Easy (Air Fried) Seasoned French Fries

I got an air fryer around Christmas this past year and I am obsessed! It was funny because I think Elsie got one too around the same time because she started texting me pictures of food she was making and was like, “You have to try an air fryer,” and I was like, “Dude, you got an air fryer?! I got an air fryer too.” Ha! We must have been on a sister brainwave or something because we both had to check it out.

I got this one and she got this version. We were comparing notes and I think hers is a little nicer than mine (the instructions on mine were a little confusing the first time). But if anyone else has an air fryer they love, let us know what brand you like in the comments!

If you haven’t heard of an air fryer before, it’s pretty simple and mostly self explanatory. It’s a small appliance that uses hot air (and a little oil/fat) to cook foods. It is similar to a very hot, broiling oven, but it’s much smaller and faster so it can cook/fry food in less time. So if you don’t want to turn on your oven (like in the middle of a hot summer), an air fryer is awesome. Plus, the results are more like fried food than baked, meaning it can make things very crispy. I’m going to share my method for making french fries with an air fryer, because I think that’s probably one of the number one things people use them for. And I LOVE that you can use very little oil/fat to make super crispy and delicious french fries at home. It’s way, way more healthy than deep fried french fries and I tend use even less oil than when I bake fries in the oven, so that’s pretty great, too.

The drawback of an air fryer is that it is an appliance that ultimately does something similar to what an oven can do. So for those with really small kitchens, too many appliances already, or no storage to speak of, an air fryer might be annoying to have around because it does take up space.

Anyway, I’m not really trying to sell you on an air fryer. You do you. But I got one and I’m loving it, so I’ve gotta share some an (easy) seasoned french fry recipe with you. It’s so good!

The below recipe makes two (maybe even three) servings and only uses two teaspoons of oil/fat. That’s right, just one teaspoon of oil per serving! And you get crispy french fries! I’m sorry for type yelling but it’s just pretty awesome!

My favorite fat to use is ghee, also known as clarified butter. But another option that works just as well is coconut oil. I have a feeling you could use a number of oils, but these are the two options I’ve tested so far and feel good recommending to you.

Just like oven baked french fries, you’ll want to peel, cut, and then soak the potato pieces for about 10 minutes. After that you just oil them up, season, and in about 15-20 minutes you’ll be eating crispy fries. It’s pretty quick!

Of course the perfect pairing to me is with a veggie burger, but honestly any burger or sandwich is great. If you’re aiming to keep things lighter, you might serve these alongside some steamed broccoli and baked fish or whatever you like at your house. But whatever you serve these with, if you have an air fryer, make these this weekend because you will not be disappointed. Happy fry-day! xo. Emma

Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman. Photos edited with the ACS for desktop actions.
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Air Fried Seasoned French Fries

Servings 2


  • 2 russet potatoes about 500 grams once peeled
  • 2 teaspoons ghee or coconut oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder


  1. Peel and cut the potatoes into fries (thin but not 'shoestring'). Soak in water for 10 minutes. Drain and pat dry.

  2. In a large mixing bowl, toss the potatoes with the melted ghee or oil, as well as the seasoning so that everything gets coated well.

  3. Cook in the air fryer at 356°F for 16-20 minutes. After the first 8-10 minutes, toss the fries in the basket (be careful as it's hot) so all pieces get nice and crispy.

  • Those look delicious!

    Yup, I’m one of those people with small kitchens and already too many appliances that never get to be used 🙁

  • I really love air fryers! I’m currently secretly trying to subtly rearrange my tiny kitchen to show my husband, “See? We could fit one in here all along!”

    I know you tend to not eat a lot of meat, so have you ever tried seitan? It’s tricky to make your first time around, and many people bake it in a “loaf,” but there are also many great ways to make seitan “bites” using an air-fryer!

  • Do you have to use oil? I know it’s a tiny amount anyways, but wondering if anyone has just not used oil?

    • I haven’t tried it with no oil or fat at all yet so I am not sure. The inside of mine seems similar to a non-stick pan so I think it could work? My main concern would be if they all stick to the inside of the pan/basket.

    • I make french fries in the air fryer all the time using extra-virgin olive oil spray rather than actual oil. They turn out perfect every time.

  • I’m in love with airfrying! My VonShef is perfect ????. Thanks so much for the tips I’ve never thought about I using ghee before x

  • 5 stars
    Thank you for sharing. I just want to let you know that I really like your blog. I like your deep fryer, since you do not need to use a lot of oil. This is very bad for my stomach.

  • I will try your recipe today. Will let you know how was it! My air fryer is a “PowerAirFryer Oven”, the basket is different. So let’s see how is go. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  • 5 stars
    I love my air fryer. What I use instead of oil or butter is virgin olive oil from a spray can. Has extra the advantage of being non-stick.

  • 5 stars
    I made these today and they were delicious! My whole family loved the spice as it was flavorful but not overpowering. Yum!

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