Today we whipped up a cute and super easy project for Emma's bohemian styled bedroom. This project only takes about 30 minutes and it's so fresh and pretty… perfect for spring. Enjoy!

1. Supplies: Antlers (ours are faux from Hobby Lobby), silk floral stems, green felt, hot glue gun, scissors. 2. Begin by taking the flowers off the stem and applying a thin layer of glue between the petals and the plastic base of the flower (this holds it together after the stem has been removed) 3. Once it's dry, cut off the tip of the stem, making the base flat. 4. Then, cut out and glue on a small felt circle to the back of the flower. 5. Lastly, apply a thick coat of glue to the felt and attach it to the antlers. Continue these steps until you have a pretty floral collage covering your antlers. ♥

Enjoy your new antler display! Use it to hand pretty necklaces and scarves! xo. elsie
Love it! I now dream of having antlers in my future bedroom. They are such rustic decor pieces. Love it.
Very cool DIY! Can’t wait to try it!
such a cute DIY!
hol.y. crap. this is gorgeous!
This is too amazing. I can’t wait to get my hands on some antlers and give it a try!
awesome!!!!!!! this is so cool!
This is wonderful! I wish I had some antlers to do this with. I’ll be going for a walk in the woods soon in hopes of finding some.
Amanda Rose
Love this! So creative 🙂
I need this in my house, PRONTO!
xoxo –
LOVE this!! I need to try immediately!
this is so pretty! i would even use just the antlers… maybe paint them or something. lovely idea 🙂
I LOVE this! We have lots of antlers around our house…my husband is a hunter (and finds them when he bird hunts)…I will definitely be making this!.
I Love it! 😉
We would love to see the rest of the room. (hint, hint) 🙂
This is such a great idea! I love the look of the hard antlers with the soft pretty flowers. I have to look for some faux antlers!
I love how you combine dainty & daring.
I totally dig them!! I have a pair of antlers and have been meaning to do something fun with them like this xx
I love this idea! So cute!
That’s so pretty!
This is gorgeous! Any chance of seeing more of Emma’s room? I’m so curious now, it looks fantastic!
this is so clever!! love it!!
Love this idea guys! I’m pinning this!
so pretty love it.. 🙂
Love this idea but how do you then hang the antlers?
Oh yes, emma will be sharing her home tour here eventually! she’s working on it now. XOXO & thanks so much for asking!
SO in love with this!
Stephanie May*
Q: Love this idea but how do you then hang the antlers?
A: These faux antlers have hardware on the back, similar to a picture frame. XO
super cool! i saw a painting like this on pinterest 🙂
That is so cool!
mind=blown lol
Wow! Love this! I’m a huge fan of antlers, and with the addition of flowers…makes it pretty and perfect.
I need to get to hobby lobby to make this!! :] Thank you!
Fab!! I want it for my room as well!! Now i need to find faux antlers 🙂
what a neat idea. the flowers really softens the look, so pretty!
Interesting… that’s something I never would have thought of! Thanks for sharing!
hobby lobby has faux antlers!? i need to check this place out! very cute.
ooh.. it’s so cute
ahh! so funny, I’m just bleaching antlers to work on this week! love this idea!
Very Pretty!
You guys are so creative! I would have never thought of that 🙂 This is a decoration even my husband would be excited about, ha!
What a clever idea! Where do you guys come up with this stuff?! 🙂
This is one of your less approachable posts, love the risk taking!
Material Fixations
I might have to incorporate a similar design into my bedroom redecoration project! 🙂
Pretty! I think we should see more of Emma’s cute room! 😉
Oh wow I really love this! It’s very unique and girly 🙂
so cute! definitely gonna have to try this one out soon xoxo
Heading to Hobby Lobby tomorrow! So adorable! Thank you!!
IN LOVE. so free people!!!! xo
I loved the suggestion!
It was gorgeous!
OMG, sooo in love with this project! You should make more things like this, funky art pieces that double as functional objects.
one more wonderful creation from you! i would like to try it! if i do, i’ll send you pictures!
Oooh wow. They’re so gorgeous. And so creative.
Although I can’t imagine going into a store to buy some antlers.
XO Samantha
I’m so curious at Emma’s bedroom now..
xxx Rianne
This is so beautiful, such a lovely fresh idea to brighten up a bedroom! How did you attach the antlers to the wall?
amazing idea!!
so cool. it remindes me of frida kahlo 😉
xo from germany
This remember me these one I made:
This is awesome! I want this for my hallway wall!
xo Kat by
Shades of Nature
So nice! I love the colours!
This is adorable, you’ve managed to combine three things that I love!
Gorgeous DIY! Reminiscent of Kari Herer’s antler photographs:
what a great (and pretty) idea!
xo, cheyenne
That’s is so beautiful, i have an image very similar in my etsy favourites by Kari Herer . i shall be making some of these for sure.
I love it!! It’s lovely!!!
Great for a rustic bedroom!
this is so awesome!
Sooo pretty!!
This is such a wonderful project!!! It looks so cool and who would have thought that flowers go so well with antlers? 🙂
I love this!!!
Oh the perfect piece to add to our bedroom! I can’t wait to try this out!
xoxo, Jjanga
Beautiful and unique! I’d love to give this ago… now to find some faux antlers! xo
Beautiful and unique. Now to find me some faux-antlers… xo
Love! I had no clue they sold faux antlers at Hobby Lobby! That place has everything.
i have been wanting something like this for well over a year! i keep waiting for my bf to bring me some antlers or find some while on a hike. but i didnt know the hob lob sold them!!!! love this!!!!!
great work!
Such an awesome idea!! Love it!!
Lee Anne
Love this! My husband has been holding on to some antlers from hunting. I’m going to take them from him, and make this!
Super easy! I might use different flowers, but that is cute!
Love it!
I made this, more simple…but as i made it, i love it too!
oh my this is awesome! I just did a DIY on my blog of a necklace display with pretty mis matched cabinet knobs, but I ADORE this! Thanks for the inspiration Elsie!
SUCH a great idea! i wish i could think things like this up!
Love love love this one. Turned out lovely.
i LOVE this. i have been hunting for faux antlers to paint for awhile now. ill have to check out hobby lobby!
I love this!! I am always looking for new ways to display my jewlery.
Much Love
Oh I love this. I’m redoing our bedroom and this would look great in it! Thanks for sharing
Hi There! I’m curious about the planked wall you have the pretty antlers attached to. Do you have an entire wall like that for displays? Or what all do you do with the planked wall ? Thanks!! It reminds me of Scandinavian racks where they hang EVERYTHING from, even books.
Love it!! Have you started painting again Elsie? I’m dying to see the new stuff!!
I never thought to look for antlers at a craft store… thanks for the tip!
Really wishing there was a Hobby Lobby in New England >.< This is super cute!
Love this!!!}So nice idea.. i have to do it!
Very unexpected. I love it!
This genius! So beautiful. I would love to see more of Emma’s home, I’m sure it’s gorgeous : )
I really love it.. so romantic and bohemian
So pretty! Love how the flowers soften the antlers, and even give it a somewhat girly touch. 🙂
Amazing. This is my favorite craft project yet that has been featured on your blog.
You can buy these antlers from the Hobby Lobby website and get 40% off with the promo code 2070, I just bought them and they were $22.03 after shipping!
Thats damn hot 🙂
Looks great! I would love to have one for my bedroom.
Elegant & functional Antlers!! Very pretty.
What a great idea!
That’s so pretty, love the flowers
Would love to see more of that room/ space…
wish the shot could zoom out…
the walls (?) look so cool and interesting!
Love the look—
may we see more? Please!
super cute and easy, and when i saw the bottom pic i right away thought this idea on a large scale mounted on palettes would make a nice headboard
Amazing. I wish we could find antlers like that here in Australia.
beautiful idea, love it
Ooh, now I want to know what the rest of Emma’s bedroom looks like! 🙂
This is gorgeous! Do you think real antlers would work or would they be too heavy?
I love this D.I.Y!
I kind of surprised myself when I loved this because I have always sworn there will never be deer horns on my wall [since my father and brother are avid hunters and love some good taxidermy]. However, this is beautiful, and it will work perfectly in my bedroom! So easy, beautiful, and practical!
Oh my goodness what a beyond adorable idea! I love, love, love it! I think something like that would look super adorable in the house my fiance and I are building! I’m going to have to see if I can create one of my own.
Such a great way to keep all of your necklaces from getting tangled! Thanks 🙂
The idea is fantastic!
i literally just got a tattoo of antlers with roses about 2 weeks ago!! love this! now i can have my tattoo in my room! HA!
Beautiful and so simple. xx
I did it! Went out the day after this posted and got the supplies and I LOVE IT!! Thanks so much!!
Wow this is really pretty! I would love to make one for my room 🙂
Who’d have thought antlers could be so pretty and practical at the same time!
This is a brilliant idea! It is an elegant way to incorporate a woodland theme into my bedroom and to better organize my necklaces. My husband is hunting obsessed and he will approve of the antlers yet I wont mind having it in our room. I love it!!
this is so creative and lovely!
This is seriously the coolest DIY on the internet!
LOVE the antlers<3 End o' story.
did you paint them too?
Such a cute idea! It’s amazing what a statement a few simple things can make in combination.
-Nadine 札幌管区気象台によると、当時、現場付近は雪で、陸上でも風速7.6メートルの強風だった。沢田さんらを救助した登別市の「いぶり中央漁協」所属の漁船「第18幸峰丸」(4.9トン)の飯島弘孝船長は「海が急に荒れ、当時約4メートルの波が立っていた。5人の姿を確認したが、4人を引き上げるのが精いっぱいだった」と話している。
^__^ lovely. I will try it.
This is such a great idea! it would also look amazing with some sort of wire. must try.
I love your art ideas!
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What a Great Idea! Love it!
how did you get it hung up? what did you use?
what kind of flowers did you use? i see magnolias?
So cute! How do you attach them to the wall?
Hmmm. It is very nice and creative idea for home decoration. The main thing i like that it is very easy to make, inexpensive and helps to make home look wonderful. Loved it.