Elsie’s Record Player Setup

Elsie's Record Player SetupHey, guys! I’ve had a few requests via Instagram to share our new record player setup, and I’m more than happy to share. We spent quite a long time researching all these purchases, so I hope they will save someone a lot of time!

Playing records is something I’ve always enjoyed. I just love the physicality of them. In a world where you can play any song at any moment, there’s something I really like about having limited options, having to flip from side A to B, and watching them spin. It’s a novelty, I know, but I LOVE THEM.

My husband on the other hand, not so much. In the past, he never really wanted to listen to records because he didn’t love the sound quality. So we worked to find the best of both worlds!

Elsie's Record Player Setup Record Player + Preamp 

After much research, we chose the Orbit Basic Turntable from U-Turn Audio. I was looking for something with this really clean, modern look at a reasonable price, and this is the best I could do. It comes in other colors, but I really had my heart set on white. This turntable does not have a built in preamp, so you have to buy one. We stuck with the same brand and got this one.

We were upgrading from a Crosley with built-in speakers, so we knew we would have to purchase speakers. We looked into a few different brands, and even bought and returned a set because we realized we’d have to buy more expensive components to make them compatible. Then, finally I had a giant “DUH” moment and checked our record player on Amazon, scrolled down to the “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought”, and saw these speakers…

Elsie's Record Player SetupSpeakers 

After looking at way too many speakers, we ended up going with these from Audioengine. They satisfy both of us because they sound amazing and they are very pretty. We’re both kind of snobby about those two factors, although we’d debate which one is more important. So it was great to find a brand that does both very well.

It’s actually harder than you think to find white speakers that aren’t ugly. Haha!

Elsie's Record Player SetupHere’s a little peek inside our record cabinet. Still plenty of room to keep collecting. :))

Now that we’re up and running, we are playing records CONSTANTLY. I know it might seem like a small detail, but it’s one of the things that makes our home feel 90% more cozy, and I absolutely love it!

Elsie's Record Player Setup Elsie's Record Player Setup Thanks for reading! xx-Elsie

Oh!! PS– This gorgeous art print is from A New Wall Decor and my console is from West Elm.

Credits//Author and Photography: Elsie Larson. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.

  • This is amazing! I need to get myself a record player – my dad still has a massive collection of records but we no longer have anywhere to play them. Love the simplicity of your setup.

  • What color gray did you end up painting your living room wall?

  • My husband and I are TOTALLY into vinyl records. We agree that the sound quality on built-in speakers really sucks. So, we might have to look at doing what you guys did! Rock on!

  • I’m not sure what kind of records or record player your husband was used to, but a good quality player will outplay sound from any other medium, including CDs. MP3s are only encoded to 258 kb/s usually, which is a terribly low standard.

  • I love how cute and contemporary this record player setup looks! We’re really into Thom Yorke right now on ours.
    Likely By Sea

  • You might have just saved my marriage. I have been trying to convince my husband for months that we can’t have giant ugly speakers, but he is ONLY focused on the sound so its been tough. we thought of going the vintage route, but finding ones in good condition has been tough, and they are still large. Going to show him these ones, wish me luck!!

  • I’ve been collecting records for well over 10 years, and I have a very extensive collection. We too, have a UTurn, and I am extremely happy with it. We’ve had our system for over a year, and it’s by far better than Crosley. Crosley has/is known for poor quality, and they damage your vinyl, because the needles wear very quickly. I’ve worked with music for years, and the sound quality is far better on vinyl than MP3. Maybe it was the Crosley that shifted his opinion? I hope you love your UTurn as much as we do.

  • Ok I have to comment. I have a feeling you 90% bought this setup because it’s cute. It is but that’s the last factor when considering audio equipment. Function OVER form is Bauhaus 101! My hubs, a total audiophile, has taught me to really appreciate a good record player and tower speakers and trust me- if you hear a record on a good setup, you will NEVERRRRRRR favor digital again. There is a depth and richness (or “soul”) that cannot be replicated. I would have thought your hubs would be a total audio snob considering he’s in the music industry- surprising!

  • Like I said we were looking for something that was beautiful and sounds good. My husband is very happy with the sound, so it’s a good fit for us!


  • Hey Elsie, could you tell me what the preamp is used for? I’m looking to upgrade from a Crosley with built in speakers but don’t know much about record players.

    Your space is so beautiful and how lucky to have scored that great record storage!

  • So what a preamp does it boosts the weak signal from the record player to an audible level for the speakers. Basically, without it it’s very VERY quiet (like un-listenable).

    Apparently almost every set up has to have one, a lot of them are big units, but this one is mostly hidden.

    Hope that helps!!
    xx- Elsie

  • The Wall Art looks like the bottom of South Africa, focusing on Cape Point 🙂

    Let me know if you come to my City (Cape Town)

  • Love the console…was that a lucky vintage find, or is it available somewhere currently? At first I thought the record slots were in that console, and thought “no way, how cool?!!”. Have to say though, you have some awesome built in bookshelves. My parents re-did their home in the 70’s (I grew up in a farmhouse that was over 100 years old), and made the decision to set it up with a built in 8 track, as well as a record player, so you’re lucky you didn’t get stuck with 8 track storage instead, lol!

  • Ugh, Joanna Newsom, my angel! I loved that little peek into your music taste Elsie 🙂

  • Thank you so much for sharing! My parents have a TON of records but a very broken player. I had no idea where to start looking for a replacement for them until now. This is great! : )

  • Damn! I really need some good record shelves and was going to ask about your shelves/insets. Advantages of buying an older home.

  • Where did you buy the frame for the beautiful art work? I’ve been eyeing this print for a while but just can’t seem to find a good frame for it.

  • There is something about the physical act of holding a good vinyl, placing the needle on it, and listening to it fizzle as music starts to resonate through the speakers. Listening through the entirety of the album is also a lost art in today’s world of just listening to snippets of randomized playlists.

    Love the console too!


  • Love the set up!! Curious if it cost an arm and a leg to frame that print? 🙂 I love it so much, but not sure it’s reaaaaally in my budget haha…

  • I looove this so much! We have a room we’re trying to put together right now, and this would look absolutely amazing in it. We actually have an old table with built-in record player and a 60s-ish side table that goes with it pretty well. However, I’ve been at kind of a loss at finding another side table to match. Would you have tips at pairing mismatched end tables (without painting, to keep from changing the original wood color)?

    Thanks for posting! 🙂


  • Really love this set up. Boyfriend and I have been making over my living space (you know painting, rearranging all that) and just set up the vintage record player set up yesterday. Sounds like butter. I love this very mod set up you have. So crisp. Also, West Elm – I adore them. Great console.

  • This makes me SO excited to have more space to do a setup like this! One of my best memories growing up was selecting records to listen to with my dad. Nobody I knew still used records in their home, so it felt special, and definitely encouraged active listening because of the novelty, and the fact that you have to flip them. 🙂

  • Love the white set up! And the cactus plant pot, where from?

  • Hi Elsie! I am definitely ordering this print – OBSESSED. Where did you find a frame? Did you build it?

  • Yes I know, I love hand painted wall art like that, especially when its vibrant! There are tons of hand made paintings and wall art at Franceandson.com, maybe you can find that piece!

  • Love the wall art and the vintage record player!! Usually I go to France and Son to find things that beautiful!

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