Hi friends! It's time to recap my very favorite blog posts from this past month. Here goes… I love this one-Geometric Photo Art. ♥
A hand stamped pony dress… and I love this vintage inspired dress makeover too.
Gosh… these little recaps always make me super happy! Thanks for reading! This next month is going to be really fun too… I'll be sharing a new D.I.Y. series this week. xoxo, elsie
Love ALL of them. Best blog ever!
Your blog is incredible!
I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to discover your blog. I just love that pony stamp dress and your photography tips are so great! Thank you x 100!
Ronnie xo
I missed the geometric art one so thanks for the recap so I could see it =)
– Sarah
I love Fashion Mixology
I don’t understand how you can consistently top yourself each month! I’ve always loved your blog but I must say, it’s been exceptionally wonderful lately 🙂
Thanks so much for the kind words! Really means a lot to me.
You guys always such fun posts!! Love the blog 🙂
Ngaio May xx
definitely have had some great posts this month !
Some of my favs too. Can’t wait to see whats up your {very fashionable} sleeve next!
Great post! That swan dress from ModCloth was my favorite outfit too!! 😉 <3
So many great posts! I loved that red velvet hot chocolate recipe and your pony dress is too cute!
I just adore your blog! So many truly incredible DIYs and I love how everything is so well thought of and consistent with your overall personal style.
i love this blog!! seriously can’t get enough. hahah
so cute! i loved all of those!
I Love this blog!
Great post!!!
You have the best blog ever! Goddd those recipes were to die forr!!
Love these but I love your blog more!
That geometric wall art is amazing as well!
February was definitely a great month, there were so many posts I just loved! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I just heard about the tornadoes in Missouri (my sister used to live in Branson so she keeps me up to date) I really hope you and yours are all safe and sound x x
This was so much fun! Keep goin girls! 🙂
will totally vote for you guys…great ideas/inspiration, etc.
February was definitely a fun month! I loved Fashion Mixology and all the photography tips. Well done, ladies!
Ahhh! I still love that dress!!! It is so cute!! I must have missed the first photo of the geometric art…but I’m going back for it now, because I need art for the walls of my art studio =)
So glad you posted all these! Loooooove the heart sweater!
Chocolate themed goodbye party! Great post!
Big hugs!
Great posts for the month! The swan dress tops my list!
Another great month of posts! You ladies continue to deliver amazing DIYs and delightful fashion posts. Thanks for sharing!
Poderia escrever em inglês mas este post é para vocês saberem que possuem um grande grupo de fãs no Brasil. Adoramos seu blog. Beijos!
You gals have the best DIY blog FOREVER! I just cast my vote. Hearts!
So many great posts in Feb. Can’t wait to see what March brings!!
I loved the recipes this month! And I’m really crazy about the travel outfit posts! I’ll definitely have to try a post of my own for spring break coming up!
xo Heather
Love the Beach Boys album!
All of this is absolutely amazing, especially the pony dress and the Valentine’s day project 😀
Will definitely be checking out those photography tips!
February was a great month!
I saw this the other day and Just thought these were so pretty, but pricey. I also thought of your blog and how this would make a really cool DIY…
Cela m’a donné beaucoup d’expérience, beaucoup de réfléxions. Je vais le partager avec mes amis。Je viens juste de tomber sur votre travail. Je suis sans voix.Quel talent. Vous êtes une source d’inspiration.
CELA M’a Donné BEAUCOUP d’ expérience , BEAUCOUP réflexions DE. Je Vais le Partager with mes amis . Je viens juste de Tomber sur Votre Travail . Je suis talents voix.Quel sans . Vous êtes source de l’inspiration d’ UNE .
You are so creative
Especially loved the Fashion Mixology!
Such a great post!
Nice way to review all the great posts!
xx Sari
These recaps are great! I read your blog in my Google Reader so I shouldn’t miss one post, but it’s not always good for remembering what the good stuff was! Thanks, I’m definitely going to try some of these projects myself! 🙂
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love fashion, is the coolest thing! the photos are awesome, congrats, and the clothe no words!