DIY Vintage Brooch Corsage
Step 1: Collect flowers, berry garland and millenary leaves in your colors. I ordered most of mine from Etsy (search “supplies”).
Step 2: Choose pieces to accent your brooch. Trim the pieces to about 4 inches.
Step 3: Glue the feathers and findings to the back of your brooch. I used glue dots.
Step 4: Cover the back of your feathers with some twill tape or deco tape. They are already firmly attached with the glue dots, but this just makes the back look a little bit more polished.
Happy Creating! Elsie
PS. Thank you to 100 Layer Cake for letting me share this DIY on their blog too!! Photos by Arrow & Apple.
Aw, they’re so lovely! What a nice memento from your special day. ♥
They look really nice! Good idea! I think it is time fotr me to look in my mothers closet for some supplies!
Love, Swaen
Oh, wow, I really love them! Totally retro and look so handmade (in a cosy, good way!) Thanks so much for this post.
x Michelle |
lovely idea! and i am sure the grandmother’s will forever treasure them.
Elsie, I have been married for 7 years, but I still look forward to reading your snippits of your wedding. So lovely, so creative, so cute! Thanks sweets for giving us a little peak in.
This is a wonderful idea in so many ways. Economical, green, and a wonderful keepsake.
Very pretty! I also love the Zendoodling on the background pages. Have you tried it? It’s addicting! 🙂
such a sweet special touch & so easy to make! See, it’s things like these that remind me that NOT EVERY project has to be huge and intricate and thought out to death. 🙂 That’s why I love your blog, Els, you just do. I need to just do more often 🙂
Beautiful complement to the boys!!! Love how gorgeously everything’s unfolding…g’mas looking so chic!
Peace. Love. LOL!
Haute Khuuture Blog
Awww so cute!! I’m so excited to make some of these! xx
very fun and cool blog <3
You have such a pretty blog!
this DIY is fantastic 😉
love your style very much too!
great idea! so cute. i wish i was talented like that 🙂
very nice 😀
so pretty<3 you are so creative!
Wow. You are amazing.
Brilliant idea!
and may i ask where one might find similar vintage enamel (and plastic) floral brooches?
I’m making a brooch bouquet for myself for my November wedding. May I use your idea for the special ladies in my life who will be attending? I think it’d be a great complement to the bouquet.
so sweet, i bet they loved them 🙂
I love these corsages so much! I wish I’d thought of this before my wedding day! I think I might just have to make some anyway. 🙂
What a great idea!
so adorable!
These are lovely! Your wedding looked amazing! Best wishes to you both and I’m sure you will be so happy.
I love that Zen Tangling doodling in the background. Look forward to all your posts. So happy for you!
wow! this is soooo much fun!!! i would totally make one in pastel tones with a vintage sparkly broach! love it!
Wow! This is quite exciting. I’m sure you gals will do great — your work is always so inspiring. 😀
perfect world,
comprar gold pw,
perfect world gold,
Feathers! That’s such a cool addition.
So cute. <3 love the feather idea. I used some of the beads from broken pieces of jewelry in mine. ^^ 日本電機工業会(JEMA)が26日発表した白物家電の2月の国内出荷額は前年同月比3.7%増の1573億円で、昨年6月以来のプラスとなった。冷蔵庫が16.0%増の251億円、洗濯機が14.3%増の237億円と大きく伸び、エアコンも0.5%増の403億円と堅調だった。東日本大震災後の節電意識の高まりを追い風に、省エネ性能の優れた製品への買い替えが進んだ。昨年7月以降は記録的な猛暑と家電エコポイント制度の特需の反動で前年割れが続いたが、2011年4~9月期は15年ぶりの高水準を維持している。