We've been having fun making little plush toys lately. We just loved creating this little fox and a mini Bella doll; this time we decided to try our hand at creating some tasty looking toys! This little plush set is inspired by drive-in movie concession treats. There's a salted pretzel, corn dog and popping pop corn! We created this set to be more for decor purposes. Remember that if you are planning to create any plush for small children to play with keep in the mind any small beads or wires in your design plans; use other materials if you want your plush to be small-child friendly.
Supplies: Red, white, and yellow felt, scissors, poly fill, sewing machine, hot glue gun, jewelry wire, needle and thread. 1. Cut out four white rectangles and eight red strips. 2. Sew two strips onto each rectangle, creating stripes. Then, sew the rectangles together, forming a box. 3. Cut out and sew on a square base. 4. Take another square piece of felt the same size as the base and sew small wads of yellow and white felt in clusters for the popcorn. 5. Once the topper is completely covered, stuff the box full of poly fill and hand sew the popcorn on top. 6. Last, take wire and hot glue wads of felt onto the ends and glue the other end onto the box.
Supplies: Yellow and red felt, dalrod, poly fill, sewing machine, and needle & thread. 1. Cut out two oval shapes in the yellow felt. This will be the body of your corndog. 2. Sew these two pieces together leaving a two inch gap on one end. Flip it inside out so that the stitching is no longer showing and stuff with poly fill. 3. Next, sew on a squiggle of red felt for the ketchup. 4. Last, push the dalrod all the way through to the tip and sew the hole around it shut.
Supplies: Brown felt, poly fill, beads, and a sewing machine. 1. Cut out a long strip of fabric and sew it into a tube. Turn it inside out and stuff it with poly fill. 2-3. Begin shaping it into a pretzel by twisting it in the middle twice and then bending it at the twist down to connect at the loop. Once you've formed the pretzel, sew it in place. 4. Last, sew or hot glue small, white beads all over for the salt!
Hi to all, how is the whole thing, I think every one is getting more from this web page.
I like the popcorn best! so cute!
HAH. That is soooo cute. Reminds me of something they would sell at Royal/T here in Los Angeles.
The pretzel looks a little bit like a piece of poop.
@Hannah – I think they meant “dowel rod”. (I was wondering the same thing so I looked it up!)
I hope more poeple will read your posts. Thank you!
that is adorable.
OMG! I love these….You are so creative, I love it!
This made me laugh-out-loud and giggle due to the unexpected cuteness. Nice.
oh this is so cute, I love it!
This is such a cute idea…filed for when have children! 😀
What’s a dalrod? Never heard of it. Do you mean dowel rod?
These are too cute!
Oh wow! Thats the cutest and coolest every! MUST MAKE!!!
So cute! These would be great for a bbq party!
Wow, these are so cute!! I want to try and make the pretzel one.
Seriously, that’s the funkiest thing I have seen the last week! IT’s so awesome, that I’m going to cry a little bit! 😀
(New blog needing some love: http://inwhirlofinspiration.blogspot.com )
I love it! These would be awesome to convert into dog toys if you used appropriate materials. 🙂
haha! Cool:)
The popped popcorn is SO CUTE!!!!! Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
Talia Christine
the wire detail on the popcorn is so clever! <3
So adorable! Why do you always make such cute things? I want it all!
This is such a fun idea! Thank you for posting!
That is SO adorable!
What is a “dalrod”?
I have a popcorn maker and it is one of my true loves, haha. I love the popcorn plush toy!
Ooh, I especially love the pretzel! How cute is this 🙂
I really enjoy reading your blog! I just started mine and would love for you to stop by!
Aww Soo cute!
Ooh these would look so cute in a media room!
xO, Vicky
The cuteness is too much!
Oh these are so fun and different! I love them!xx
So cute! You’re the best when it comes to DIY!
so adorable!
~niki <3
i wish i had time for cute wee projects like that. so adorable. the popcorn is “mid air”! too much.
Oh, that is cool!
Check out my plush toys:
Adorable! The popcorn is so cute!
Hahah! This is so cute and creative!<3
What a cute idea!
The Bootlace
Thanks for the tutorial! 😀
hahahha this is so cute Emma & Elsie! would have never thought of this! These pictures just made my day!