so awesome! Yay for pretty photo walls 🙂
Um yeahhhh that’s so freaking awesome!!! I’m totally going to do this somewhere down the road. Thx Elsie for the inspiration!! 🙂
Oh, I love this!
Wonderful wall!!!
I love this idea! So cool!
Were all the photos already instax sized with the borders or did you add the borders in photo shop?
I LOVE this! I want to do this in my apartment!!!!
This is seriously amazing!
I love this! I’m definitely going to try this!
-Andrew Evan
Oh, this is brilliant! I love that you can gradualy add new/”real” photos to it too. This is a great idea. No wonder it makes you happy!
P.S.) It doesn’t hurt that your photos are so great and colorful too. 🙂
I love this so much! Would you ever blog about scanning instax/polaroids? I love the white border and the drop shadows. Mine never turn out like that when I scan. Also I LOVE the photo of the blurry city lights! Would love to know how you get good blur with the instax.
I saw this in the background of another picture you posted and am so glad you posted a how to!! I just kept thinking–It will take me forever to take that many pictures and go broke at the same time:) Thank you!!
This is def. one of the coolest projects I’ve seen in a long time. Love it! Xo Inna
I recently did a photo wall–but the opposite of yours–an enormous enlargement of 1 picture of my kids. I love how it turned out: http://shannonberrey.com/_blog/Shannon_Berrey_Design_Blog/post/big,_better,_best_murals_your_way_how_to_/
And I also love how yours turned out! Great job!
Shannon Berrey Design
Cool idea!
xo Jennifer
I am so in love with this wall. I’d love to do this one day!
ahhh this is something i would love to do!… a wall full of memories x
definetly a blog to follow, you have fab ideas x
this looks so amazing 🙂
Wow!! Its so cool…just amazing…I dont know how to express it…the best diy ever 🙂
I have already picked out a wall. Now to talk my husband into it…
I love this. I want to try it as well. Thank you for sharing.
Courtney from Hidden Baby
I kind of love this idea! I may have to do this somewhere in my place. Maybe my craft studio!
Absolutely brilliant! Thanks for sharing
That is so cool, I can’t stand it!! What a fun idea!
This is such a cool idea! I would love to be able to do this! Now I just need to find a house. 😛
Such a good idea! I love this!
Wow! So colorful!! Katie and Kinsey are little workhorses!
Amazing! specially considering the size of that wall! Love the idea!
Cool! I want to make one of these one day when I get my own place.
what a great way to spice up a wall!
wOw, this is so inspiring!! I really like to use Fotoclips (from Photojojo) to create large collages that have covered a large part of a wall, maybe I’m just not thinking big enough… 🙂
I was thinking of doing a photo-collage heart above my desk. This technique has inspired me to do it in a more cost-efficient fashion. Seriously, you guys are BRILLIANT. [As is that camera. I haven’t seen a ‘wide’ version before, so I’ve put this on my wish list 😉 ]
This is such a lovely idea, a truly inspiring masterpiece!
oh my gosh this is so awesome. i wish i had the patience to do this!!
I honestly like the fact that the photos repeat. It becomes a nice pattern.
wow. that’s so cool! 🙂
What a wonderful idea! Love it!
I’ve been waiting to see this all wrapped! it’s so fantastic!
all wrapped up*, i meant.
this is so awesome! im currently packing and moving to another home. this is the greatest idea for one of my walls in my new room! so creative! thanks so much!!
AMAZING WORK!!! Funny despite tons of lil’ photos, it is surprisingly easy on the eyes! The amazing couch and espresso cart don’t hurt either 🙂 always inspiring! xo
This looks too cool. I love it!
Hi friends!
If you want the template that my brother made for this, you can e-mail me (elsie AT redvelvetart DOT com) I am more than happy to share it! ( you will need photoshop to use it! )
If you don’t have/use photoshop you can absolutely do this with real copies at your local print shop! Just get a camera and take a few rolls of film.
I am so happy that you like the DIY! Please send me pics if you guys do it in your spaces.
XO! Elsie
love this idea!
This was such a great idea! Once I tried to do a photo wall with all of these old vintage photos I found of my family, but I used ribbon and they didn’t stay up very well. Maybe I’ll try a staple gun! The wall, like everything you and your team does, looks beautiful! have a good night!
After your last post I was sooo waiting for this!
Thanks 🙂
xoxo, From a photographer who has too many photos to display.
Oooh, thank you!! When yoi posted this I was just thinkin’: “Oh what a wonderfull wall, how could she make it????”
Thank you so much! <3 <3 <3
this is suppperrr brilliant!
Love it…. fantastic idea. Wonder if Hubbie will let me do one like this in “our” sewing/computer room ?
That’s incredible!!
love this!
I love this and love how personal it makes the room
This is amazing Elsie! So creative and clever (: (:
A beautiful idea 🙂
That is really great and I like pics. That looks so creative. Have a nice day.
Looks a huge project ! Great idea to collect photos year after year…and make them visible. Too many times they just stay on hard drive…
let’s start taking pictures!!! Thanks MASTER 🙂
Big kisses from Barcelona
This looks absolutely fantastic!!! Think we might have to do something like this at our place too. Thanks for the info on how you did it 😉
Love-love-love it! I think it is must for my future home one. My current home doesn’t really have that extra wall space. xx
I loved this so much shared it on my FB page:)
wow, this looks amazing!
i’d love to try this. maybe in a smaller space, though (;
awesome diy, thanks for sharing!
xo, cheyenne
love your idea! PERFECT! Gonna try it when I get my apartment this Fall 🙂
I think it looks absolutely amazing and so fun, would love to have something similar in our home! 🙂
I really really love it!
I absolutely love the idea! It looks amazing
This is amazing!
This is a great idea. I was thinking of instagram but the constant shape of the instax works really well in this form. It has inspired me to start using it more often. My wish is to be able to afford more Impossible film for my old 600
Take care
Nic xo
This is AMAZING!
In the back of my mind I always dreamed of doing something like this so thank you for making this tutorial.
I’ve had the idea for a wall covered with sunsets for years now. This would be a great way to do it.
That is truly awesome, I have done something similar with the small glass photo frames, so make it look pixilated, I love that you can change the images to keep it up to date.
That’s so pretty; a wall full of memories.<3
This looks absolutely amazing! I had a photo wall when I lived on campus at Uni, it took so long to get all of the pictures on the wall and just as long to take them all down again! I love the idea of printing them on to tiles instead – such a good idea. Can’t wait to try it in my new home!
This is soooooo cool!
I love your style so much!
I would really appreciate it if you could come and check our latest post “Haute Couture Autumn Winter 2012”.
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GREAT IDEA. I love this so much.
Well this is just the best photo wall I have ever seen! I love how the colours you’ve chosen compliment each other and don’t make the wall too dark. So inspiring! xx
Oh my, this is fantastic! Might seem like way too much but it looks amazing 🙂 I bet you’ll have quite a few visitors spending a lot of time just looking at these photos.
Really, really love this such a striking wall now, genius! x
I’m completely blown away! This is such an amazing idea! Well done!
Hi Elsie !
What an amazing wallpaper !
I love it…
Just a little question : I’m looking for an instant camera ’cause I’ve an old polaroid that no longer works.
But I wonder (and forgive the dumb question…) : the photographic Instax’films must be developed by a pro lab ? It’s not really an instant like a polaroid, isn’t it ?
Thanks for your answer,
AMAZING!!! such a pretty idea! Love it!
-all the best,
so very personal! It’s not a personal photo wall, but my sister covered one of her walls in magazine pages. It looks AWESOME. I actually just posted about it here – http://shaktidove.blogspot.com/2013/01/shes-so-cool-tiny-tour.html
i was just trying to figure out how we could do something like this in our preschool classroom. we’ve set up a “photo booth” area in our room with a back drop and a camera on a tripod for the kids to take pictures of one another. we’re hoping to put together a wall of 100 pictures for the 100th day of school coming up soon. we just need a really amazing title…
This is the perfect inspiration, and it’s certain to be something that lives in our room for a long time. thank you!
This is truly beautiful and inspiring!! I love photos, too often are they hidden away in a drawer and not looked at. It’s lovely that you can just gaze at them whenever it takes your fancy! Or that they might catch your eye when otherwise they wouldn’t have 🙂 x
Lovely! 🙂
This would be my downfall. I would get so distracted all the time and end up staring at my wall. But it is a really lovely and clever idea!
Esther x
Wow! Back when I lived at home and was in high school, my walls were covered in pictures that I randomly taped on my walls. Your version looks a little better 🙂 Or maybe A LOT BETTER. Looks awesome!
I love this look! Question, where did you staple the photos? Did you use white staples, because I can’t even see them in the photos….which is awesome.
Oh my lawd this is SO CUTE.
Dear Elsie,
It looks brilliant, I had such an idea with a bookcase with glass walls. I had the same problem of how to glue/tape/fix this to the wall. I found a gluespray of 3M you can spray it to the paper and you can perfect glue it to the wall, but the most brilliant about it is that you can remove it later without any gluerests. Like a memo. Maybe this spray can work for you as well.
Kind regards from the Netherlands, Nicolle
Love it! Everyone likes looking at pics. What a great way to personalize and start conversations. My friend did this on a bathroom wall. Awesome!!!
So great! I noticed the wall when you talked about your coffee cart and pinned it right away! Thanks for telling us how you did it!
This is awasome.. Elsie, I can’t imagine how lovely and comfortable your home with all of beautiful thing like this wall, thank for share with us..
I love this! This would be such a fun idea in a baby’s room with pictures of them as they age. Very fun!
This! Is! Amazing! I love it! It looks gorgeous!
This is amazing! I definitely want to try this at some point! I think i might be less adventurous and try a slightly smaller wall though! 🙂 x
barbara- The one we have is very similar to a polaroid in the way the photos develop. It is instant, no going to a pro photo development lab.
Now that looks fantastic! I love it!
This is amazing! It looks so good! 🙂
I looooooooove it!
This is fabulous ! And the idea that you can cover any photo by a real one is great !
This is such a wonderful and creative idea, in many years to come it will be a timeline of your life!
This is such an amazing idea and it just looks so cool 🙂
holy this is so cool!
This is insanely cool! I’ve been waiting for you to put this post up ever since you instagrammed some of it. I wish I could do something like this!
Oh my god this is so fantastic. I am sure to repeat in on my bedroom wall next weekend.Lovely idea thanks!!
This is such a great way to display memories! xo
This would be a great idea for a headboard, especially in a teen’s room!
Love the design. I actually prefer with repeats. Just as an FYI– custom wallpaper is not that much more expensive and a lot more durable. I can so easily see a curious child tearing down some of the lower sheets.
Oh my gosh, this is sooooo awesome! I love this, I am totally going to do this on one of my walls in my new place! I’m also going to feature this on my Links to Love post for today, cause I just love this so much! So creative! 🙂
omg this is amazing!!!!!!
I too have the instax 210 camera and I was instantly inspires by this. I had some pictures just lying around so I decided to downsize this and use my pictures to cover an area on my wall between windows. I used double stick tape to secure them. I still need a lot more pictures but it’s coming along! Looks great!
This is so fun looking! Cute! 🙂
Refashion Co-op
Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
Angel Light Photography by Helen
Exercise Encouragement Group Blog
The Story of Us: Love…Forever & Always
I am so in love with this. It turned out so well
not that there is a need to pick favorites, but this is one of my favorite things you have ever shared! such an incredible and creative idea, i am completely in love.
That looks super amazing – a completely personalised wall and for only such a small price!
xo Emily @ http://www.hungrydelights.com
Looks beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful!! It looks awesome! I think my family would love something like this!
Oh my goodness, how fun!
Sparkles and Shoes
Amazing. Defiantly something I’m going to have to try.
love love love
This is so awesome..definitely going to try it.
Oh. My. Goodness.
This is beyond amazing!! Must be so fun to just look at! And would be awesome for when people come over to look at too!!
I just got an instax mini for Christmas! I have been hanging up the photos on string with little pegs which works for my room! But one day, I may have to do this!! :O
Ngaio May xx
i do not know if i will do this in my home
But love the result, so personal!
The wall looks amazing. I would love something like this somewhere in my home. Maybe one day 🙂
Hey Elsie,
it looks amazing – i’ve been thinking about making a photo-wall in my apartment for a long time and yours is just simply beautiful and inspiring:]
i like this good vibe around your blog, too:]
I love this idea! With your home decor it looks so vintage 🙂
I just discovered your blog. This project looks great! Would any glue work, or is that a bad idea?
This is really impresssive! I also could imagine doing a wall like this using black and white photos. Thank you so much for sharing!
This looks incredible. I always thought a full photo wall would be too busy, but it really isn’t!
xx Kait
LOVE THIS!! So so so so nice.
Oh my gosh, it looks incredible! Such a statement! I’d love to do this, though I feel impatience would get the better of me and I’d have a strop for a bit haha. Definitely looks worth the time and effort though!
Wow! I love this wall. I should really do it, but I’m doubting if it’s not too busy..
Chris- I would not recommend glue because it would be VERY hard to remove in the future.
love it!!!
look, recipes, special places, architecture…and more here
LOVE it! It looks absolutely amazing. If I had a spacious house where I could cover a wall and still not make it look cluttered, I would totally do it. Someday!
i absolutely love this project, i wanna try something alike, though we have no instax here in uruguay i think i’ll find a way to adapt it, photo walls are fun and pretty, and yours is just stunning!!
Love, love, love!!!!
This is so amazing! I just got engaged and we’re not sure where we’ll be living once we get married, but I’m having so much fun getting inspired and collecting ideas for our future home. And this is definitely happening. I’m planning to have Instax cameras and a photobooth at our wedding so we’ll have tons of pictures from that. Omg I just got so excited!
What an absolutely awesome idea. 😀 Thank you so much for sharing.
Does fuji make a black and white film?! I’ve looked but could never find any. I noticed some of your photos are b&w, did you just do this in post processing? Thanks!! Love this!
Intax is my favourite too! I can’t seem to take a bad picture with it. What a great idea, looks absolutely amazing.
So colorful. Katie and Kinsey are little workhorses! Why did that comment not make it past moderation?
That look awesome <33
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this is amazing! I have a photo collage on my wall too.. but in smaller size 🙂
nice work 🙂
Nicole- your comment DID get published. Sometimes on the weekends we take a little bit longer to publish because we take days off.
I can see how this could look really cool in a kids room too – so fun!
I don’t think that they do make fuji wide film in black and white (yet). The photos on my wallpaper are not real photos- they are a digital design that we made with old favorite photos!
I seriously can’t get enough of this. This. Is. Happening. Soon.
WoW! I am so smitten! L
LIke seriously
This is so creative and genius!
Im gonna try this in the future! 🙂
I absolutely love this. I would definetly give this a try in my spare bedroom, it’s such a great way to showcase great photos!
LOVE it! Not really rental friendly but when I have my own place I think this would be great!
This is awesome! But how come the staples don’t appear to be visible? Thanks!
It looks great, I’d love to do this with my photos!
Looks awesome!! I’d always wanted to do the same and it finally hit me one that that’s what my shoebox full of postcards had been waiting for! I used painter’s taped & did two walls in the downstairs bathroom. Guests love it.
This is pretty cool. I love the ideas you guys come up with. 🙂
I love this idea! What software did you use to create the photo sheets…?
This is amazing! So gorgeous and will inspire creativity!!
Haha it was my dream in college to have a wall dedicated to polaroids… I cringe thinking of the probably thousands of dollars I spent buying the film! So this wall art idea is awesome 🙂
That is one crazy awesome wall!
I had a photo wall in my dorm freshman year of college – in 2001, when I still had boxes of extra print photos! I started out with a small photo collage using that blue sticky gunk, and then just kept going and ended up with a whole wall full of pics! This is like the grown up version – I love it!
This project looks intense but totally worth it! Thinking of trying this but with some instagram photos!
I love this idea! What software did you use to create the sheet?
Wow! Amazing!!!! <3
Love this. I decopauged a hallway with pictures and love it. I will have to pin a picture of it. I also love your sofa.
This looks beautiful! Didn’t even realise they were duplicate photo’s! I have a big wall at home filled whit photographs, but they’re both portrait and landscape and overlapping…This looks so great all uniform and framed in white!
xoxo Amie @ Spoonful of Vintage
This is FAB!! i’m in the progress of decorating my salon and have always wanted to cover my partition wall, but never have because though it would coast me alot. So THANKS for the tips!!!
and your wall looks amazing
Hi! Emma e Elsie
I’m from Brazil.
Love the blog of you, congratulations!
Their wall of photos was beautiful, beautiful, loved.
Kiss and hug
If 18: A Photo Project goes well enough, I would LOVE to do something like this with the results! https://www.facebook.com/18photoproject
This is just perfect!
best wallpaper ever! love the idea… have to do something similar some day! thanks for sharing!
I saw this idea at the Palihouse hotel in LA (see below image), but I like it even more that yours also includes special people in your life. Great job!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I have all of my instagram and others pics uploaded to my computer but i cant seem to find an online source that will print 4×4…any suggestions?
Absolutely love this idea!
Been procrastinating on a bathroom/toilet wall. This will be perfect.
This is a very cute idea! 🙂 amazing!
And what I always wanted to say – i <3 your blog so much! it inspires me everyday 🙂 greetings from bavaria!
ahh so perfect. love it.
Incredible! Looks absolutely stunning!!! xo
What a fantastic idea. It’s like the classy/well done version of the collages that I made in high school. I think I might be snapping more photos now!
Love it! Hey, where’d you get the couch? Double love it!!
Holly- this couch is vintage. Probably from the 60s.
🙂 XO!!!
‘squeee!’ Lol, I am completely in love with this idea! I can’t wait to take it and run with it! This gives the term ‘gallery wall’ a whole new dimension that is just awesome.
I love this so much!
I’m impressed!!!! You are genious! I’m from Italy, a hamlet on the lake. In Italy sometimes people say that British have no imagination, because of the rain, because of the fog … I now have a website to recommend! Congratulations you are wonderful!
Thank you!
L O V E I T !!! so full of color and pretty original, I can’t do it on my wall because I live in a rented apartment but I could use a big canvas instead. Thanks!
I can’t remember if I commented on this one or not, but O-M-G do I love this wall! The solution of getting a simpler version up NOW that you can expand on over time is brilliant. And to be honest, I really like the repeats of the photos. What a great statement wall!
That is freaking amazing!!! I want one like that in my office when we finally have our own home! Such a genius idea!
Daisy Dayz Blog
Daily Craft Inspiration
SO SO awesome!
Awesome work!
Are they printed by inkjet printer? Will they fade over time?
Oh wow, this is fabulous idea, and executed perfectly!! I’ll be trying it for my hallway next time I have some time off from work… Thank you so much for the inspiration!!
This would be an amazing addition to my studio wall! Full of exercise inspiration!!!
This is such an amazingly creative idea for Instax photos! It’d be so fun showing your living room off to guests!
We have a wide selection of Fujifilm Instax cameras available on http://www.eyecandys.com/cameras-film/
Love this, such a good idea to have a whole wallpaper effect! Especially if you have a big white room, then it doesn’t clutter it up!
Love this idea! xo
Unglaublich, was für eine tolle Idee……
Elsie I covered a wall in my daughter’s room with scrapbook paper. I was having a tough time getting adhesives to keep the paper on the wall. I ended up using wallpaper paste and I love the way that it turned out!
Here’s a link:
I absolutely love it! I have been collecting pictures & quotes for a while to do a similar thing in my hallway. I have a small house so it needs to be sufficiently out of the way to not overwhelm my small rooms. And I need to marshal the courage to begin! What I love about yours is the uniformity of size – that is something I had not considered doing. The quick fix wallpaper option is clever. Hhmmm – maybe a rethink for me? Secondly, I love love love your blue couch! Another thing I refuse to buy until I find the one I love. Sadly, each time I see the next near perfect piece, someone already owns it. Yours has given me another style to add to my wish list. If the rest of your site is this good, you have a new fan.
I love you blog! When I saw that you love Askinosie’s chocolate I knew I had found a good one. They are not far from me. Thanks for all your hard work and time and sharing such creative ideas!
This looks amazing, i can’t believe i’v only just discovered your blog. Love Sammie.
http://www.littleblondelife.com x
Ohhhh its a huge collection of photos nice gallery….
here’s a short cut to all this work. You can create your own collage wallpaper or wall mural at eazywallz.com if you don’t mind paying a little extra. It’s removable and re-usable with custom made to fit your walls.